Chapter 1272
"Hey, Fengxian, you should break through quickly!"

After running away for a while, Ouyang Xun obviously intended to pester the giant man.

But after pestering the giant man for so long, Ouyang Xun became a little anxious when he didn't see Lv Bu break out of the hurricane battle formation.

This kid, isn't he planning to let himself help him break the formation?

I'm quite old, and I still have to do it myself, isn't it too much?

However, in the hurricane battle at this time, at the eye of the wind, Lu Bu stood majestically at the eye of the wind like a god of war, his phoenix nirvana cloak shaking wildly like a banner flying.

Holding Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand, he was firmly fixed on the ground, his body trembling, as if he might be swept away by the strong wind at any time.

It's not that he doesn't want to break the formation, nor does it mean that he didn't hear Ouyang Xun's advice.

It's just that at this moment, he was dazzled and couldn't control himself at all.It's as if a person has turned hundreds of times in a row, no matter how energetic a person is, he will get dizzy.

Under dizziness, it seemed as if the earth was shaking, and the things in front of him could be seen at a glance, and the eyes were dazzled, and they couldn't see clearly at all.

Coupled with the fact that he was trapped in a large formation, the wind howled in all directions, and the shadows were vague, it made him unable to distinguish the north, south, east, and west for a long time.

How could he break through at this time?
To put it bluntly, under the flickering shadows of the surrounding people, it is already very good that Lu Bu can still stand here at this moment.

But as time passed, his body began to shake.That was dizzy and unable to stand.

"The old man knows, this hurricane battle formation has the effect of wind and sand blinding the eyes, you should be dizzy by the battle formation."

"Close your eyes quickly, remember, don't continue to watch, otherwise, no matter how determined your mind is, you will definitely be swept away by its hypnosis, and you will surely fall into many crises at that time, close your eyes quickly!"

Just when Lu Bu was about to lose his hold, and he was dizzy and on the verge of falling, suddenly, Ouyang Xun thought of something, and yelled to remind him.

Lu Bu's heart trembled, he quickly closed his eyes, and shook his head vigorously.

However, at this moment, even though he closed his eyes, he still felt the world spinning for a while, as if he was still on a big disc, spinning continuously.

That feeling is still uncomfortable, as if the internal organs are being turned and rolled over quickly, and I can't wait to vomit when I open my mouth.

It's just that after closing the eyes, although it is still uncomfortable, at least the countless dazzling figures are gone, which makes people feel better.

But at the moment when Lu Bu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly, an inexplicable crisis struck.

In all directions, countless sword lights and sword shadows emerged, covering his whole body directly towards him.

"Feng Xian, be careful. Although closing your eyes can prevent you from being blinded by wind and sand, it is easy to be plotted against!"

A loud shout came, it was Ouyang Xun's voice.

Lu Bu's heart was shocked. Today, he personally experienced what a real death crisis is.

With eyes closed, Lu Bu swung Fang Tian's painted halberd wildly in his hand, driving the sky full of wind, turning into countless afterimages, covering all directions.

"Clang clang clang..."

For a moment, countless clanging sounds were heard, and countless weapons collided with his Fang Tian's painted halberd in an instant.

However, no matter how powerful a person without eyes is, there will be countless flaws in the end.

Lu Bu couldn't resist all the surprise attacks at all. While resisting countless attacks, there were also fish that slipped through the net.

For a moment, he was seen all over his body, and his battle armor was constantly being cut by the sword.

Although the battle armor has a strong defense, it still can't withstand the damage of weapons and is constantly being cut and torn.

"Prick, prick..."

All of a sudden, the bloody mouths on his body continued to burst, and the blood immediately dyed the battle armor red.

Thanks to the strong defensive power of the battle armor, he took the lead in resisting a lot of attack power, otherwise, he would have to be dismembered.


Waves of severe pain hit, causing Lu Bu to groan, his knees softened, and he immediately fell to his knees.

The severe pain relieved his dizziness a lot, but he still felt a little dizzy.

But at this moment, he no longer cared about whether he was dizzy or not.

Lu Bu suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at the sky, as if looking for a direction.

Through the shadows of people and the strong wind, he finally discerned the north and the south. The next moment, his eyes were fixed, he stood up suddenly, and shouted: "The demons are dancing..."

The figure soared into the sky, Fang Tian drew a halberd in his hand, swung wildly, and swept across the nine heavens.

"Boom boom boom..."

Cracking sounds crazily sounded, and there were people crazily blocking it from all directions. However, in the end, it was a tie with Lu Bu.

And the moment Lu Bu landed, he finally found the flaw, aimed straight to the south, and killed the general.


Wrinkled and twisted, Lu Bu Fangtian painted the wheel of the halberd into a perfect circle, sweeping away as if opening up the world.

Then, his figure changed again, and Lu Bu Fangtian's painted halberd was torn apart from top to bottom.

"Clang clang clang..."

Colliding along the way, the surrounding hurricanes were in chaos, and Lu Bu had already broken the balance.

After breaking through the encirclement twice in a row, Lu Bu clearly felt that the pressure was indeed relieved by more than half when he broke through from this side.

Having found a weakness, Lu Bu was even more merciless, attacking quickly and ruthlessly.

Behind him, in all directions, the rest of the people rushed towards him with swords, spears and halberds.However, apart from resisting a little bit, Lu Bu basically ignored it.

He just wants to break out now, break out crazily.

Such a reckless breakout made people feel terrified, it simply didn't take life and death seriously.

However, with such a desperate effort, the effect obtained is also obvious.

I saw that the formation continued to crack, and figures flew out of the formation.They were all killed by Lu Bu, or seriously injured, and flew out.

I saw Fang Tian's painted halberd descending from the sky, tearing one person apart completely, turning his body into two ends, and flying out of the battle formation, it can be described as extremely bloody.

Then, Fang Tian painted a halberd and took a horizontal shot again, and another person was shot so that he vomited blood.

In just a short moment, nearly ten of the 32 people in the south were directly killed or injured by Lu Bu, and the battle formation was already on the verge of collapse.

"Hold it, hold it for me!"

The giant man was also attracted by the situation here, for a while, he didn't care to continue chasing Ouyang Xun, he turned his head and roared loudly.

"Hurry up and take action!"

Facing the giant man's roar, those who besieged Lu Bu were also angry.

This Lu Bu is just like a monster, it is simply not something human can compete with.There are nearly a hundred first-class masters, and it's fine if they can't deal with him.

Gathering into a battle formation is hard to do.Even if he finds an opportunity, he can still break through.

This point was never thought of by anyone beforehand.

It is said that Ying Shou's subordinates are like a cloud of masters, and there are many strong men. I didn't believe it before, but seeing it now, it is already frightening.

At least in their impression, apart from one Lu Bu, no one in this world can face hundreds of first-rate masters at the same time and be undefeated.

Lu Bu can be described as No.1.

(End of this chapter)

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