Chapter 1276
"Okay... Lei Gong, you always bully me, today I will fight you to the death, I will kill you!"

Li Yuanba was furious. Unexpectedly, one day he could see Lei Gong who bullied him.

Crazy Li Yuanba, it doesn't matter if your Lei Gong is real or not, or if you are his nightmare.

All he knows is crazy blows.

"Hehehe, it's up to you?"

The giant man smiled, and looked at Li Yuanba dismissively.

With Li Yuanba's underdeveloped body and sickly appearance, he looked three parts like a human and seven parts like a ghost. He really didn't know why Li Yuanba made such remarks.

However, what made him even more incomprehensible was yet to come.

If he was a little weaker today, he might still have a chance to survive.If he didn't admit that he was a so-called Thunder God, maybe Li Yuanba wouldn't try to kill him.

However, he admitted that from this moment on, he has become different in Li Yuanba's mind.

The so-called have you without me, have me without you.

Li Yuanba was tortured by thunder since he was a child, so it is conceivable that he hates Lei Gong.

It can be said that Lei Gong and Li Yuanba are natural enemies, natural enemies, and natural nemesis.

As a human being, no one would be willing to see their own nemesis in this world, oppressing themselves at any time.

Human beings are full of rebellious animals, even if they are mentally retarded, they are still like this.

Li Yuanba looked at his hands and shouted, "Where's the hammer? Where's my hammer?"

No one could answer him, Ouyang Xun didn't see his hammer, and the group of people also didn't know where his pair of hammers were at the moment.

The only person who knew was Lu Bu.

However, at this moment, Lu Bu was already on the verge of death, and he could only spit out blood wipes there, unable to answer at all.

Seeing that no one answered, Li Yuanba turned his head abruptly, and looked at the big tree in front of the hut, which was as thick as a man.

Seeing this, everyone was taken aback at the same time.

"What is this trying to do?"

"Could it be that he still wants to forcibly uproot such a big tree?"

In this world, throughout the ages, there is no shortage of powerful and unprecedented people.

For example, King Wu of the Qin State, Lu Bu of the Chu State, and the giant man present today, all have the power to pull down the weeping willows.

But even so, they didn't have the courage to try in the face of such a thick tree with unknown depths of roots.

Wanting to forcibly uproot such a big tree, to put it bluntly, is idiotic dreaming.

After the initial shock, everyone showed different reactions.

Ouyang Xun was speechless. Even though Li Yuanba was in a coma before, he could tell that there was something wrong with his mind.

It's just that I didn't expect that the problem would be so big. Looking forward to uprooting such a big tree with his own strength, this is not a joke, what is it?
At this moment, Ouyang Xun was very helpless, and felt that Lu Bu deserved to suffer with such a little guy.

Not far away, Dan Tong, who had never participated in the struggle, was looking at Li Yuanba with interest at this moment. He wanted to see what the rumored number one underling Ying Shou was capable of.

You know, the Great Qin Emperor Ying Shou under the tent, said that the generals are like clouds.

This Li Yuanba is impressively ranked first.On the contrary, the Eagle Eye they knew, that is, Lu Bu, was not on the list, and was just an existence in charge of news.

And it is such a person who exerts power that has never been seen before.Shan Tong really wanted to know what kind of power this strongest man under Ying Shou had, able to crush everything.

As for the giant man, and those more than 80 first-class masters, they all looked mocking at the moment.

It was said above that the most difficult part of this attack was Li Yuanba.For this reason, so many masters were specially dispatched.

To put it bluntly, the purpose of carrying out the task with so many experts is not to deal with Lu Bu, but to deal with Li Yuanba.

Now, in their view, it was easy to deal with Li Yuanba, but Lu Bu was the one who was really difficult to deal with.

Is it interesting to deal with a person who is stupid enough to compete with a big tree?

However, just when everyone thought that it was impossible for Li Yuanba to pull up the big tree that was as thick as a person, suddenly, they only felt that the sky was shaking.

With Li Yuanba and the big tree as the center, in all directions, the ground kept breaking and shaking violently.

Thick and large tree roots are constantly emerging from the ground.

"Bang bang bang..."

The ground continued to explode, countless roots sprang out from the ground crazily, and a whole big tree was forcibly pulled out by Li Yuanba.


Ouyang Xun trembled all over, as if struck by lightning, his face was full of disbelief.


Shan Tong gasped, his face turned pale instantly, as if seeing a demon god, he looked at Li Yuanba solemnly.

"how is this possible……"

The giant man and all the masters behind him took a breath at the same time, their eyes were shocked.

Is that human being?
They are crazy, really crazy.

One by one is like a mess in the wind, completely unable to distinguish reality from the environment.

They all felt that they were dreaming. Apart from dreams, they really couldn't think of anyone else in this world who could have such power.

This is no longer the power that humans should have, it is simply the power of ghosts and gods, the power of dragons and elephants.

"Lei Gong, I'm going to kill you!"

Under everyone's shocking eyes, Li Yuanba hugged the huge tree with both hands, roared, and rushed to kill Li Yuanba frantically.

Everyone's expressions changed again. This big tree weighed at least a few thousand catties, but in Li Yuanba's hands, it seemed to be carrying a stick, which was simply unbelievable.

"Not good, set up quickly!"

With a loud shout, at this moment, the giant man seemed to understand something.

He finally understood why Li Yuanba was known as the number one expert under Emperor Qin's command.On the contrary, a strong man like Lu Bu didn't even have the chance to line up.

It turned out that Li Yuanba did have the power to defy the world.Even if he was as strong as Lu Bu, he would be vulnerable in front of Li Yuanba.

The giant man who had reacted, finally didn't dare to be careless, roared, and frantically urged everyone to form a formation.

The people below also reacted, shouted loudly, swayed one by one, and immediately moved towards Li Yuanba to surround him.


The strong wind howled, turned into a strong wind, swept over, and instantly formed a tornado, surrounding Li Yuanba in it.

Although there are more than a dozen people missing in the battle formation of a hundred people, there may be many loopholes, and the power has also been reduced a lot.

But even if there are more than 80 people gathered in the battle formation, it is by no means that anyone can break it if they want to.

Even if it is a top warrior, no, even if it is ten, if they fall into such a battle formation, they will all die.

This is exactly the strength of the wind and thunder battle formation. At this moment, facing the earth-shattering Li Yuanba, the first way everyone thinks of dealing with it is to use the battle formation.

(End of this chapter)

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