Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1274 The might of the battle formation

Chapter 1274 The might of the battle formation
The wind and thunder battle formation requires a total of a hundred people to form.In addition to these hundred people, there is that giant man as the most critical point.

Among them, a group of 25 people gathered forces from all directions in the southeast, northwest, and moved like the wind, turning into a hurricane array.

And outside of a hundred people, that is, the giant man, is the key to the battle formation.

Because a battle formation composed of a hundred people can only be called a hurricane battle formation after all, and only with the addition of that giant man can it be a real wind and thunder battle formation.

To put it another way, the power of a hundred people turns into a hurricane, and the master is trapped.And that giant man was a thunderous blow from the wind and thunder, the main attack.Only when he takes action personally can it be regarded as a real wind and thunder battle formation, combining attack and difficulty.

"Whirring whirring……"


In the gust of wind, there was a thunderclap that shook the heavens and the earth, and ghosts cried and gods howled.

Lu Bu's heart trembled. Through the strong wind, he seemed to be able to see the giant man crazily killing him outside the battle formation.

A shocking sense of crisis emerged in Lu Bu's heart.

He knew that he had to get out of the siege of the Hurricane Battle Formation immediately, otherwise, once the wind and thunder were completely integrated, he would have no chance and would only die.

"Go away!"

Roaring with anger, Lu Bu held Fang Tian's painted halberd in both hands, no matter how the people in front tried to stop him, he just waved Fang Tian's painted halberd and swept all the way.

No matter how great the pressure ahead was, Lu Bu really couldn't care less at this moment.

Behind him, countless attacks instantly overwhelmed Lu Bu, who could only continue to frantically swing Fang Tian's painted halberd, turning it into a sky-covering envelope.

Amidst the clang, because he was eager to break through the battle formation, his defense was still a bit weak, and a new injury was added to his body in an instant.

The mouths of blood burst, and the blood splashed, so spectacular.


A long spear came from nowhere, and the barrel of the gun smashed on Lu Bu's vest with all its strength, causing Lu Bu to stagger immediately, and a mouthful of blood spurted out when he opened his mouth.


Lu Bu snorted, at this moment, his body trembled, his whole body was in burning pain, countless wounds, countless wounds, completely dyed him into a man of blood.

Tiredness, pain, sweeping over.Because more and more blood flowed, his face was already pale.

Even the strength in his whole body seemed to flow away with the flow of blood.

This made his strength weaker and weaker. Seeing that he was gradually being forced to fall down and faced with a desperate situation, Lu Bu was finally unwilling to reconcile, roared and continued to break through the formation crazily.

However, for some things, it is too late after all.

A person's strength has its limit after all.It turns out that Lu Bu, who is known as the number one general of the Three Kingdoms, is not invincible after all, and is powerless to sweep the world.

In the face of enough strength, he can only be firmly trapped.


There was an explosion of thunder, it wasn't the real sound of thunder, but it was the sound of thunder made by breaking the wind with all the strength of the giant man hitting the hammer in the wind and thunder battle formation.

In this thunder, the wind helps the thunder, and the thunder helps the wind.The speed of the wind is faster, and the power of the thunder is also stronger.

A sledgehammer, like a meteorite crashing down from the sky, and like Thor's hammer, came straight to Lu Bu to punish the evils of the world.

"Look at the hammer!"

With a loud shout, the giant man's voice sounded like the roar of the gods, and he regarded everything in the world like a humble dog.

The unprecedented power made Lu Bu's hairs stand on end.

"Go away!"

Lu Bu was also not to be outdone, with a roar, his whole body spun crazily, Fang Tian's halberd in his hand was rounded, and swept away towards the sky.

"Boom rumble..."

The crackling sound came instantly.

Fang Tian's painted halberd collided with Thor's Hammer, as if the sky was falling apart, and ghosts were crying.

The ferocious strength spread out, and in an instant, even the hurricane battle formation seemed to be running upright.

Time seems to stop passing at this moment.

In the battle formation, the giant man behind Thor's Hammer was exposed.

I saw the huge body of the giant man standing high above the sky, with the hammer in his hand intertwined with Lu Bu's Fang Tian painted halberd.

The sound of thunder and the sound of vigorous wind came from the junction, which was deafening.


The people in the formation were all stunned, watching this scene in disbelief.

Although all of this battle formation was entrusted to them, they never thought that this battle formation would have such devastating power.

In the midst of the vigor, layers of soil were lifted in all directions, and everyone fell more than half a foot at the same time.

How powerful is this?Opening up the world, I am afraid that this is the first time it has been reduced, right?

However, what surprised them even more was that under such a powerful battle formation, there were still people who could unleash such power in the battle formation.

The prestige of that eagle eye is simply shaking the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, not only the people in the battle formation were stunned, but Shan Tong was also a little dumbfounded outside the battle formation.

Because everyone's acting style is different, and the eyes of seeing things will also be different.

Shan Tong is a true wise man. In his opinion, the most powerful thing in this world is always a scheme.As long as the strategy is used well, no one and no force is indestructible.

However, the scene in front of him seemed to slap him severely.

It turns out that there is still such power in this world.

Facing such a force, what kind of strategy can be easily broken?
"Tsk tsk tsk... that's amazing, the Tianmen sect is indeed as expert as a cloud, and they are the only ones who can complete this set of wind and thunder battle formation!"

Ouyang Xun clicked his tongue, looking at his masterpiece, the battle of wind and thunder, he was very impressed.

Back then, he created the wind and thunder battle formation with his own hands, but it was just for fun. He never thought that one day, this wind and thunder battle formation would be able to display its incomparably powerful power.

Thinking of this, he had to marvel at the strength of Tianmen.

Dare I ask, in this world, besides Tianmen, who can gather hundreds of first-rate masters and a super-top heavyweight powerhouse just to form a big formation?

But similar to others, although Ouyang Xun lamented the power of Tianmen, he lamented the power of Lu Bu even more.

Lu Bu, relying on the power of one person, forced these people to operate the formation to such a degree, one can imagine how strong this Lu Bu is.

Everyone was paying attention to the battlefield, but they didn't notice that beside Ouyang Xun, the man with a sick face began to tremble gradually amidst the sound of thunder.

The trembling became more and more serious, like a convulsion.

His whole body tensed up.

Suddenly, his eyes opened, and a bright light flashed past.


During the battle, Lu Bu collided with the giant.

Where Fang Tian's painted halberd collided with Thor's Hammer, an unprecedented force surged along Fang Tian's painted halberd.


That force instantly shook Fang Tianhua in Lu Bu's hand, causing Lu Bu's arm to twist violently, the tiger's mouth burst instantly, and the whole person flew out crazily.In mid-air, a mouthful of blood was already spurted out.

(End of this chapter)

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