Chapter 1279

"Li Yuanba...look at your companion!"

Being stared at by Li Yuanba, Ouyang Xun secretly swallowed his saliva.

Under Li Yuanba's gaze, he didn't dare to move rashly, and he didn't even dare to run away.

If he escapes at this moment, I'm afraid this guy will have to hunt him down crazily.

It's always unreasonable for a madman to kill someone.

Although Ouyang Xun was sure that even if Li Yuanba's speed was almost faster than his own, he should be able to escape if he wanted to.

But in the final analysis, it was something he was not sure about, and he didn't dare to try it casually.Immediately, he could only divert Li Yuanba's target and let Li Yuanba look at Lu Bu first.

Sure enough, Li Yuanba's gaze followed him, looking at Lu Bu who was not far away.

At this time, Lu Bu was covered in blood, and he could not be recognized at all.

But when he saw Fang Tian's painted halberd next to Lu Bu, Li Yuanba reacted.

"Lu Bu..."

In an instant, the blood redness in Li Yuanba's eyes lightened a bit, and a bit of clarity appeared. He shouted loudly and rushed forward.

"What's the matter with you, who hit you? Tell me, is it the old man just now!"

Seeing Lu Bu's injury, Li Yuanba became a little angry again.However, the anger at this moment is not as good as the previous anger.

The previous anger was pulling it into the abyss of killing, falling into madness and unable to extricate itself.But the anger at this time was not like this, instead it pulled him towards Qingming.

Li Yuanba was indeed a lunatic when he went mad, but it was all because of his intellect, and it was also because of his simplicity, with an inexplicable kindness in his nature.

He likes to fight because he has the power to vent, and if he doesn't vent for a day, he will feel uncomfortable and painful.

But this doesn't mean that he is born bloodthirsty. As long as he is sane, he will not act recklessly, but will show unprecedented concern for his own people.

Lu Bu looked at Li Yuanba, but his eyes were blood red, and he couldn't even see Li Yuanba's appearance clearly.

Li Yuanba's voice fell in his ears, and it was also a buzzing sound. He couldn't hear what Li Yuanba was going to say at all.

He wanted to reply, to say something to Li Yuanba, but the severe pain in his internal organs made it extremely difficult for him to even breathe, let alone speak, and he was powerless at all.

"Hey, Li Yuanba, don't talk nonsense. You killed all the people who injured him. I didn't kill him!"

Lu Bu couldn't answer Li Yuanba's words, but Ouyang Xun who was not far away couldn't sit still.

That's good, why did you point the finger at yourself?

God is sorry, I have never done it myself.

Even if the giant man chased and killed him, he just dodged and never hurt anyone at all.

Besides, Li Yuanba was his patient, and he was protecting Li Yuanba, so how could he go against Lu Bu and hurt Lu Bu?

This statement cannot be justified at all.

Ouyang Xun is not stupid, anyone can take such a scapegoat, but he won't.There is a reason for throwing it away to those who died anyway. After all, I have no relationship with myself.

"You didn't hurt him?"

Li Yuanba frowned, looking at Ouyang Xun in disbelief.

Apart from him and Li Yuanba, the only one who could stand was Ouyang Xun.

With Li Yuanba's simple IQ, of course he could only look at Ouyang Xun angrily.

"What do you mean by that? You don't believe the old man?"

"Li Yuanba, you heard me clearly, this old man is a doctor, not a murderer. This old man only saves people, not kills. You can't do wrong to people like this!"

Seeing that Li Yuanba's eyes were malicious, obviously doubting himself, Ouyang Xun quit immediately.

After saying these words, he didn't blush or pant, but he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

"You are a doctor? Then you come and save him, save him quickly!"

Li Yuanba looked at Ouyang Xun suspiciously, as if to prove Ouyang Xun's status as a good doctor, and also as if he was specifically trying to save Lu Bu, so he gave Ouyang Xun unceremonious instructions.

"Okay, get out of the way and let the old man see!"

Ouyang Xun didn't even think about it, and agreed directly.

His goal was Li Yuanba from the very beginning, and he hoped to change Li Yuanba's fate by virtue of his medical skills.

To achieve this, the first problem is to stabilize Li Yuanba first.Otherwise, if Li Yuanba disagreed, it would be useless even if he named a flower.

In order to solve all this smoothly, Ouyang Xun didn't care too much, rushed forward, and immediately tried his best to end Lu Bu's life.

I saw that he connected his hands first, sealed Lu Bu's whole body, and prevented his blood from spreading.

Immediately afterwards, just began to check Lu Bu's injuries.

After the inspection, even Ouyang Xun couldn't help but gasped, and muttered to himself: "It's amazing, it's incredible that he can still be alive with such an injury. The Emperor of Qin sat down, and there really are a group of heavenly people." A powerful man who fears nothing and no land."

Earlier, Li Yuanba's difference had already attracted Ouyang Xun's attention.Now Lu Bu's strong physique that survived the battle also caused Ouyang Xun to sigh.

"Put him here, don't move yet, wait until the old man fetches the medicine box, apply medicine for him, correct his bones, and restore his vitality. Otherwise, if he moves recklessly, his life may be killed at any time!"

After the inspection, Ouyang Xun turned to look at Li Yuanba, and warned solemnly.


Li Yuanba nodded without any objection.

Immediately, Ouyang Xun didn't talk nonsense, got up and left.

He first brought a medicine box, and there were herbs specially prepared just now in the medicine box.

When he came to Lu Bu's side, Ouyang Xun immediately began to arrange the ointment. After applying a little bit of ointment on Lu Bu's wound, Ouyang Xun immediately came to set Lu Bu's bones and dredge the meridians all over his body.

After some manipulations, Li Yuanba quietly stood aside and watched, only to see Ouyang Xun busy in and out, and after a lot of work, he finally wrapped Lu Bu like a zongzi.

After this battle, Li Yuanba regained consciousness, but Lu Bu was seriously injured.No matter how strong his body is and how strong his vitality is, he will not be able to recover within a month or so.

This trip to the south is destined to stop here.

"Li would be nice for me to call you Yuanba!"

After treating Lu Bu, Ouyang Xun looked at Li Yuanba with a benevolent look and said with a smile.

Li Yuanba looked Ouyang Xun up and down, and had to say that Ouyang Xun's sales were pretty good.

Although he doesn't have the bones of a fairy, he has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, just like a kind grandfather, and he is most pleasing to people like Li Yuanba.

On him, Li Yuanba felt inexplicably close, as if meeting a relative.


Li Yuanba nodded and asked, "Well, what's wrong with Hawkeye, and when will it be healed?"

(End of this chapter)

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