Chapter 1286
"So, you also feel that the general trend of the world has been settled, and you can close the net?"

Ying Shou sighed and asked in a deep voice.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the general feels that now is a good time to close the net!"

Sima Xun cupped his hands and said seriously.

"Then prepare to close the Internet bar! But before closing the net, my chest is stuffy, and I have to spit it out after all!"

Ying Shou nodded slightly, and said, "A few days ago, I asked you to pay attention to every move of Hu Dong's court day and night. Is there any result now?"

When Sima Xun heard the words, his eyes fixed, as if he understood something.

Before that, after Li Yuanba and Hawkeye disappeared, Ying Shou ordered him to keep an eye on every move of the Donghu court.

At that time, he didn't understand what it meant, but now, he seems to understand.

Over there, Lu Bu's injury had improved, and not long after the news of his imminent ambush came, the emperor intervened in the matter, obviously intending to let out a sigh of relief here, so as to promote the overall change.

Thinking of this, Sima Xun did not hesitate, cupped his hands and reported, "His Majesty, Donghu Khan King Min Shan has been placed under house arrest and trapped in the Qiufeng Pavilion!"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows, finally turned around, and said strangely: "He's under house arrest? What's going on? Didn't he say that he's been making big moves recently and is about to change the dynasty? How did he get himself under house arrest? "

Ying Shou is indeed a little strange. According to reason, this Min Shan has no power anymore, but after all, it is supported by Nehaman. Where did this Donghu servant get the courage to even dare to move him, and put him under house arrest?
Is it Nehman's decision, or is it someone else's wanton action?

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is precisely because he has become more and more violent recently that he was put under house arrest in the Qiufeng Pavilion by the subordinates!"

Sima Xun said in a low voice.

"Nihamman's decision?"

Ying Shou continued to ask.

"This matter has nothing to do with Nehman. Your Majesty knows some things. Whether it is the Donghu or the Huns, they are all under the control of Tianmen. One side of the princes, basically belong to Tianmen!"

"To put it another way, these people may not be considered members of Tianmen, but they are in Tianmen, and they all have their own backers!"

"The difference is that the backer behind Nehman is the lord of the Tianmen who is known as Haotian, while the backers of the other courtiers and princes are people from all sides in the Tianmen!"

"These people surrendered to Nehman, but they didn't really surrender. What they surrendered to was nothing more than Tianmen Haotian!"

"On weekdays, with Nehaman around, maybe they can be restrained. After all, no matter what Nehaman said, he is also the spokesperson of Tianmen. But now that Nehaman is not here, this Khan King Minshan doesn't even have Nehaman as a backer, let alone Said to rely on the people in Tianmen!"

"With no one to rely on, he is still so radical. Two days ago, he personally beheaded the assistant minister of Donghu, the son of Suo Eshan."

"This Suo'e Mountain is the head of the four major ministers of Donghu today. The power in Donghu can be said to be under one person and above ten thousand!"

"When Nehman is still there, interest can be suppressed one or two, but when Nehman is not here, he is the real uncrowned king in Donghu territory!"

"King Khan made a fuss before, but after all, his interests were not greatly lost. He could turn a blind eye and close his eyes. Now, even his most beloved son was killed by King Khan, how could he give up?"

"So he personally summoned the ministers, arrested King Khan himself, and put him under house arrest in the Qiufeng Pavilion!"

"At this time, the Qiufeng Pavilion is guarded layer by layer, and there are more than [-] sentry soldiers, leaving no gaps in the forehead!"

Sima Xun sighed. Speaking of this matter, he couldn't help but sympathize with Donghu Khan Wang Minshan.

Born to be a king, he has no ambitions, but he has no rights to match his status.

Under such circumstances, as long as he dared to show any little bit of ambition, the fate waiting for him was nothing more than two, either death, or life would be worse than death.

Such as today.

"So that's the case, I'm still wondering why he didn't come to see me again in the past two days!"

Ying Shou suddenly realized, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

"It's no wonder King Khan. In fact, King Khan already has the intention of changing the dynasty with His Majesty's power, but it's a pity that it's a step too late. Now that His Majesty has decided to start with Donghu, he has started to collect the net. Next, I don't know what His Majesty is going to do!"

Sima Xun cupped his hands, looked at Ying Shou and asked.

"How to do it?"

Ying Shou muttered to himself, went to a table and chair beside him and sat down, looked up at the sky, as if he was in deep thought, after a long time, he said indifferently: "Go, before dark, get all the princes and nobles in Donghu King City All the courtiers are detained and brought to the Qiufeng Pavilion. Whoever dares to stop, whoever dares not to follow, will be killed without mercy!"

When Sima Xun heard the words, he couldn't help but secretly gasped.

Sure enough, the emperor is the emperor, if you don't make a move, you will be fine. If you make a move, it must be a big deal.

The emperor's words seemed to be spoken casually, without any emotional fluctuations in his voice, but rather laziness.

However, in this laziness, there is an inexplicable arrogance.It seems that a simple sentence has already decided the life and death of thousands of people.


Sima Xun promised without any doubts, and directly led his troops to carry out the decision made by the emperor.

Soon, inside and outside Bihaiyuan, three thousand white horses came together, causing the defenders in the East Lake King's Court to turn pale with shock.

Since Qin Jun came to Donghu, he has not made any moves.Now that there is such a big commotion suddenly, what do you want to do?
All of a sudden, in the royal court, imperial imperial guards from all directions gathered, layer upon layer, staring at the imperial city imperial guards of the Qin State not far away.

The so-called movement of the whole body with one hair, not only the imperial guards of the Donghu royal court were attracted by the movement of the three thousand white horses, but even the queen Nanyan, Lanfei, etc. were also alarmed.

"Sister, what's going on?"

Concubine Lan stood beside Nanyan, watching the scene of the army gathering outside Bihaiyuan, she couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"I don't know!"

Nan Yan was also surprised and very puzzled.That's good, why all of a sudden, three thousand troops started to gather?
At this moment, Nan Yan saw Ying Shou approaching from a distance, so she hurried up to greet her, took Nan Yan, and kowtowed together.

"The concubine pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"

The two girls brought them to Ying Shou and paid homage respectfully.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou smiled slightly, stepped forward to support Nan Yan who was about to give birth, and said with a smile: "Queen, seeing that the emperor is about to give birth, please rest well and stop wandering around, understand?"

Nan Yan nodded and said with a light smile: "Thank you for your concern, I understand. But your majesty, there is such a big commotion outside here, what happened?"

After the words fell, Concubine Lan was also staring at Ying Shou at the side. This sudden big movement made people feel inexplicably flustered.

"It's okay, it's just that the queen is about to give birth recently, so the guards have been strengthened. From today on, no one can act rashly in Donghu Royal Court without my will!"

Ying Shou waved his hands, and with a cry of safety, he personally supported Nan Yan, and returned to the hall with Concubine Lan.

The name is to accompany the two women, but in fact they are waiting for news from the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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