Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1291 Cold Wind and Autumn Rain

Chapter 1291 Cold Wind and Autumn Rain
"General, it's not that we want to have any conflict with the Qin army, it's that the Qin army is unreasonable and forced to fight!"

The guard of the royal court looked sad and indignant, pointing to the outside and shouting loudly.

"What caused Qin Jun to go to war so violently? Didn't I tell you again and again, be patient, be patient, give in to everything, and don't have any conflicts with Qin Jun. Don't you understand? Where's the lieutenant general? Where's the lieutenant general?"

Huerte had an angry face when he heard that, and almost kicked the guard in front of him over.

He has repeatedly explained that no matter what happens, the people below must take a step back, and no matter what, they must take a step back.

The result was good, but now they are fighting.Looking at this appearance, it is obvious that he is at a disadvantage here.

"I can't retreat, General, the Qin army is too deceitful. They... They actually took the imperial decree of Qin and ordered me to wait. We are the subjects of Donghu, how can we let him be manipulated by the Qin army at will? That's all. , but they...they..."

The sad and angry guards were about to cry. What Qin Jun did was a shame and shame to them.

As a soldier, if he can bear it even if he can endure it, it would be better to die.

No matter how cowardly a person is, it is impossible to bear such a shame.

"He ordered, you just listen to it, and you fight because of it?"

When Huert heard this, he flew into a rage, and kicked the guard flying away.

It doesn't matter whether Huerte is bullying or afraid of the hard, or anything else.In front of Donghu Khan Wang Minshan, he can disregard the way of the monarch and his ministers, and stand aloof.

But only in front of the Emperor Qin who should be under house arrest now, he didn't dare to take any action at all.

To him, the current Emperor Qin is like a plague god, and he is afraid to avoid it.

A person who dare not even move the gate of heaven, let him move?Isn't that courting death?
At this moment, he was really angry.

"General, that's all for him to give orders. But what do they want to say? My Donghu courtiers put the king under house arrest. The king has always had friendship with the Emperor Qin. Now the Emperor Qin is angry and sent troops to support my Donghu Qingjun and revitalize the court. What else are they going to say? The courtiers exterminate the nine clans and kill them all, we will never bear it!"

The guard really cried, it was so aggrieved that it was outrageous.

"What, Qin State is so courageous, it's fine to turn against customers on weekdays. Now he really thinks this is his Qin State's territory. What kind of Qing Dynasty's side, Zhen Chaogang, has nothing to do with Qin State people?"

When Huerte heard this, he was not calm anymore. Isn't this Qinhuang's order aimed at him?
Now, Min Shan has affected the interests of most people in Donghu, and everyone sees him as annoyed.The so-called house arrest is actually just a cover.In essence, it is to torture to death, to teach Min Shan a lesson.

After all, Nehman is still there, and no one has dared to really kill Nehman.

Otherwise, I am afraid that even Tianmen will not be able to restrain Nehman's anger.

In the plan against Min Shan, Huerte was the first to bear the brunt.If the Qin people really wanted to vent their anger on Min Shan by killing the officials of the Manchu Dynasty, wouldn't Huerte be the first to bear the brunt?
If so, what's the deal?
"Yeah, I will definitely not agree, but Qin Jun is unreasonable, and he will do it as soon as he says it, without even the slightest chance of easing up!"

The guard hurriedly got up, with a mournful face, aggrieved and indignant.

"The results of it?"

Huerte gritted his teeth, facing Qin Jun's dominance, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"The Qin army is too strong, and our army can't stop it. The general has already died in battle. There are more than 7000 people, and there are only a few hundred left. Now, the Qin army has smashed out of the palace gate, and ransacked homes and exterminated families in the royal city..."

The guard said quickly.


"The Qin people are too deceiving!"

"Ah ah……"

Huerte roared angrily, and said with a roar, "Since the Emperor Qin is going to cut off my way of life, how can I let him be so arrogant and domineering?"

"Come on, prepare your troops. Today, I will flatten Bihaiyuan and make him feel better than dying!"

Huerte was completely enraged, and immediately, without even caring about it, he gave an order and decided to attack Qin Huang Yingshou.

"But General, Qin Jun is not easy to mess with!"

The guard quickly called out.

"Hmph, since Qin Jun has gone to the royal city, there is no one around Ying Shou. Does he still want a group of Qin court ladies to come out and stop my tens of thousands of elite imperial troops?"

"Without the protection of soldiers and horses, what can he do even if he is strong? Two fists are no match for four hands, and the master is beaten to death with random punches. I have tens of thousands of horses, and each of us spit, and he is more than enough to drown him!"

"No matter how strong he is, my tens of thousands of troops can't help him. He still has a pregnant woman and a group of burdens beside him."

"I want to see if he can keep it. As long as the Queen of Qin is caught, I will make him kneel on the ground and beg me, otherwise, I will let him know what life is better than death!"

Hult snorted coldly, with a sneer on his face.

After the words fell, Huert ordered again, and soon, all the soldiers of the entire royal court were summoned.

Whether they are resting or working, they all gathered, totaling more than 2 people.

The 2 Eastern Hu royal court's forbidden army had about [-] casualties before, and now there are only more than [-] people left.

But even so, the gathering of more than 2 people is still like a torrent. Wherever it passes in this imperial city, it is as if flooded, densely packed, making one's scalp numb.

All the army gathered together, and finally they surrounded and killed Bihaiyuan, where Emperor Qin Yingshou lived.

But at this time, in Bihaiyuan, there were singing and dancing.

The queen sat quietly on a soft chair beside him, and Concubine Lan sat beside Qin Huang, serving him with him.

Below, a group of ladies and dancers sang and danced, the music was soft and the dance was graceful, it was a joy to enjoy.

Outside the door, there was a gust of cold wind blowing.

The bitter autumn wind will eventually bring bursts of autumn rain.

This autumn rain is very dense, but it is a lot, and it is messy in the wind, making it even colder.

Feeling the cold wind, Ying Shou raised his head and waved to the court lady, "Go, move the brazier to the Queen's side, and close the door!"

The maid greeted the people, and immediately closed the door of the main hall, and moved the brazier to the empress.

The weather in Hudong itself is colder than other places.

Compared with the south, the cold air in autumn is far better than the cold winter in the south.

Nan Yan was dressed relatively warmly, and the brazier was close to everything, so she didn't feel any chill.

She turned to look at the emperor, smiled slightly, and nodded slightly.

Ying Shou waved his hands and continued to enjoy the singing and dancing.

With the appointment of the imperial court, he, the emperor, is like a shopkeeper who throws his hands away.

Now I am in Donghu, and I haven't been to court for more than half a year.When you are free on weekdays, you can enjoy singing and dancing to live your life.It can be said that self-cultivation is very relaxing.

(End of this chapter)

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