Chapter 1290
In the Qiufeng Pavilion, there were heart-piercing screams and tears, forming a heart-wrenching tragic song.

The so-called winner and loser, a failed king, even if he is still a king, but in fact, he can only be bullied and trampled by others.

Today's Min Shan has confirmed these words with personal experience.

While he was crying bitterly, he personally watched the only woman he loved in his life fall to the ground powerlessly under the ravages of others, and became someone else's futon to play with wantonly.

On the side, that burly man was the commander of the imperial court's forbidden army, and his status in Donghu was just like Sima Xun's status in Daqin.

However, Daqin Sima Xun was loyal to the emperor and followed him to the death, not daring to do any harm or blasphemy.

Look at this burly man again, but he is committing chaos, using the king's woman as a tool to abuse, and the king's pain as an inspiring thing.

Seeing Wang screaming in pain, the excitement in his eyes grew even stronger.

He walked towards Min Shan step by step, and finally sat on the table in front of Min Shan, looking at Min Shan who was bound to the throne, unable to move, and could only scream heart-piercingly, he shook his head, looking superior Looking at Min Shan.

That posture, as if he is the king, and Min Shan is just a courtier.

In other words, Min Shan at this moment, in front of him, is not a courtier at all, but a prisoner, a down-and-out little man, an ant, an existence that he can crush to death with a single finger.

"Hehe... Min Shan, Min Shan, tell me about you. To be a puppet king is to be a good puppet king. What's the point of trying to struggle?"

"Do you really think that a mere Nehman can protect you?"

"Nihaman's power can at most allow you to be a puppet king with peace of mind. Under the gate of heaven, if you want to struggle, it is tantamount to courting death!"

"Now, you have offended the ministers of the court and everyone. Tianmen is furious, this is just a small punishment for you!"

"Look at it carefully. This scene will always be in your heart. Don't forget it in the future. The sky of Donghu is the gate of heaven. Don't try to shake the sky."

"If you still have any illusions in your heart, just think about what happened these days, maybe it can calm you down a little!"

The burly man sneered and looked at Min Shan with mockery and contempt.

"Hult...I want you dead...dead..."

Min Shan suddenly looked at the burly man, gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to burst, and let out a heart-piercing roar.

Saliva flowed out along with blood.Tears mixed with tears from the corners of his eyes, staining his face red.

That crazy appearance made him think of a trapped beast.

At this moment, as long as he has a little freedom, he will rush to kill Huerte at all costs.

He was still struggling, roaring like a beast.

It's a pity that all the roaring and all the anger seem so ridiculous and powerless, and they can't threaten others at all.

"Hey, is it hard to admit that you are a weak person?"

"You are a weak person, but you have a good life and become a king. Why should you be dissatisfied and struggle desperately?"

Huerte sneered and persuaded.

It's a pity that all the persuasion he said, in the ears of Min Shan at this moment, would only make Min Shan more angry.

Today's Min Shan is crazy, like a mad dog.A bound mad dog, frantically trying to break free and bite people.

In my ears are the painful humming of my family members, the arrogant provocations in front of me, and the tormenting voices like hell, which make people never calm down, and the command keeps going crazy.


In the end, the crazy Min Shan spurted out a mouthful of blood.

He couldn't take it anymore, his eyes went dark, his whole body was dying, and his head drooped.

"Hey, with this little resistance, you still want to turn the world upside down, really..."

Hult shook his head with a look of contempt.

"Nihaman, if you are still here and see this scene, how would you feel?"

Looking at the fainted Min Shan, Huerte couldn't help but think of that majestic woman in his mind.

He is the great emperor that Haotian personally canonized. When she was here, the civil and military officials of the whole dynasty could only obey orders in front of her.

It's a pity that it was the power of her identity given to her by Tianmen, not his own residual power.

To put it bluntly, Nehman is here, representing the gate of heaven, and no one dares to provoke him.Once Kenny Haman left, her own power was not enough to support everything.Without Tianmen, others would not be afraid of him at all.


"Report, report to the general, the big thing is not good..."

At this moment, a voice suddenly remembered.

Outside the gate, a guard from the royal court came running staggeringly, stumbled all the way, and finally fell in front of Huerte, with a look of distress and a lot of blood and wounds on his body.

"What's going on, did you have a head-on confrontation with that Qin Jun?"

Huerte stared at the guard in front of him, and his voice suddenly became sharp.

When Tianmen made the decision to lure Emperor Qin to Donghu, it was nice to say that it was called leading the snake out of the hole and leading Qin Huang out of Daqin.

It can also be said to invite the king into the urn, invite the emperor of Qin into the Donghu, and then close the door and die.

At that time, all kinds of sayings were very nice.But after Qin Huang was really attracted, a series of policies suddenly made people feel that something was wrong.

First of all, no matter who it is, no matter how wronged it is, never provoke Qin Huang, even the people around him.

To put it bluntly, if you see Qin people, you have to go around.

This time, everyone knew something was wrong.Didn't you invite you to enter the urn, and then close the door and beat the dog?Why is it now that they are turning against customers, and their masters still have to be tolerant?Could it be that you can't afford to be offended?
Of course, no matter how much, Donghu, who is under the control of Tianmen, naturally dare not disobey Tianmen's orders.

At the beginning, everyone thought that Tianmen might be unwilling to touch Emperor Qin for some reason, but it was not until after the battle of seizing the marriage.

Nihaman was defeated, and even Tianmen couldn't do anything to Emperor Qin. The officials of Donghu knew that it wasn't that Tianmen didn't want to move Qin Huang and his party, but that they couldn't move at all.

From then on, no one dared to provoke the people of Qin in the Donghu royal court, or even in the entire Donghu royal city, for fear that the Emperor Qin would be dissatisfied.

Just before that, Huerte had already got the news when Sanqian Baima Yicong made a move.

At that time, his heart was tense, thinking that someone provoked Qin Huang and wanted to vent his anger.So he quickly stopped the manpower, handed it over to his deputy to lead, and went to stop it.

If there is any misunderstanding, just take a step back. I never thought about any conflict with Qin Jun.

But now, the guard came back in such a state of embarrassment, it was obvious that there was a conflict, and even handed over.

This made him tense up, don't make things worse, when the time comes, the Emperor Qin will overthrow the entire imperial court, and he will be the first to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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