Chapter 1288
War has always been the most powerful machine for harvesting life. In war, no matter how powerful the army is, there is no possibility of no casualties.

Even if it is Sanqian Baima Yicong, it is not surprising.

However, when Sanqian Baima Yicong suffered casualties, the enemy's casualties were destined to be even heavier.

Three thousand white horses Yicong shot, the rain of arrows was several times denser than that of the enemy army, even if the enemy army sent people to block it with shields, it was hard to stop everyone after all.

For a time, the number of casualties was more than ten times that of the Qin army.

The fighting spirit of Sanqian Baima Yicong has always been fast, precise and ruthless.

The horses under their crotch allow them to have the speed of cavalry, and the equipment on them allows them to have a faster and faster strike speed, which can cause the enemy's casualties as quickly as possible.

The so-called coming and going like the wind is exactly that.

After a rain of arrows, the two armies collided.

Holding a saber in his hand, Xu Chu went straight to the commander. He galloped his horse and swung it with great power. His moves killed him, so that the commander was only able to parry and had no power to fight back.

A person who can be the deputy commander of a country's forbidden army is obviously not comparable to ordinary first-class fighters. Although he can't stand shoulder to shoulder with top fighters, it is obviously not easy to defeat easily.

Under Xu Chu's suppression, although it was very difficult for the deputy commander to resist at this moment, he finally resisted.

However, he was able to resist, but he was already too busy to take care of himself, and he could no longer control the army below.

Here, it was Xu Chu who beat him so that he had no chance to breathe, so that the Donghu Imperial Army was leaderless.

On the other side, the commander-in-chief of the Qin army's forbidden army did lead the army, and the morale was greatly boosted.

I saw three thousand white horses and three thousand spears swept across, and the red cherry trees were completely stained red with blood, spilling countless.

When the two armies are fighting, the momentum is very important.From the very beginning, the Qin army played the power of three thousand white horses, and it can be said that the Donghu imperial army was powerless to fight back.

Without the command of a commander-in-chief, the Donghu Forbidden Army soon fell into chaos.

This self-disordered position was even more flustered, everyone was fighting on their own, and they didn't know how to cooperate.

On the other hand, the Imperial Guards of the Qin Dynasty indeed advanced and retreated in an orderly manner, and coordinated well, and even killed the enemy army without the power to fight back.

In the end, the enemy army was in complete chaos, and everyone was crowded together, and there was a situation of fleeing.

If one person escapes, everyone will follow, and the final scene is even more spectacular.

In order to escape, an unknown number of people were trampled to death.

Qin Jun, who was chasing up from behind, was not polite. He rushed up and dealt with those who were not dead. He was stunned and almost killed the seven or eight thousand Donghu Forbidden Army.

"Command the army, the poor should not chase after them!"

Seeing that the scattered Donghu Imperial Army escaped from the royal court and headed straight for the royal city, Sima Xun waved his hand and immediately stopped the people below from continuing to chase.

The army gathered again, and on the other side, although the deputy commander of the Donghu Forbidden Army was powerful, he was eventually suppressed by Xu Chu's strong attack.

This matter, gradually unknown.

I saw Xu Chuzhan's saber sweeping across, and the two sabers in his hands were directly blown away, and then chopped down from the top of his head together.

The other party couldn't dodge any longer, and was directly cut off by Xu Chu.

The bloody scene, unfortunately, on this battlefield, has not caused any movement.

Sima Xun ordered the army to rectify a little bit, and then rushed out immediately.

The chaos in front of the palace gate immediately attracted the attention of countless people outside the palace gate and in the royal city.

Seeing the two armies fighting, countless people panicked instantly.

The bloody scene immediately frightened everyone to run away.

"It's not good, Qin Jun has come out!"

"It's not good, the Qin army is starting a war!"

Shouts of terror continued to be heard.

The scene of war is not only feared by the Central Plains people.Even the people of the Xiongnu and Donghu are also afraid.

It can be said that any normal person does not like war, but only fears war.

Only those in power, for greater rights and greater territory, will use war as a method of contention.

And under war, it is always the people at the bottom who are afraid, afraid, and hurt.

Now, the war that broke out from within the Donghu royal court has directly frightened countless people out of their wits.

In the fear and panic of countless Donghu people, Sanqian Baimayi rode out from his horse, went straight to Wangcheng Avenue, and killed the residences of the major courtiers in Donghu.

"The imperial decree of His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor is that the subjects of Donghu, who have no eyes on the emperor, as courtiers, do not obey the rules of the emperor and ministers, dare to put King Khan under house arrest without permission. It is an unforgivable crime."

"Today, the Great Qin Emperor sent reinforcements to serve King Khan Qingjun and Zhenguogang. Anyone who participated in this incident feared that the Cao family would be exterminated. The first to bear the brunt, Suo'e Mountain, the head of the four major ministers of Donghu, wiped out all nine clans, leaving no one behind. kill!"

Sima Xun led three thousand white horse followers, and took the lead to the residence of Suo Eshan, the head of the four major ministers of Donghu.

Such a big battle immediately frightened the chief gatekeeper outside the mansion to panic.

Some people hurried back to the mansion to report the situation outside, some were so frightened that their legs trembled, and they stared vigilantly at the three thousand white horse Yicong in front of them.

Outside the gate of the mansion, on the streets, there were also countless people staring at this place in panic.

Under the gaze of everyone, Sima Xun invited out the false imperial decree again, and shouted plausibly.

"Kill...except for Suo'eshan's bondage, not one of the attached people will be left, and they will all be killed!"

In the end, Sima Xun gave an order, and the three thousand white horses rushed out, killing all the guards outside the mansion in an instant, and entered the mansion in a single file.

There were screams and blood splattered everywhere.

Countless panic and terrified voices began to envelope the entire mansion.

Outside, countless people were frightened and panicked.

In that mansion, every scream seemed to affect everyone's heartstrings.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

In the back garden of the mansion, Suo Eshan was singing and dancing with his wife and concubines. It was very lively, but he was attracted by the sudden screams.

As the fighting began, soon, blood filled the back garden.

"Master, it's not good..."

A guard in front of the door ran in a panic, and just rushed to Suo Eshan, wanting to say something.It's a pity that before he finished speaking, he was shot dead by a sudden arrow.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of Bai Mayi came from the army.

Surrounding Suo Eshan, there are groups of wives and concubines, but they are in a panic.

He showed no mercy to Suo'eshan's wives and children, and with one order, all three thousand white horses were exterminated.

Suo Eshan wanted to stop him, but he couldn't do anything. After he realized it, a spear was already on his neck.

He only saw the person coming, and it was Sima Xun, the general of the Imperial Army who was beside the Emperor of Qin.


Suo Eshan's face was pale, his eyes were red, and he shouted angrily.

"Your Majesty has a decree. Suo'etu committed a rebellion and exterminated the nine clans. He himself was tied to King Khan and let King Khan punish him. Stay!"

Sima Xun gave him an answer, but he tied him up without giving him any chance to struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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