Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1275 Are You Thunder God?

Chapter 1275 Are You Thunder God?

At the same time that Lu Bu flew out, the giant man was also thrown upside down by the unprecedented force, his internal organs tumbling violently, as if torn apart.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the strong man hit the ground hard like a meteor hitting the earth.

In an instant, Dazed suddenly knocked the ground out of a hole.

The two hammers in his hands were stored on the ground at the same time, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out again when he opened his mouth. He looked up in disbelief, looked into the distance, and lay directly on the ground, unable to even make a move.

In the eyes of the giant man, there was a look of shock, full of disbelief.

Such a powerful force, he never thought that there would be such a strong person in this world.

In the past, even within Tianmen, he could not find someone as powerful as him.

But he didn't expect to meet such a powerful and invincible strong man just out to perform a mission now.

If this power hadn't been combined into one by the wind and thunder battle array, he can guarantee that the one who was shaken to death today must be himself, not Lu Bu.

This battle was unfair from the very beginning.

He led hundreds of people to besiege Lu Bu alone, and formed a battle formation.

As an ordinary person, even a super-top warrior would basically not be qualified to fight back against hundreds of top-notch experts.

As a result, Lu Bu not only fought back, but also broke through the formation and injured him.

His injuries were not very serious, Jingjing was just violently writhing internal organs with severe pain.Take a breather, and you're basically fine.

But this is enough to prove Lu Bu's strength.

On the other hand, Lu Bu, at this moment, his internal organs were almost shattered, his wounds were torn all over his body, his bones were broken, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

Falling to the ground, he was still spraying blood in his mouth, and blood continued to flow from his eyes, nostrils, and ears.

The severity of his injuries can be imagined.


Seeing this scene, this thought flashed through everyone's mind at the same time.

No one is not shocked by Lu Bu's strength, however, no matter how strong a person is, in the face of absolute power, he will only lose in the end.

At this moment, everyone in Tianmen didn't know whether to admire Lu Bu's strength or rejoice at his victory.

But they knew that if such a powerful person could not be used by Tianmen, the only result would be death.

Tianmen will not let such a person live as an enemy, and they will not let such a person live, thinking about them at any time.

Therefore, today, Lu Bu must die.

However, just as murderous intentions surged deep in everyone's hearts, suddenly, a roar sounded.

"Ah ah……"

The sound shook the heavens, like the thunder of the Nine Heavens.The vigor in that voice was so deafening that it instantly shook everyone's ears and made them deaf at the same time.

Everyone was dizzy for a while, and turned their heads to look at the same time, only to see Li Yuanba, who was in a coma, opened his eyes at some point, stood up, and was looking at the sky angrily.

Those eyes, like a falcon, stared straight at the void, full of angry provocation.

"Ray... Where did Lei come from... Get out of here..."

Li Yuanba is crazy, really crazy.

In his life, it seemed that he would never be able to escape the shock of thunder.

Whenever the thunder sounded, he would go crazy.

As if the thunder was just to deal with him, the shadow it caused in his mind was unprecedented.

Just now, he who fell into the thousand-day sleep should not have woken up.However, it was the bursts of thunder that finally woke him up from his sleep.

At this moment, his face is ferocious, like a hungry ghost, pointing to a decisive battle with this heavenly way, and desperately fighting that thunder god.

On the side, Ouyang Xun hurriedly jumped away. For some reason, he always felt an inexplicable sense of crisis when he got close to Li Yuanba.

It seems that if there is a slight carelessness, the next moment, this kid who looks like a sick ghost is about to tear himself apart.

Shaking his head, his ears recovered a little sense of hearing, Ouyang Xun quickly shouted: "Hey, little strong man, did you see that the thunder just now came from them. They want to kill you and your companion!"

I don't know whether Ouyang Xun shouted these words instinctively, wanting to get rid of his relationship, or deliberately shouted them to attract Li Yuanba's anger.

After shouting, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, his beard trembled, and he looked at the group of people with malicious intent, especially at the giant man.

"What, you guys made the thunder?"

When Li Yuanba heard this, his gaze immediately turned to the giant man and those 80 people.

There were more than 90 people before. With Lu Bu breaking the formation, more than ten people have been killed and injured. Now there are only more than 80 people left.

Seeing Li Yuanba's awe-inspiring aura, and his sweeping posture, everyone couldn't help shrinking their necks, inexplicably flustered.

Deep inside the giant man's heart, he also trembled violently.

Then, a surge of anger came.

How could I feel scared in front of this sick guy?
It really makes no sense.

"The thunder came from me, how are you doing?"

The giant man stood up slowly, staring at Li Yuanba.

Now, as strong as Lu Bu, he can still win, but he can't. How strong can a guy with a face like a sick ghost be.

Even in the outside world, there are many legends about Li Yuanba.Why is it that one person singled out hundreds of thousands of troops, and killed hundreds of thousands of troops without leaving any of them.

But legends are legends after all. The so-called literature is not the first, and martial arts is the second. No one is willing to accept that they are not as good as others.

He didn't believe that Li Yuanba would be stronger than Lu Bu.

In his mind, Lu Bu may already be number one in the world.

As for the legendary Haotian who is like a god of heaven and earth, after all, he has never made a move. Who knows how powerful he is?

"You are Lei Gong?"

Li Yuanba raised his hand and pointed, staring at the giant man viciously, with the look of gnashing his teeth, one can imagine how angry he was inside.

Lei Gong, that is a nightmare that has haunted me since childhood.

Deep in everyone's heart, there is an vulnerable vulnerability.

For example, Ying Shou back then should have suffered from the flood, and had unprecedented fear of the flood, and was even afraid of seeing water in the end.

Without the enlightenment of Empress Nan Yan, he might not be much better than the current Li Yuanba.

At the beginning, Ying Shou's vulnerability was flood, so the nightmare was naturally also flood.

As for Li Yuanba, for some unknown reason, since childhood, his nightmare was thunder.

Whenever the thunder sounded, it would always give him an unprecedented sense of oppression and fear, making him feel like he was scolding and frightened.

This kind of horror, accumulated over time, can always drive people crazy.

At this time, Li Yuanba was on the verge of going crazy.

Of course the giant man is not Lei Gong, but he is Lei Ting in the battle of wind and thunder, so why not call him Lei Gong?
"I am Lei Gong, and I am Lei Gong of Tianmen. In heaven and earth, those who dare to resist Tianmen will receive a thunder strike, and they will die without a place to die!"

The giant man stared at Li Yuanba with cold eyes, showing his strong self-confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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