Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1283 Undeniable

Chapter 1283 Undeniable
"Yes, it seems that the general also knows how important the hearts of the people are. Now, losing the opportunity to sweep away the rebels from all walks of life, but gaining the hearts of thousands of people in the southern border, this is the most important thing!"

Lin Qianhai put his hands together and said with a smile.

"But my lord, is there any conflict between giving up the opportunity to suppress the rebellion and winning the hearts of the people?"

Wuhuan was still puzzled.

On the battlefield, he is the chief general and has his own views on the war.But in this kind of politics, he can't do it.

Especially like Lin Qianhai, the combination of war and political affairs is even more puzzling to him.

"My general, there are some things that can't be taken by chance. You have to work hard to cultivate them, or others will give them up. For example, if you spend a hundred years cultivating things with the hearts of the people, you can only give them up!"

"Now, isn't it a good opportunity for people to give it up?"

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Lin Qianhai's mouth, giving people an evil feeling.

"What do you mean?"

Wuhuan had a strange feeling in his heart. He felt that Mr. Lin, who had always been honest and upright in government, seemed a bit unkind today.

"General, come here with your ear!"

Lin Qianhai waved and whispered in Lin Qianhai's ear.

After he finished speaking, Wuhuan's company went dark.

There was a lot of splendor in those eyes, and he looked at Lin Qianhai in disbelief, and said with a smile: "Master Lin, I thought you were a good official with a clean government and honest people, but I didn't expect such a vicious plan to come from your mouth. Master Lin, you really let me Surprised!"

I don't know if these words are praises or curses.

"Why, is this officer wearing a wolf's skin in the general's heart?"

Lin Qianhai smiled.

"No, no, it's just that I didn't expect that this good man could be so thoroughly corrupted. Master Lin, you really impress me, you can be called a traitor!"

Wuhuan shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

He had to admit that Lin Qianhai's plan was just one word, absolute.

"Hahaha, thank you, thank you!"

Lin Qianhai was also irrelevant, knowing that Wuhuan was just joking, he immediately laughed.

"Okay, now that my lord has made a decision, and my lord Ren Xiao has already agreed, I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman today, and play with you to the end!"

Wuhuan stood up, without talking nonsense, and spoke directly.

"Okay, I have prepared the luggage for the general, and the general will set off now!"

Lin Qianhai cupped his hands and stood up to see him off.

Wuhuan left, and the next day, hundreds of miles away, a rebel army began to sweep in all directions.

This rebel army didn't have formal attire, and they didn't even have complete weapons. Some of them carried shovels and hoes, and started to attack everywhere.

It sounds good to say that it is a strategy, but it is actually a robbery.

Wherever the rebels passed, house to house, all food and finances, without exception, were all robbed.

The first group of rebels who robbed were under the banner of the Wuyue Rebel Army.

Because Wu Yue's army was defeated, the remaining remnants were defeated and began to plunder everywhere.

The second rebel army was Yang Yue's rebellious army, followed by the Minyue army and the Zhejiang Yue army.

In the end, the rebel armies of various countries became inverted one after another.

Countless people were plundered, crying and shouting, and for a while, victims of disasters appeared everywhere.

During the war, the land in the southern border was completely in chaos.

However, when the rebels swept around, the real rebels were stunned when they got the news.

"What, our army plundered the people?"

"What's going on, which army is it, dare to act without authorization?"

In Luo Yue's army, Luo Yue looked angry.

They are all the new kings of the younger generation in Baiyue, but this Luo Yue is obviously different from the two wastes, King Wuyue and King Yangyue.

He is also rigorous in running the army. Up to now, he can be regarded as one of the rebels in Baiyue who has never suffered a loss.

As soon as he heard the news that the rebels from all walks of life were plundering the people, burning, killing and looting, he was already angry, and secretly cursed those people for not knowing the seriousness.

Who would have thought that Luo Yue's army would start looting before he could react, it was really unreasonable.

"My lord, our army has never made any movement, this matter has nothing to do with our army!"

Next, a general said helplessly.

"What, are you sure?"

King Luoyue was stunned for a moment, there was no movement in the army, but there was news that Luoyue's army was plundering everywhere, what kind of joke is this?
Now, the plundering by various rebels has been going on for more than ten days, and there is a panic everywhere. This news cannot be false.

"My lord, this matter really has nothing to do with my army!"

The general was helpless and said bitterly.

"What the hell is going on then?"

For this general, King Luoyue still trusted him. Since he said that he had nothing to do with the army, it must have nothing to do with him. But where did the problem come from?

"I understand!"

Suddenly, King Luoyue thought of something, and his face changed suddenly.

"The Qin people are despicable and shameless. They are simply despicable and shameless. They are trying to drive me to a dead end!"

King Luoyue blushed, gritted his teeth, and was extremely angry.

"Your Majesty is saying..."

The general below had obviously reacted, and suddenly trembled all over, saying incredulously.

"The people of Qin are trying to cut off my retreat!"

"Qin people are hateful..."

King Luoyue was furious, but he still couldn't see that this scheme must have come from the people of Qin.

In this sensitive period, as long as there is a bit of brains, it is impossible for the rebels from all walks of life to move the interests of the people.

Unless it is really desperate, but at least, it has not reached this point yet.

Although the rebels from all walks of life lacked food and grass, it would not be a problem to cut back on food and clothing and survive for another ten days and a half months.

For example, Luo Yuejun now has only one meal a day, make it thinner, and last for another half a month, there is no problem at all.

Even if the soldiers below are howling, but there is no other way, it can only be like this.

But even so, they didn't dare to affect the interests of the people rashly, they just didn't want to lose their final advantage.

Now that they didn't act rashly, but there was news of them acting rashly, it was really hard for him to think of other reasonable explanations other than thinking of the Qin people.

It must be from the Qin Dynasty, who wanted to use this to throw dirty water on the troops of all walks of life, and finally let the troops of all walks of life have no way out.

This plan can be described as vicious, and now that the reputation of the various rebels has spread, even if they want to quibble, they have no chance.

The so-called yellow mud sticking to the crotch is not shit or shit.

When your rebel army does not appear, the people live and work in peace and contentment.Your rebels show up and immediately start looting.Do you believe that someone else planted the frame?

Is the Qin army short of food and grass, or lack of equipment?Need to snatch around?

Only the armies from all walks of life have all kinds of shortages and need to plunder.

For this alone, the stigma of the various armies can be regarded as completely bearing their backs.

And this reputation, once passed on to ten, ten to a hundred, all armies are destined to lose the hearts of the people.

This point, the current King Luoyue saw it, and not long after, the armies from all walks of life also saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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