Chapter 1278 Defects
In a vigorous pursuit, Li Yuanba was merciless in his attack.He chases whoever he sees, and no one who is stared at by him can escape, and they all die under his double hammers in the end.

Li Yuanba's goal is also very clear, to fight Lei Gong.

All those who participated in the formation to rob and kill him before, without exception, became his targets.

On the contrary, those who didn't participate, he couldn't bear to look at them.

At this moment, Lu Bu, who was still lying on the ground, vomiting blood, Ouyang Xun, who had been hiding not far away, and Dan Tong, who had never made a move from the beginning to the end, seemed not to be on his hunting list.

So much so that when he was chasing and killing others, Shan Tong escaped without a sound, and he didn't even care about it.

Finally, when everyone was killed, Li Yuanba came back.

I saw that his whole body was dripping with blood.

It was not his blood, but someone else's blood.

The whole person looks like disheveled hair, blood red body, ferocious face, red eyes, just like Shura who crawled out of hell.

The unprecedented murderous aura, from a distance, can make people feel cold all over, as if falling into a bottomless abyss, which makes people frightened.

At this moment, Li Yuanba was obviously still in a state of madness.

I don't know how he avoided killing others in this state.

Ouyang Xun watched Li Yuanba from a distance, but he didn't dare to move forward when facing the crazy Li Yuanba.

This person is not alone at all, leaning on him, it's almost like courting death.

He looked Li Yuanba up and down, and saw that Li Yuanba seemed to calm down slowly, and he gradually seemed to understand something.


Ouyang Xun whistled to attract Li Yuanba's attention on purpose.

Li Yuanba raised his head abruptly, his blood-red eyes fixed on Ouyang Xun immediately.

Ouyang Xun trembled all over, the endless killing intent in those eyes made him stiff all over, as if there were countless knives and guns on his neck.

If you are not careful, you are afraid that you will be in danger.

Ouyang Xun couldn't help smiling wryly, he didn't even understand why he didn't change his old problem, he always likes to meddle in other people's business.

Previously, when Li Yuanba was sent by Lu Bu, he had vaguely noticed that Li Yuanba was different.

As a doctor, there is a compulsory course, which basically never fails.

This is basically what every doctor knows.

The so-called watching, hearing and asking, first of all, the first time you contact a patient, in fact, the first action is to wait and see.

That is to say, at the moment of seeing the patient, the diagnosis has already begun.

For a more powerful doctor, there are many diseases, and if he quietly looks up and down at the patient, he basically understands it.

It is not unreasonable to see that the word is ranked first.

It just so happened that Ouyang Xun thought that he was a master doctor, and his vision of seeing people was accurate.

Even if there are many difficult and miscellaneous diseases, he only needs to look at them to diagnose them.

The first time he saw Li Yuanba, he saw that Li Yuanba looked three parts like a human and seven parts like a ghost. This was not a living person at all. At that time, he understood that he was definitely a strange person.

It is a miracle that such a person can survive.And under this kind of miracle, there will also be unimaginable abilities and flaws.

Especially later, after personally giving Li Yuanba the blood to push the palace, dispelling the medicinal properties of the thousand-day sleep, he even concluded his previous opinion.

Even, through physical contact with Li Yuanba, he already knew what Li Yuanba's ability was.

This is a strong man who gathers the power of heaven, earth, dragon and elephant in one body, but what are the shortcomings of such a strong man?

Not smart enough?

Obviously, this is a flaw, but definitely not the biggest flaw.

The so-called way of heaven is public, Laozi said, heaven and earth are not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog.

These words are about the justice of heaven.

In the eyes of humans, there are distinctions between high and low, human beings and animals, but in the eyes of heaven, there is no distinction between high and low, some humans and animals, and all things in the world are the same.

In your human eyes, there is a difference between you and a dog.But in the eyes of Heaven, you are a living creature, and so are dogs.

You think you are different from a humble dog, but in the eyes of Heaven, you are no different from a humble dog.

What is fair?This is fairness.

The reason why human beings are human is to allow the incomparable advantages of all things.However, all things also have different advantages.

Just because you lose something, you gain something.

Losing and gaining have always been together, which is also the fairness of God.

As a doctor, Ouyang Xun has seen through this way even more. He does not believe that Li Yuanba obtained such unprecedented power only by giving his own intelligence.

This is clearly not enough.

But today, Ouyang Xun seemed to understand that what Li Yuanba paid was not only his intelligence, but also his own life.

His existence was an accident in itself.The existence of accidents often perishes because of the appearance of accidents.

Existence beyond the operation of heaven and earth is called accident.And if the way of heaven wants you to die, you can only call it an accident. All in all, everything is not in human calculations.

The reason why Li Yuanba was afraid of thunder was precisely because of this.

In other words, instead of saying that what Li Yuanba is afraid of is thunder, it is better to say that what he is afraid of is the way of heaven, God.

Because God, he might take his life that shouldn't exist at any time.

In front of God, he can only shoot and tremble, full of fear.And when the fear reaches a certain level, it is easy for a person to be driven crazy by fear, and eventually lose all sanity, killing wildly, just to resist.

For example, at this moment, Li Yuanba is crazy only because he is resisting the fate arranged by Heaven for him.

He was not willing to surrender to the thunder and the way of heaven for the rest of his life.

This kind of resistance is something that naturally exists in the human body, or in other words, everything in the world has this similar resistance factor.

It's just that no matter whether it's other people or everything else, they don't have enough strength to resist like Li Yuanba.

However, Li Yuanba's destruction today is after all just a group of fake thunder gods, not the real god of heaven at all.

If you want to fight against the sky, you will end up in one end, which is death.

If Li Yuanba goes on like this for a long time, it is inevitable that he will not be destroyed by the sky.

Of course, this statement may be a bit mysterious, at least it sounds like a fairy tale.

But in Ouyang Xun's view, this kind of statement is mysterious if it is said, and it is not mysterious if it is not.Because in his eyes, Li Yuanba was also a disease, a disease he had never seen or heard of.

Once cured, even natural disasters can be resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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