Chapter 1281 One Hundred Thousand White-clothed Army
The so-called stragglers are used to describe the various rebels in the southern border today, which is perfect.

That's neither agreeableness nor morality, and it's hard to make a big deal.

Facing the 30 Great Qin Heijia in Tianyue City, the rebels from all walks of life cringed, but the predicament was at hand, which made these people fall into deep torture.

The biggest dilemma is none other than food and grass.

Commanders from all walks of life launched a rebellion in the identity of the royal families of various countries, but now they gather together, they can't make their soldiers hungry, can they?
However, the granaries across the southern border have long been half-empty.

In Tianyue City, grain piled up like a mountain, but in contrast to the granaries everywhere, even mice are unwilling to patronize them.

The dreams of the various rebels who wanted to seize the granary and obtain food and grass were completely shattered.

However, there is no food left in hand, what should I do?
Going to Tianyue City to snatch it is obviously not daring.Go to the hands of the people to plunder?

What's the difference between that and a bandit?
Of course, if it is possible, it is nothing to go to the people to grab food. The so-called kindness does not control soldiers, and these rebels can not care about the lives of the people.

But the biggest problem now is that anyone can be offended, but the common people must not be offended.

All countries are clamoring for restoration and returning our country.

However, the people in the southern region, after the governance of the Great Qin, although they are not well-fed now, they will not starve to death and freeze to death on the roadside streets. It is many times better than Baiyue in the past.

Although Da Qin's appeal in the southern border has not yet fully formed, it is only because the people have an inexplicable sense of fear for their relatives.

Speaking of appeal, today's Great Qin is not as good as the former Baiyue countries.

But things like appeal use people's hearts, and people's hearts are easy to consume.

Daqin needs soldiers and horses now, why the people in the southern region don't contribute much, that is, Daqin hasn't completely won the hearts of the people.

If today, the rebels from all walks of life plundered the people everywhere, let the people feel the pain brought by the old master, and then experience the benevolence of the Great Qin, what will be the hearts of the people then?
Great Qin is already strong, and in the southern region, everything is ready, and it only owes the east wind.

This east wind is exactly what the people want.

Once the people of all countries are completely given up on their former masters and follow the Great Qin wholeheartedly, then, with the resources of the Great Qin, with one order, a million troops can easily be built.What kind of things are these rebels?
Therefore, the hearts of the people must not be lost, and the things of the people must not be robbed.

But then again, people can't rob people's things, don't dare to move the resources of Tianyue City, and they themselves are poor, so why should they starve to death?

The distress of the rebels from all walks of life comes from this.

Time passed by, and under the power of the Black Ice Platform, news of various rebels reached Tianyue City from all over the place.

"Hehe, it's interesting. I want to see if they are going to starve to death today, or what!"

Ren Xiao looked at the mountains of rebel news in front of him and smiled coldly.

According to him, now is a great opportunity to send out troops in one fell swoop, taking advantage of the fact that the main army of the Dark Qin Dynasty has not yet been integrated, and take down those small groups of rebels.

It can be said that if he sends out troops at this moment, he will be invincible and sweep all the way.

But his plan was blocked, or dissuaded.

This person is not someone from the court, nor is it someone with high positions and powers. On the contrary, he is a small official who has never even been to the Tianyue City Sheriff's Hall.

In the past, this person was a commoner, but later he was valued by Di Renjie, the former head of the southern border, because of his talent and learning, and became a small official.

Later, he was valued by the emperor Yingshou. So far, in this southern border, although he is still a small official, in fact, Ren Xiao can only fully support all his actions and cooperate at all costs.

This person is none other than Lin Qianhai.


While Ren Xiao was watching the news of the rebels from all walks of life, a hundred thousand white-clothed troops gathered in the land of the South China Sea, coastal cities, and outside Tanhai City.

Today's Tanhai City is no longer the dilapidated Tanhai City that used to be. Although it is not considered majestic, nor is it considered a glorious city, but under Lin Qianhai's painstaking governance, Tanhai City will eventually grow day by day. To prosperity, to glory.

The people in Tanhai City are finally no longer hungry, and no longer specialize in seafood to satisfy their hunger.

After Lin Qianhai vigorously developed the surrounding towns in the South China Sea, Tanhai City was the first to bear the brunt. Lin Qianhai defined it as a large commercial city and built it with all his strength.

Today, the South China Sea is rich in sea salt and various seafood, which has become a local specialty under the recipe given to him by the emperor.

Whether it is seafood or salt, it has become a good thing to attract merchants from all over the world.

Throughout the dynasties, salt was basically a commodity under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, which was called official salt.

However, under Ying Shou's letting go, the salt in the South China Sea completely got rid of the shackles of the imperial court and broke away from the ranks of official salt.

In the past, it was illegal to sell official salt.But now, as long as you import salt from the South China Sea, no matter who you are, you can sell it at will.

Based on this alone, merchants from all over the world who are greedy for the benefits of sea salt will come to the South China Sea to purchase sea salt in large quantities at all costs.

Of course, the sea salt that is abundant in the South China Sea is also very popular.

In the past, salt was basically in pieces, especially sea salt, which was even unimaginably harmful to people.

However, under Lin Qianhai's secret formula, the salt blocks can't help but become crushed salt, and the harm caused by sea salt is completely eliminated. It can be called the best of sea salt.

In this way, the commercial benefits brought by the sea salt from the South China Sea can be imagined?

Under the huge commercial interests, within Lin Qianhai's jurisdiction, he doesn't even need to control anything. He only needs to collect the salt tax, and the benefits he earns are astronomical.

In addition, with the development of commerce, Lin Qianhai has vigorously developed other industries, so that it has attracted people from all over the world.

So much so that today's Tanhai City, although not prosperous and brilliant, can definitely be called a prosperous city, with rapid development.

At the beginning, Yingshou decided to build a navy in the South China Sea to cross the sea.

I thought it would take several years, or even longer, but now less than a year has passed. On the archipelago deep in the South China Sea, a navy of [-] has been formed.

According to the truth, the Great Qin respected black, and all regarded black as the national color. Even the Great Qin Bingjia was called the Great Qin Black Armor.This navy should also be dominated by black.

But in fact, the situation at sea is completely different from that on land.

In the deep sea, most of them appear black. Once they fall into the sea, the black blends together, and there is no human existence at all, and it is too late to rescue them.So white has become the final match.

And this navy has also become a unique existence among the Great Qin Heijia today.

(End of this chapter)

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