Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1285 Military Assessment

Chapter 1285 Military Assessment
When the people in the palaces of the princes were dissatisfied with the positions they got, on the other side, the original generals in the army were also unhappy. Why did these people get high positions as soon as they came?

This side dislikes the position is too low, as a great talent in a country, it shouldn't be so humiliated.

The other party disliked that the other party's position was too high, and it was unreasonable for the other party to get such a title without any credit.

In the end, the two sides quarreled. In desperation, even Wang Lin's military orders were useless.

The commotion was getting bigger and bigger. At first, the generals of both sides were arguing, and finally, the soldiers of Qin Army and the soldiers of the Southwest Army also started to quarrel.

Wang Lin was furious that he was out of control, and finally decided to use talents only, and everything was based on assessment.

The first thing to test is force, which is today's fighting.

If you can pass the first test, you will have to test your military ability and so on, and finally you will be appointed based on your ability.The higher the ability, the higher the position you will naturally get.

And today is the first day of fighting.

Originally, this assessment had nothing to do with Gan Hong and Duan Hu. After all, both of them were generals conferred by the emperor himself, each commanding an army of [-].

Only people from other palaces came to the battlefield under the arrangement of Jun Wuyou, and let Wang Lin arrange their duties.

However, the officers and men of both sides fought too fiercely, and finally even Gan Hong and Duan Hu were dragged into the water.Therefore, the two generals also participated in the assessment.

After all, even if one has ability, one has to show it in order to be in the palace.

Thus, a vigorous beating assessment was launched when the two armies confronted each other.

This assessment seems to be only to reconcile the contradiction between the two armies, but its significance is related to the future military trend of the Great Qin Dynasty.

It is also related to the political situation that Daqin had only seen in the Central Plains and the Southwest.

Of course, it is impossible to conceal the news about this assessment.As soon as the assessment was decided, Wang Lin passed the Black Ice Platform and conveyed the news to Ying Shou.

At the same time, he also conveyed the current situation in the world that he personally analyzed, as well as the upcoming military actions.

The world is in turmoil, and the situation is getting more and more chaotic, but it is gradually becoming stable.

In a game where you come and go, the chessboard battlefield where you fight constantly, seems to have gradually entered a stalemate at this moment.

The Xiongnu, Donghu, and Dark Qin forces that had always had the upper hand, as well as various anti-king forces, seem to be constantly taking the lead and equalizing their advantages by the latter.

What's more, Daqin, which used to be terrified and stretched to deal with other countries, now has more than enough to deal with it again, unambiguously.

The power of Daqin began to show its majesty, and a victory or defeat related to the world is destined to be not far away.


"The last general kowtows to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Donghu Royal Court, in Bihaiyuan, is still the tall pavilion.

Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back, facing the autumn wind head-on, his cloak rustling behind him.

The wind in Hudong is always strong, and after autumn, it gets colder day by day.When the wind blows, it's like a knife is scraped on a person's face, which makes people hurt.

This is just the autumn wind. After winter, the wind will be stronger and it will be colder.

Behind Ying Shou, Sima Xun came quickly, knelt down on one knee, and kowtowed on the spot.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou's voice sounded, with a gentle atmosphere and a three-point indifference.

I don't know when it started. I have lived in Hudong's land for more than half a year. Ying Shou's character has gradually changed from the original vigor to become more restrained.

Back in the day, I looked down on the world and looked down on all directions.I am the king between the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon must submit to me. How domineering, it can be said to dominate the world.

However, before he knew it, Ying Shou's domineering spirit kept shrinking, as if his edges had been smoothed.

Some time ago, he could still see some temper.

For example, when he learned that Tianmen dared to play tricks secretly, he was furious.That anger, no matter how introverted it was, could be seen. Li Yuanba and Lu Bu were sent directly to the southern border, ready to give Tianmen some warnings.

But now, even Li Yuanba had an accident. Not only did he not have too much anger, but he gave people a very calm feeling.

Sima Xun stood up, looked at the person in front of him, feeling an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

Although the current Ying Shou seems to have lost the arrogance he once had, the inexplicable pressure on him is increasing day by day.

"I don't know what His Majesty summoned the last general to come over!"

After a moment of silence, Sima Xun couldn't help asking.

"General, you should have read the news from the Black Ice Terrace recently, right?"

With his back turned to Sima Xun, Ying Shou asked indifferently.

"Report to His Majesty the Emperor, the last general has already seen it!"

Sima Xun cupped his hands.

"I don't know what the general thinks about this?"

Ying Shou asked.

"I don't know what your Majesty is asking about?"

Sima Xun's eyes flashed, and he asked in confusion.


Ying Shou spit out the words Moran.

Sima Xun's eyes froze, and an inexplicable coldness rose from the soles of his feet, filling the sky.

The moment the emperor uttered these two words, he knew that the general situation in the world was in turmoil immediately, and no one could save it.

After coming to Hu Dong, Ying Shou seldom got involved in world affairs.

It's not that he doesn't care about world affairs, he does, but he can't say all two words.

And as soon as these two words are spoken, it means that his hand will completely cover the world.

Sima Xun has followed Ying Shou for a long time, and he is Ying Shou's personal bodyguard general. He is closer to and understands Ying Shou better than anyone else.

Therefore, Sima Xun had a premonition that perhaps this person was really preparing to leave the mountain.

"Your Majesty, there is no serious problem in the southern battlefield for the time being, and the aftereffects will be considerable!"

"Young Master Yuanba and Eagle Eye were attacked, this is a provocation from Tianmen, we must not let it go!"

"Finally, the Donghu army is now fighting in the territory of the Xiongnu, and the Xiongnu army is forced to confront our army outside the Yanmen Pass. The land of Hudong can be described as empty. This is a good opportunity. If you want to quell the war in the world, you can start here!"

Sima Xun was silent for a moment, and said three important things about this sword.

The first of these three major events is the stalemate in the southern battlefield, the confrontation between the two armies outside Yanmen Pass, and the entanglement between the two armies in the Xiongnu battlefield.These three battlefields are related to all situations in the world.

The second is how to break the game. Now that Donghu is empty, it is the best key point to break the game. Once this opportunity is seized, it is absolutely possible to launch a counterattack.

In the end, it was Li Yuanba and Hawkeye's time. After staying in Hudong for so long, Sima Xun gradually understood that the so-called war under heaven was not the emperor's war at all.The emperor's war has always been a war with Haotian from Tianmen.

The so-called enemy does not move and I do not move. Under the tacit understanding of the two sides, the rules have already been set, and no one can break them.

Now, Tianmen broke the rules and the emperor sent someone to punish him, but he was attacked instead. How could he swallow this tone easily?We must find a chance to get them all back.

(End of this chapter)

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