Chapter 1287

"Hey, Sima Xun, what are you calling me here for?"

"Look at this situation, I'm afraid it's not a trivial matter!"

Outside Bihaiyuan, [-] forbidden troops gathered, and Xu Chu hurried over. Seeing all of them waiting in formation, he whispered secretly, couldn't help but feel an inexplicable excitement in his heart, and rushed to Sima Xun to ask.

As a battle madman, at this moment, he clearly felt the blood of the upcoming battle.

"Your Majesty has ordered that the courtiers of Donghu, who have no monarch in their eyes, make troubles against their superiors. It is really abhorrent."

"Nianzai has a relationship with Donghu King Khan, and ordered General Ben to lead the army to be Khan King Qingjun's side, Zhen Guogang. From this moment on, anyone who commits rebellion will seize his family and wipe out his family, and no one will be left behind!"

"All courtiers, tied to King Khan, and let King Khan personally punish him!"

Sima Xun took out an imperial decree, handed it to Xu Chu, and spoke eloquently.

"What... ransacking the family and exterminating the family?"

"That's good. I, Xu Chu, can't wait a long time ago. I'm good at this. I never thought that one day, I would be able to act so recklessly in other countries. How can I miss this matter?"

When Xu Chu heard it, he was immediately happy, looking eager to try.

"In that case, General Xu Chu will go with this general!"

Sima Xun didn't talk nonsense, and after finishing speaking, he waved his hand and shouted: "Send the order, the whole army sets off!"

The army was dispatched and went straight to the gate of the royal palace.


All of a sudden, the shaking sound of the armor leaf continued to sound, and the three thousand white horses followed, and the elder brother turned on the horse, and his power and influence could be described as formidable and incomparable.

When the army on this side was dispatched, on the other side, the [-] forbidden troops of the Donghu Royal Court also followed suit.

The [-] forbidden troops were assembled quickly and gathered in front of the palace gate of Donghu Royal Court.

The number of the forbidden troops of the Eastern Hu Royal Court is several times larger than that of the Great Qin Imperial City, but there are so many people that it is really difficult to gather them in the first place.

When the 7000 Baima Yicong arrived in front of the palace gate, the [-] army only gathered [-] people.

Seeing the [-] white horses rushing towards them, looking menacing, in front of the palace gate, the vice-commander of the Donghu royal court's imperial guards jumped out, pointing the scimitar in his hand at the [-] white horse Yi Cong, and shouted: "You are a guest at my court, I Donghu treats you well, and allows you to come in and out freely. However, what is the purpose of gathering all the troops today?"

"The general ordered you to wait, and quickly fade away, so as not to cause misunderstandings. If what happens at that time, you can't blame the general!"

While speaking, the deputy commander of the forbidden army stared at Sima Xun and Xu Chu coldly.

He speaks domineeringly, and his eyes are dripping, but in these words, it is inevitable that he will lose the wind after all, and he seems a little lacking in confidence.

If you are confident enough, there is no need to talk so much nonsense now, how can you allow other countries' troops to enter and leave your palace at will?
You know, even if the country's important ministers are not allowed to be pardoned in this important palace, they cannot enter with weapons, let alone enter and exit with armor at will?

The gap between the two sides, the confidence, lies in this.

"My emperor has ordered that my Imperial Guards of the Qin Dynasty dispatch out, and they must not stop them!"

Sima Xun stretched out his hand to escape the imperial edict, raised it high, and shouted coldly.

This move seems a bit idiotic.

After all, he is a soldier of Donghu, not your soldier of Daqin. What is it if you take Daqin's imperial decree and show off your power here?
Isn't this self-inflicted?
But sometimes, the more unpleasant things you ask for, the more intimidating you will be.

For today's action, Sima Xun knew very well what the emperor wanted.

To put it simply, today, the emperor intends to take down the Donghu King City, or in other words, directly capture the entire Donghu.

From now on, Donghu will belong to Daqin, so how can it not respect Daqin's command and decree?
Therefore, before leaving, although Sima Xun did not ask the emperor for the imperial edict, he took out a blank scroll of imperial edict.

This move can be said to be an act of deception, but in fact, it is an inspiration to show off for the Great Qin.

The imperial decree is not the real imperial decree, but as long as the purpose is achieved, whether it is a real imperial decree or a false imperial decree, it is not the point of concern at all.

"Sima Xun, are you joking with this general? You are deceiving me, Donghu Wuwang, by taking the emperor's decree to come to my Donghu King's court to show off your might?"

The deputy commander laughed, a little coldly, but also very angry.The state of Qin simply doesn't take them seriously.

Since when did Donghu fall to the point of being bullied?
"Hahaha, isn't your king of Donghu already under house arrest? What is your king of Donghu to you?"

"Now, my Great Qin Sacred Edict is hereby, and you must obey it if you obey it, and you must obey it if you don't. Get out of the way quickly!"

Sima Xun laughed loudly, and then stared at the deputy commander with cold and indifferent eyes, and shouted in a cold voice.

"Oh, so you are going to force your way in today? What if General Ben refuses to let me?"

The deputy commander gritted his teeth, Qin Guo was simply deceiving people too much.

"Your grandma is a bitch, if you want to give way or not, I will not stop you if you want to die. Sima Xun, don't care what he is doing, kill him!"

On the side, Xu Chuke was not as patient as Sima Xun, holding a saber in his hand, his face full of fighting spirit.

"General Xu Chu is right. Since these people don't know good and bad, why are they talking nonsense? The army obeys the order and kills me!"

Sima Xun nodded slightly, put away the imperial decree, said no more nonsense, gave an order, and took the lead, holding a sharp gun, and rushed out first.


Behind him, three thousand white horses followed, pulling one hair and moving the whole body. For a moment, the white horses turned into white mist and surged, and three thousand white horses rushed out at the same time like a tide.

"Stop them for me!"

The so-called clay figurine was still angry, but when the Qin army ignored it, the deputy commander suddenly became furious. With a roar, he stretched out his hand to the seven thousand forbidden troops, and killed them instantly.

Countless bows and arrows were pulled apart in an instant, and accompanied by the sound of ejection, the rain of arrows came in unison, approaching Sanqian Baima Yicong.

I saw three thousand white horse righteous followers, one after another took a shield from the horse and stood in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, everyone took out their crossbows at the same time.

The three thousand white horses Yi Cong are now the Forbidden Army of the Great Qin Imperial City. The equipment they are equipped with is not comparable to that of ordinary Qin soldiers, and even more so, it is beyond the imagination of a barbarian country like Donghu.

Each of these bows and crossbows was shot twelve times in a row, and 3000 people shot the crossbows at the same time, with three thousand rounds in one round, twelve rounds in a row.

All of a sudden, there was a rain of arrows in the air, three thousand white horses, and their troops were obviously smaller than the opponent's. However, the arrow rain they shot was more than the opponent's, and it was more than three times faster.

During the battle, Huyou was injured.

Even if everyone in Sanqian Baima Yicong was equipped with shields, in the rain of countless arrows, after all, there was something hard to guard against.

For a time, three thousand white horses followed, some people were shot and fell off their horses, and some people's horses were shot to death on the spot, only to be thrown out.

The two armies have not yet collided, and the Qin army has suffered nearly 200 casualties.

(End of this chapter)

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