Chapter 1289 Bai Shu
Sima Xun led [-] white horse followers, and they roamed around the Donghu King City without anyone daring to stop them.

Now, all the Donghu soldiers and horses have been mobilized and left. Except for the [-] forbidden troops of the royal court, even the royal city has less than a thousand soldiers and horses sitting in the town.

Not even the king's army could stop Sima Xun's footsteps, let alone thousands of troops?

Anyone who dares to step forward to stop them will be killed without mercy.

This day is destined to be a bloody day that the officials of the Donghu Dynasty will never forget. I don’t know how many courtiers were killed by the nine clans.

This shot is not only the first battle to win Donghu, but also the battle of Daqin's prestige.

Isn't Tianmen self-reliant and strong, regardless of the rules?

Since he thought Da Qin was easy to bully, how could Emperor Qin tolerate it?
If you want to break the rules, let's all come together and see who can't sit still first.

The people of Tianmen attacked the soldiers and horses below Daqin.Ying Shou took the Donghu officials who were sitting at Tianmen, and confronted him tit for tat, so he couldn't bear to give in.

And just as Sima Xun swept across the mansions of many princes and nobles, on the other side, in the Qiufeng Pavilion of Wang Ting, a heart-piercing voice suddenly sounded.

"don't want……"

In the main hall of Qiufeng Pavilion, Donghu Khan Wang Minshan was tied up by five flowers, and was trapped on the throne, his eyes were about to split, and he let out a heart-piercing roar.

In front of him, on the beam not far away, a thick twisted rope fell down, and a woman was hanging from the other end of the rope.

A woman is not a natural beauty, but she is also Xiaojiabiyu.

It's just that at this moment, such a pitiful person has chapped lips, pale face, dull eyes, disheveled hair, giving people a very embarrassed appearance.

Under Min Shan's tearful gaze, he saw the woman's clothes being stripped off one by one.

Even though the woman has fallen to this point, the skin on her body is still as white as jade, like creamy fat, which is mouth-watering.

"Let go of her... let go of let her go... beasts, you beasts, let me let her go..."

"Let go...don't touch her..."


"woo woo woo woo……"

Tears rolled down from Min Shan's eyes drop by drop, and the blood in his eyes made up, looking at the very powerless but still struggling woman, falling into endless pain.

The woman was hung in the air, unable to get up, unable to get down, and had nowhere to borrow strength. In addition, she hadn't had a drop of water for several days, and she was already in a slump. She was already extremely weak.

Facing the thieves around her, she wanted to prick her with a needle, but in the end, her struggle seemed so powerless, and it gave people a look of wanting to refuse.

"As expected of the former crown princess, the current princess, this body is really delicate and delicate!"


Around, countless disgusting laughter continued to sound, and there were only a dozen men, shirtless, with color in their eyes, staring at the continuously stripped body in front of them.

"Go, tear off her upper body clothes!"

On the side of the main hall, a burly man sneered and waved his hand. A dozen strong men grabbed the woman's wounded clothes and tore them into countless pieces in an instant.

The woman clenched her silver teeth and wanted to struggle, but her struggle only aroused the more excited gazes of the men around her.

When she appeared in front of everyone like a lamb that had been stripped clean, tears of humiliation and pain flowed from her eyes.

She wanted to cry, but when she looked at Min Shan who was tied to the throne not far away, she stopped all the painful sounds from her throat, and just let out a silent cry.

Blood dripped down the corner of the woman's mouth.

Her lower lip was completely cracked and bitten to pieces.

Looking at Min Shan who was in extreme pain and crazily struggling in front of her, she knew that Min Shan was on the verge of collapse at this moment, and she really didn't dare to make any more noises to stimulate Min Shan.

She could only keep shaking her head, expecting, longing, telling Min Shan not to look.

However, Min Shan couldn't be more than twelve in the scene before him.

Her hands were bound and hung from the beams of the house. Countless bloodstains had already been strangled, and how much blood flowed out.

"Hahaha, well, it really looks good, no wonder King Khan can spend so much effort on such a woman. Brothers, have you seen it clearly, this is the king's woman! Today, she will be rewarded to you, play with it casually, put it down and play Bar!"

Not far from Min Mountain, the burly man looked up to the sky and laughed, with joy in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, someone immediately stepped forward and put down the woman who was tied and hung on the beam.

The woman fell powerlessly to the ground, her eyes full of despair.

She forcibly got up and tried to slam into the pillar not far away, but was surrounded by more than a dozen men, who kept tearing and ravaging her.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore, and let out a heart-piercing scream.

"Beasts... you beasts..."

"I'm going to kill you... kill you... kill... kill..."

Donghu Khan Wang Minshan's teeth had already been bitten into pieces, they were really broken, and blood kept flowing out.

His eyes were already split open, and blood rolled down with tears from the corners of the eyes.

He struggled frantically, struggling hard, but other than making the rope on his body draw bloodstains on his body, it was purely futile.

The veins on his face and neck were exposed, as if the blood vessels were about to burst.

But no matter how hard he tried, it was of no avail. In the end, he could only let out a heart-piercing roar.

At the end of the roar, he was so heart-piercing that he couldn't make any sound, so he could only growl silently.


Min Shan's lips were also bitten until he uttered the name that had always occupied the depths of his heart.

He is the king of Donghu and the former prince.

Today, he has been alone, with no one by his side.

This is not to say that there is really no one around him, but that he dare not let the people around him appear again.

Once, a few years ago, when he was still the prince, he was already married.

His crown princess is exactly the woman in front of him, Shu Er.

Shu'er is from Yandi, Qin State. His surname is Bai, and his first name is Bai Shu.

It was a war with the Qin State. Donghu's army entered the Qin land, and the slaves they plundered were rescued by him and stayed by his side ever since.

After a long time of love, the two got married.But after the former King Khan fell, he was forcibly pushed down to this position. He already knew that he was powerless to protect the other party, not even himself.

So, disregarding Bai Shu's opinion, he forced Long Shu to be secretly placed elsewhere, claiming to be dead.

The original intention was to protect Bai Shu, but I didn't expect that it had been such a long time since we saw each other, and now we met again, it would end up in such a situation.

At this time, he was called King Khan, but he was actually a prisoner.And Bai Shu seemed to be a tool for some people to vent to torture him.

(End of this chapter)

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