Chapter 1271
"Well, what's going on?"

Outside the hut, on a stone not far away, Ouyang Xun couldn't help being taken aback when he saw Ouyang Xun who had escaped from the hut with Li Yuanba in his hand.

Following in the thatched hut, the giant man rushed out, looking desperate, Shan Tong finally couldn't help asking.

But after asking, he also realized that he seemed to be asking nonsense.

Isn't this obvious? The giant man planned to kill someone, but someone ruined his plan.

It's just that he was very curious, what kind of thing is this Ouyang Xun, who dares to save the people who are about to be killed by Tianmen.

Killing those who don't know is not afraid, or what?
"Ouyang Xun, you old bastard, you are looking for death. You must put Li Yuanba down immediately, or I will make you die without a place to bury you!"

The giant man burst into anger, looking at the gnashing of teeth, it seemed that he wanted to tear Ouyang Xunsheng directly.

"Hehe, can you do it? If you want to deal with the old man, then you have to catch up with the old man!"

Ouyang Xun laughed, and didn't take the giant man's threat seriously, but said: "The old man said, all the old man's patients are cured, and if they leave here, whether they beat or kill them, they are all yours." thing."

"But now, you haven't woken up yet, how dare you attack this old man, you don't take this old man seriously, right?"

Hearing this, the giant man laughed angrily, and said, "What are you, you want me to pay attention to you?"

Ouyang Xun was speechless, he had seen idiots before, but he had never seen such idiots.Can't catch up with others, but still desperately threaten, is it useful?

"Stupid man, is there something wrong with your brain? Now you are begging the old man to put someone down for you to kill, how dare you threaten the old man? Well, just based on your threat, the old man will tell you today, here today You can't kill any of them!"

"Threatening the old man, I really think that if the tiger doesn't show its power, you can be treated as a sick cat, right?"

Ouyang Xun is not without temper.

Others call him a strange man, but it's not for nothing.Look at his kind and kind appearance on weekdays, but if he doesn't get angry, he will act. When he gets angry, I will care about you, the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, if he says he will tease you, he will tease you as usual.

I really thought that when I was older, I would be easy to bully, but I couldn't play this game in front of him.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly looked at the white battle formation besieging Lu Bu in front, and said with a smile: "Silly man, do you know who created this formation back then?"

"You really think it was created by that old boy Haotian, don't you? Today I will tell you who is the creator of this wind and thunder formation!"

As soon as these words came out, Shan Tong who was not far away was startled suddenly, and an inexplicable thought came to his mind.

On the contrary, the giant man didn't take Ouyang Xun's words seriously.

What he wants now is very simple, which is to take down Ouyang Xun, kill Ouyang Xun and Li Yuanba in Ouyang Xun's hands.

He stared at Ouyang Xun cautiously, always looking for opportunities, ready to succeed.

However, before he could make a move, Ouyang Xun suddenly yelled: "Hey, Fengxian, do you know the name of this battle formation?"

"Come on, this old man tells you, this battle formation is called the Wind and Thunder Battle Formation, and it takes hundreds of people to work together to transform it into a Hurricane Battle Formation, carrying the power of wind and thunder. Next, you need someone who will be the main formation."

"This person needs to have astonishing power. With one blow, he can run like thunder, so that he can carry the power to destroy the world. Gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!"

"Do you feel the power of the wind and thunder now? Don't be afraid, this is not a real combination of wind and thunder. Presumably the one who presided over the thunder strike should be the big fool in front of this old man!"

"At this moment, this stupid big man is unwilling to make a move. The power of the wind and thunder battle is less than half!"

"Furthermore, the old man also saw just now that the people besieging you are only 97 people, less than a hundred people. This hurricane battle formation has flaws all the way. Look clearly at the east, west, south, and immediately break through from these three directions and attack with all your strength. Can you Persist in it for so long, if you break through, presumably with your ability, no one should be able to stop it!"

Ouyang Xun's voice was heard far away, and the giant man's face changed drastically when he heard the words.

"Ouyang Xun, you..."

Not only the giant man, but the 97 people who formed a battle formation and surrounded Lu Bu also changed their expressions immediately.

It is undeniable that due to manpower, this wind and thunder formation does have many flaws.

But ordinary people, how can they know formations?Even if he knew the formation, he didn't have the chance to slowly study the flaws when he encountered the wind and thunder battle formation for the first time, and he was afraid that he would be killed in a short while.Even more people, only to be crushed to death.

For example, at this moment, Lu Bu couldn't find the flaws in the battle formation at all.

Therefore, even though there were many flaws in the battle formation, these people still attacked Lu Bu.

Originally, he was sure of everything, but he didn't expect that Ouyang Xun revealed the flaw of this wind and thunder battle formation, which instantly cast a haze on everyone's mind.

"Hey, what, I'm sorry you came to bite the old man!"

Ouyang Xun looked like he was begging for a beating, glanced at the giant man, and purposely annoyed the giant man.

"I kill you!"

The giant man jumped up like a thunder, soaring into the sky, his speed was extremely fast, and he went straight to Ouyang Xun.

However, the moment he moved, Ouyang Xun also moved.With a flick of his figure, he rushed to the other side in an instant with unmatched speed.


The giant man's figure soared down from the sky, and a pair of hammers in his hands bombarded the ground instantly.

The ground trembled for a while, this hammer was really like a thunderbolt, cracking the ground layer by layer.Its power is really frightening.

"You stop for me!"

The giant man's eyes were red, he roared, rushed out again, and charged at Ouyang Xun.

However, Ouyang Xun is quite old. According to reason, people of this age have long been inconvenient in legs and feet, but when they move around, they are like cunning rabbits.That speed is fast, fast, and flexible.

Like the arrow piercing through the air, the speed is astonishing.

Like the cotton wool flying in the air, moving with the wind, it is difficult to hold.

For a while, no matter how fast the giant man was, no matter how fierce his attack was, it was difficult to catch up with Ouyang Xun, let alone reach Ouyang Xun.

And Li Yuanba, under Ouyang Xun's pull, seemed to be carrying something, still sleeping soundly, even snoring, not aware of the danger beyond the dream at all.

"Boom boom boom..."

At the scene, there were crackling sounds one after another, and the giant man and Ouyang Xun seemed to have turned into two afterimages, chasing each other, hitting and retreating, it was so lively.

After hitting each other, Ouyang Xun laughed, as if two people were playing hide-and-seek on purpose, making people have fun.

Not far away, Dan Tong was not as angry as the giant man.

Seeing Ouyang Xun fleeing back and forth, he fell into deep thought.

If this person knows Haotian, he must know Tianmen.Knowing the existence of Tianmen, and daring to fight against Tianmen, it must not be easy.

The most important point is that others only knew that he was a doctor, but they didn't expect that he was still a practitioner, and at a very old age, he could be so flexible and changeable.

Even when he opened his mouth, he seemed to understand the Tianmen battle formation very well.

This point makes it difficult for Shan Tong to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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