Chapter 1282
"Wuhuan met Master Lin!"

In the county government office of Tanhai City, the navy general Wuhuan came quickly, walked outside the lobby, beside Lin Qianhai, and bowed his hands to see him.

Today, Wuhuan seems to be a great general, his position is not below Lin Qianhai, but above Lin Qianhai.

His bow was not a meeting ceremony for the lower officials to meet the upper officials, but because of his respect for Lin Qianhai.

Lin Qianhai is a person that Wuhuan admires very much, and he is also the only person that Wuhuan can follow at all costs.

His ability was recognized and respected by Wuhuan.

It can be said that, as long as he is not committing a crime, Wuhuan will go ahead and carry out the order at all costs, even if Lin Qianhai gives him an order.

For example, now, with only one letter from Lin Qianhai, Wuhuan immediately led a hundred thousand navy to come.

The [-] navy. This is the [-] navy ordered by the emperor himself. As the commander of the navy, Wuhuan knows very well how much the emperor values ​​these navies.

Once, the emperor personally ordered that no one but him could use the [-] navy.Even today's Nanhai County Guard, one of the princes guarding the southern border, Ren Xiao can't do it.

Therefore, even though the war in the southern border was a surprise, Ren Xiao did not dare to use the [-] navy, or in other words, could not use the [-] navy.

Now, because of a letter from Lin Qianhai, [-] marines have come. From this, one can imagine Wuhuan's determination towards Lin Qianhai.

"You are welcome, general, come in quickly!"

Lin Qianhai supported Wuhuan with both hands, led Wuhuan into the hall, pushed Wuhuan to sit on the top seat, and said, "General, I invite you here today to discuss important matters. The opportunity to make great achievements through the ages is at hand. I wonder if the general is willing to go there?"

Wuhuan was taken aback for a moment, of course he knew something important was going on, otherwise Lin Qianhai wouldn't be so inspiring.

"I don't know what the adults are talking about?"

Wuhuan asked.

"General, you must have heard about the news of the Tianyue City battle today, right?"

Lin Qianhai did not directly state his purpose, but started from the battle of Tianyue City.


"My lord, it's fine if you don't talk about this matter. When it comes to this matter, I am very puzzled. The battle of Tianyue City was a complete victory. According to reason, the morale is now high, and the rebel army has not yet been integrated. [-] Baluo is a great opportunity to sweep away in one fell swoop!"

"If I personally acted, the army is already fighting everywhere. According to the logic, this Ren Xiao is the old boss of the last general. I know his ability clearly. It is impossible that I can't even see through this point!"

"But in fact, until now, he still hasn't made a move, which makes me puzzled. Regarding this, Mr. Lin is very clever. I don't know what your opinion is?"

Wuhuan nodded. As soon as he mentioned this matter, he immediately vomited out the doubts in his heart. In front of Lin Qianhai, he did not hide anything.

"Hahaha, the general is the general, that's right. That's right, the reason why I invited the general here today is precisely because of this!"

When Lin Qianhai heard this, he burst out laughing and cheered.

"Oh, so, doesn't this matter have something to do with your lord?"

When Wuhuan heard this, he couldn't help being astonished.

"That's right, I'm here to keep in touch with the Black Ice Platform at any time, and the battle situation in Tianyue City has been sent to my hands as soon as possible."

"As soon as I got the news, I thought that Lord Ren Xiao would launch a counterattack immediately, so I immediately wrote a letter to dissuade Lord Ren Xiao!"

Lin Qianhai did not deny it, and nodded in praise.

"What else is there? I don't know what your lord wants to do in this way?"

Wuhuan was puzzled and didn't understand what Lin Qianhai meant.

This is a great opportunity to avoid future troubles.

You know, at this time, Tianyue City's more than 30 troops will be swept away.

If more than 30 troops are dispatched to attack important checkpoints around Hengpu Pass to help, there will be no one in the southern border.There is only one end for the rebels, and they will be wiped out.

Such a great opportunity is in front of him, how can he let it go?
"General, you are right. This is a great opportunity. It is a pity to let it go for nothing. But the ancients said it well, what is lost is not necessarily the best, and what is gained is not necessarily the best. , may be what is most needed, has the general thought about this?"

Lin Qianhai shook his head and said with a smile.

"What is lost is not necessarily the best, but what is gained may be what is most needed?"

Wuhuan muttered to himself, puzzled, "What does your lord mean by that? What can you gain if you lose this great opportunity?"

Lin Qianhai smiled wryly, and said, "General, let me ask you, war, war, why are you fighting?"

Without hesitation, Wuhuan said, "Of course it's fighting for interests. Wars are wars. In order to fight for interests, we must fight. So it's called a war. What's wrong with that?"

Lin Qianhai nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, now that there are rebellions everywhere, and the rebels are launching wars, I, Daqin, have to take over."

"But if my Daqin loses, the rebels will gain the benefits of the southern world. And if my Daqin wins, what will they get? Could it be the southern world?"

"No, the world in the southern region is now my Great Qin's world, so why should we fight for it?"

"Now, in this southern border, my Great Qin has everything, but one thing is not enough, and that is the hearts of the people. Since the rebels want to fight for the world, then my Great Qin will take the hearts of the people from them!"

"So, the main point of the rebels' battle is to siege land and compete for the southern border. And I, Da Qin, will take this opportunity to win the hearts of the people in the southern border once and for all!"

"People's hearts are too complicated. If you want to change, you won't be able to succeed overnight. No matter how benevolent I am, the people will still miss the old master. If it develops normally, it will take nearly a hundred years to say the least. Only in the past few generations can we completely take over the hearts of the people in the southern border for our own use!"

"But now the opportunity is right in front of us. Once we seize this opportunity, we can completely save a century of hard work in an instant and bring back the hearts of all the people in the southern border. So, the general thinks, is it better to send troops immediately, or is it better to regain the hearts of the people?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Qianhai looked at Wuhuan quietly.

Wuhuan's heart skipped a beat, even though he was a rough person, he still knew what was more important than what people wanted.

To put it bluntly, if you lose a piece of land, you can get it back again, but the only thing that can't be reached is people's hearts.

A large army can be invincible only when the hearts of the people want it.

What's more, if a country is unpopular, wouldn't it be like a military with discord and completely lost?
"Of course, regaining the hearts of the people is the most important thing!"

Between times, Wuhuan didn't hesitate, looked at Lin Qianhai, and said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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