Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1284 The Rebels Are Crazy

Chapter 1284 The Rebels Are Crazy
The Qin army is in chaos, and the rebels are scapegoating.

This matter was okay for a day or two, but Qin Jun became more and more arrogant and arrogant.

The key point is that more than 30 Qin troops are still in Tianyue City, and there are still 30 at the checkpoints leading to the Central Plains. This is obvious to all.

No one could figure out where the Qin Jun who suddenly appeared to make trouble came from.

At this point, we have to mention how deep the [-] navy is hidden, because it has been hidden on the archipelago, so that no one outside the archipelago can know.

When the rebels from all walks of life learned about it, the people of the world had no way of knowing it.

For a while, the rebels from all walks of life gritted their teeth in hatred.

This benefit did not get the slightest bit, but the scapegoat was solid.

Rebels from all walks of life, how can they bear it?

But there are some things that are useless even if they see through them. They can't catch the troublemaker Qin Jun and can't give evidence.

In the end, it can only be summed up. Anyway, the blame has been blamed, and the blame can never be blamed in vain, right?
So there really were rebels who followed and robbed, just to have enough food and clothing.

Well, if there is one, there will be two, and if there is two, there will be three, and soon it will be out of control, and rebels from all walks of life will join the ranks of robbery.

That was really burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil.

The world in the southern border is completely in chaos.

The people are living in dire straits, suffering unspeakably, that's about it.

In the face of the rebellion by the rebels, the [-] navy that was making trouble over there quietly left.

Ren Xiao did not send troops to quell the rebellion. After getting the news, he acted as if nothing happened and waited and watched.

"Okay, grab it, grab it, grab more, eat better, dress better, you can't let a million rebels suffer!"

In the Sheriff's Mansion, Ren Xiao stood in front of the map with a sneer on his face.

At this moment, he had no choice but to applaud Lin Qianhai's plan.

Today, because of the actions of various rebels, countless people have rushed to Tianyue City to ask for help and shelter.

What people want is exactly what people want.

The hearts of the Baiyue countries are completely lost.

Some people began to organize militias to resist the former master.There are people who fled to Tianyue City at all costs and begged Tianyue City to take them in. This is proof that people's hearts are flowing.


The news about the southern border soon spread to various places through the news of Da Qin Hei's sickness and Tianmen Guantiantai.


"Lin Qianhai, why haven't I heard of this name before, what a talent!"


In Xianyang City, the first time Jun Wuyou got the news, he looked up to the sky and laughed, full of admiration.

This Lin Qianhai's behavior style is simply too suitable for him.

There are thousands of schemes in the world, but there are very few people who can be so vicious, and those who can achieve such success are even rarer.

Lin Qianhai's plan is to defeat the enemy without fighting, and the harvest is unprecedented and unprecedented.

He didn't cause too many casualties. Wherever the [-] navy passed, most of them were just robbed and burned, and rarely killed.Contaminated with blood, no more than a thousand people.

However, the casualties of these thousand people were enough for Daqin to reap the hearts of millions of people in the southern border.This is the big gain.

Some people say that in the past, Daqin killed Baiqi and killed hundreds of thousands of Zhao Jun.

But what happened?Killed hundreds of thousands of Zhao Jun, and what did they get?
Get nothing, that's a lost war.On the other hand, Lin Qianhai, with some operations, gained unprecedented gains. This is the most successful battle.

Heroes don't ask where they come from, and schemes don't ask good or evil. As long as the result is satisfactory, everything is good.

This is Jun Wuyou's behavioral style, and it is also Lin Qianhai's current behavioral style.

Therefore, Jun Wuyou was very excited. He never thought that there would be someone exactly like him in Daqin.

It's a pity that they are far away, otherwise he would have to go to see this person immediately.


Unlike Jun Wuyou's excitement, when the officials got the news, the first thing that came to mind was Jun Wuyou.

If it wasn't clear from the message, it was Lin Qianhai's attention, and they would have even suspected that Jun Wuyou was playing tricks in the dark.

At the beginning of the Xianyang Battle, Jun Wuyou was able to deliberately guide the rebel army to massacre the common people in order to win the hearts of the people of Great Qin and unanimously to the outside world.

Nowadays, in order to deceive the people and win the hearts of the people, it is said that Jun Wuyou did such things as burning, killing and looting, and everyone would agree.

But the news was here, the officials couldn't deny it, they could only sigh inwardly, another Jun Wuyou appeared.

It's really for the purpose, no compromise on the means.

Most of the people in Daqin come from various schools of thought, and everyone has their own bottom line in their hearts.

The so-called uprightness and righteousness have always been what they value.

It doesn't matter if you say they are pedantic or anything else, anyway, they just can't do such a vicious thing, which is why the officials invisibly draw a clear line with Jun Wuyou.

Now there is another cruel person similar to Jun Wuyou. In their hearts, it can be said that they are very sighed, uncomfortable in every way, and angry at the same time.

Under various emotions, Lin Qianhai's achievements became second in the eyes of the officials.


"Okay, the danger in the southern border has been resolved, and our army has no worries about the future. There is no need to rush to Nanjing to quell the chaos. Just take down the Eastern Hu and Huns!"

Outside Yanmen Pass, a confrontation between the two armies has now formed.

The Xiongnu army was outside the Yanmen Pass, while the Great Qin was inside the pass, facing each other.

When Wang Lin got the news from the southern border, he first lamented that Ren Xiao seized the good opportunity and disrupted the rebels and people in the southern border in one fell swoop.

This move seems to be just a big victory, but in Wang Lin's view, it has actually completely succeeded in suppressing the rebellion.

The remaining southern rebels are no longer a concern.

As long as it can't become a trend, it will be a matter of time to pack it up.

Judging from the current style of the rebel army, it is difficult to become a force, so the crisis in the southern border has been completely resolved.

It's just that the people will suffer more in the future.

However, kindness does not command soldiers. Sometimes, in order to achieve the goal, some pain must be endured.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, Wang Lin knew very well what he should pay.

If it's just that the people in the southern border have a little more hardship, in exchange for better future, he is absolutely happy to see the result.

"Come on, is the arena ready?"

Putting down the information in his hand, Wang Lin slapped the table and shouted loudly.

"General Qi, everything is ready. On the school grounds, everyone who should come has already arrived!"

A halberd bearer came from outside and cupped his hands at Wang Lin.

"Okay, let's fight for the general today, let's go!"

Wang Lin got up, gave an order, and rushed to the school grounds.

The people from Xianyang Prince's Mansion had already arrived before, and under Jun Wuyou's recommendation, they were going to serve in the army.

However, after Wang Lin gave them positions, they encountered dissatisfaction from all sides.

On the one hand, it is naturally dissatisfied with the people in the palaces of the princes. You must know that these people are all talents from the palaces of the princes. Can it be arranged?

(End of this chapter)

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