Chapter 1273
"Hey, big idiot, what are you waiting for, don't you want to kill someone? Come on, catch up with me, I'll leave this kid to you!"

After running away for a while, seeing that Lu Bu was finally about to escape, the giant man couldn't sit still, and obviously focused on Lu Bu, Ouyang Xun shouted loudly.

However, at this moment, the giant man no longer paid attention to him, but stared solemnly at the battle formation that was about to be destroyed, as if he was thinking about something.

The news of Tianmen has always been very well-informed, not to mention that this giant man is still a master of mobilization under Guantiantai. He basically knows all the news in this world, as long as it is useful.

Li Yuanba was born strong, but no one knew how strong he was.

But according to the reality of disappearance in the past, it was a monster, an invincible monster.

In the past, it moved back and forth among millions of troops, and no one could do anything to it.With the help of the emperor and Lie Yang, the 30 troops were killed abruptly, not a single one was left.

This combat power can be described as unprecedented, shocking the past and shining today.

No one knows whether the original battle was due to him alone or someone else's.But no matter who is responsible for such a brilliant record, at least one thing is undeniable, that is Li Yuanba's strength!
Before preparing to deal with Li Yuanba and Lu Bu, there were hundreds of masters dispatched by Tianmen, and they were all masters who could form a battle formation!

So prepared, for what?
Is it just to deal with a Lu Bu?
This is absolutely impossible. Before that, no matter how strong the Tianmen intelligence was, they could find Lu Bu, but they could only find out another identity of Lu Bu.The leader of Daqin Heibingtai, Hawkeye.

A person who is in charge of news is neither an invincible general in the army, nor a well-known master in the Jianghu. If Tianmen really wants to deal with him, there is no need to mobilize so many masters.

After all, the person Guan Tiantai wanted to kill the most was still Li Yuanba.

Because of Li Yuanba's strength, they could only proceed with caution.

However, although Li Yuanba is powerful, he also has inherent flaws.

First, intellectual development is not normal.They are all 20 years old, but only have the intelligence of a three or four year old child.

This is Li Yuanba's most fatal weakness.

In addition to the first time, there is another defect, even those who get close to Li Yuanba on weekdays basically don't pay much attention to it.

That is Li Yuanba is afraid of thunder, and every time he encounters thunder, after all, he has just been frightened and went mad, just like a war horse being frightened by a horse.

The above flaws are basically under the control of Tianmen.

It is precisely because of grasping this point that if Li Yuanba is still fine at this moment, it is still fine to shake him with the sound of thunder.

But right now Li Yuanba is still in a deep sleep, and once he uses Thundering Shizhen Fragrance, no one knows what will happen the next moment.

It is already so difficult to deal with Lu Bu now, if Li Yuanba is really as monstrous as the legend says, if he wakes him up, he is courting death.

At least, after seeing Lu Bu's strength, no one dared to underestimate Li Yuanba, who is known as the number one expert in the Central Plains under Ying Shou.

At this moment, the giant man is hesitating and weighing the pros and cons.After all, at all costs, Li Yuanba was killed first, and then Lu Bu was settled.

Still desperate, kill Lu Bu first, and then deal with Li Yuanba.

If he joins the battle formation now, with a thunderous strike, causing the sound of thunder and awakening Li Yuanba, it will be even more troublesome.

The giant is hesitating, waiting.

However, time passed crazily, but he was no longer given the opportunity to make a decision slowly.

I saw that the formation was collapsing rapidly, and under Lu Bu's crazy collision, it had gradually gained the upper hand.

Judging by the appearance, if we continue, it will not take a while for Lu Bu to break out of the encirclement.

Once Lu Bu was allowed to rush out, it would be even more difficult to trap Lu Bu.It can even be said that there is no chance.

"Want to escape? Wishful thinking!"

Seeing this, the giant man seemed to have made a decision, he gritted his teeth, and was about to rush towards Lu Bu.

However, at this moment, with a flash of his figure, Ouyang Xun suddenly rushed to the giant man with Li Yuanba in his hand, and shouted: "Hey, boy, why don't you chase me after halfway through the chase? Are you looking down on the old man?" ?”

"Go away!"

The giant man roared, no matter how stupid he was, he could see clearly at this moment, Ouyang Xun clearly wanted to pester him.

Otherwise, with Ouyang Xun's speed, if he really wanted to escape, he would have already escaped.

He asked himself, he couldn't catch up with Ouyang Xun at all.

However, along the way, no matter how he tried to catch up, Ouyang Xun was just going around in circles with him, and occasionally even had to wait for him.

After chasing and chasing for a long time, I finally found out that it was still in front of this hut.

If he couldn't even see this point, the giant man would have answered Ouyang Xun's words, he would be an idiot.

Now that he realized it, he knew that with Ouyang Xun around, he couldn't kill Li Yuanba himself, and he didn't continue to work on Li Yuanba, he just wanted to go all out and kill Lu Bu first.

The moment he yelled, his figure moved, carrying a mighty force, and one person moved, but it seemed that the world was surging, and it was also like ten thousand horses galloping.

With every step, the earth seems to be shaking, as if the mountains are shaking and the ground is shaking, carrying an indomitable momentum.

At this time, whoever dares to stand in front of him is tantamount to courting death.


Ouyang Xun gasped, as if he had been frightened. Facing the crazy giant man, he didn't dare to touch the giant man casually, so he jumped away with a shake of his figure.

He dared to bet that if he was still standing in front of the giant man just now, the giant man would absolutely mercilessly hit him with a pair of hammers in his hands.

Think about it, people have to deal with someone else, not yourself, so why bother yourself?
Don't talk about whether you can bear this blow, even if you can bear it, if it's not your relatives, why should you bear the harm to others?
Isn't this a bad business?
Ouyang Xun claimed that he was not a stupid person, and never did such stupid things.

However, the moment he avoided it, a loud voice suddenly sounded: "Fenglei...combined attack..."

The sound shook the sky, a roar shook the sky and the earth.

The people who formed the Hurricane Battle Formation finally saw this man's attack, and they were suddenly determined, and they tried their best to output crazily.

For a while, the speed of the hurricane battle was faster and more fierce, which made Lu Bu, who was about to break through the encirclement, suddenly feel a little cramped.

In just a short moment, it seemed that all the strong winds had doubled in all directions.

Lu Bu's pressure surged inexplicably. In the gust of wind, countless attacks fell like a torrential rain in an instant.

At this moment, the hurricane battle formation completely changed, like a violent storm, from the trapped formation in front to the killing formation.

(End of this chapter)

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