Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1293 Yanyun 8 Riding

Chapter 1293 Yanyun Eighteen Riding

Ying Shou dared to compete with Tianmen. His power was never in this era, but a power across eras.

With a system in his body, before he has enough savings, he can only rely on luck to summon what is what.

But after having enough emperor experience points, he can choose to summon any power across the ages to use.

This is Ying Shou's biggest hole card so far, and he knows that this hole card, maybe that person has already seen it clearly, otherwise, he would not be so afraid of himself.

As for why that person knew, Ying Shou already had a rough answer in his heart.

Haotian fought with him, and the result of the fight was the strength accumulated by Tianmen for hundreds of years.That is the most powerful force in this era.

However, what Yingshou and Tianmen are fighting against is a force that crosses the ages.As long as he is given a chance, he can obtain more power continuously.

And the stronger the power, the more things he can do.

The more he can do, the more emperor experience he will get, and in the end, the stronger the power he will get.

The so-called "getting stronger when you meet the strong" basically means this.

Therefore, Haotian never dared to target him directly, and all the strategies Haotian used to deal with him came around the corner.

And as long as Ying Shou is willing, it is too easy for him to use the power of the system to deal with Tianmen Haotian.

As long as the system is used to sweep the world and control the entire world, the power of Tianmen will be exhausted immediately, and it will not be long before victory or defeat is certain.

But in fact, Ying Shou never thought of using the system to dominate the world.

It may be very convenient to do so, and the goal can be achieved very quickly.

But Ying Shou is very clear that the best things in the system are gone.It may be easy to rely on the system to rule the world after losing that thing, but it is impossible to rely on the system to guard the world forever.

Therefore, his best way is to borrow the most powerful force in the world at present, and control the future generations with a steady stream of vitality.

Therefore, in the plan to unify the world, Ying Shou has already eliminated the power of the system.He even prepared to hide the power he had obtained before.

Unless one day, he really had to face Tianmen head-on, otherwise, he would not be able to use the power of the system.

But now, what was supposed to be a contest with Tianmen has turned into tit for tat.

The power in his hands is limited after all, so he will use the system again after all.

After receiving the news that Li Yuanba and Lu Bu were attacked and seriously injured on their way to the southern border, Ying Shou had already made preparations for a war with Tianmen, or even a decisive battle.

Since Tianmen is already desperate, why should he hold back?

Since we want to fight, let's decide the winner first.

In the war for the world, he will not use the power of the system, but in the battle against Tianmen, he will not have such worries.

Tianmen personally took action to deal with him, which in itself took a cheating stance to some extent.If he still honestly took over the fight, he would be really stupid.

Your Tianmen has the cheating device of Tianmen, can't I use the cheating device?

Therefore, Ying Shou summoned Yanyun Eighteen Riders on that day and hid them in Bihaiyuan.

As the emperor, Ying Shou once gained power and swept the world, so it's okay to be high-spirited.

Now, he has been in a high position for a long time, and his status and bearing have gradually changed. He is no longer the generation of emperor who had to do everything by himself, and even showed his prestige on the battlefield.

At this time, he is a truly magnanimous and patient emperor.

As an emperor, he took the initiative to fight in person, although he was majestic, but in the end he was successful.

What an emperor should do is never to change the general trend of the world with his own hands, but to follow the law with his orders and words.One thought creates all things, and one thought moves the world.

The so-called thought without action, the emperor should have the bearing of an emperor.

Now, even though he was going to teach Tianmen a lesson and confront Tianmen, Ying Shou never thought of taking action himself.

Unless one day, I was really cornered.

And on that day, he also means that he has lost.

Winner and loser, he didn't bother to continue to shoot.

Ying Shou at this moment is very calm, but outside, the Donghu Forbidden Army has three floors inside and three floors outside, surrounding the entire Bihaiyuan, which can be said to be impenetrable.

The gate of Bihaiyuan was closed tightly, and the autumn rain fell with the wind. In the army, a road parted. Huerte came slowly with two knives in hand, and stopped in front of the gate.

His eyes were cold and angry, staring at the door in front of him.

For the people living here, he has endured it again and again, it can be said that he has tolerated it again and again, never thinking that one day, he will finally be unable to bear it.

"Since you don't give me a way to survive, then everyone will die, let's see who is better!"

Staring at the door in front of him, Hult gritted his teeth and muttered to himself.

After finishing the words, he gave an order: "Come on, break open the door for me, let's go in, and no one will be left behind!"


The next moment, the sound of shouting and killing sounded, and dozens of people stepped forward at the same time, hitting the gate with all their strength.

No matter how strong the door is, how can it withstand such an impact?
After a few clicks, accompanied by a "rumble", there was a sound like thunder, and the door was directly hit.

In the wind and rain, there is no smoke.

However, just as the gate broke through and the army outside was about to enter Bihai Garden, the eyes of the people outside the gate were fixed at the same time.

I saw eighteen black war horses, like black dragons, full of shocking dynamism behind the gate after the far gate was slammed open.

On the eighteen war horses, there is one person riding on each.

Eighteen people, each dressed in black and wearing a black cloak.

They wore black hoods and masks covering their faces, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

At their waists, each is equipped with two round moon scimitars, which are slowly being drawn out at this moment.

They were wearing barbarian riding boots with daggers on them.

In addition, they still have big bows hanging on their bodies, and no one carries eighteen arrows on their backs.

This fully armed posture, everyone looks like, gives people a sense of momentum that is independent and unstoppable.

Look at the burly bodies of these 18 people, they are more like northerners than southerners.

In fact, these 18 people are also real Hu people, and they are the legendary Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry.

At this moment, Yanyun's eighteen cavalry, attacking 18 people, faced the tens of thousands of troops outside, and they were indeed fearless. Instead, they felt like they were sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai of Mount Tai.

On the other hand, the people outside felt an inexplicable sense of oppression when they saw these 18 people, as if they were facing the sky that was about to collapse.

It was a feeling of being powerless against the natural forces of heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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