Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1294: Four Killing Sounds

Chapter 1294

Facing the 18 people in front of him, Huert's eyes were fixed.

Not to mention his soldiers, even he felt an inexplicable pressure on these 18 people.

It seems that each of these 18 people has the ability to put him to death.

What kind of terrifying power at this time?How can you give yourself such a sense of oppression?
You know, although Huerte is not a top general, a general of a country, he is also a super general.Even compared with those top fighters, they are not much inferior.

For a person who can kill himself, what kind of strength and cultivation is that?
The only thing Huerth can think of is the top fighters.

Could it be that these 18 people in front of them are actually eighteen top warriors?

As soon as this idea came out, Hult couldn't help shaking his head quickly, even he didn't want to believe his own idea.

Just kidding, eighteen top fighters?That is the existence of the God of War who can be canonized as a general in all countries, can it be obtained easily?

Moreover, there are only eighteen of them, even if the entire Qin Kingdom is put together, they won't be able to produce so many top generals!

"Who is ahead?"

Huerte secretly calmed down the shock in his heart, and asked coldly.

None of the 18 people answered. They untied their bows and arrows from their bodies one after another, took out their arrows, and drew their bows and nocked their arrows at the same time.

The next moment, eighteen arrows were released at the same time and went straight to Huerte, covering Huerte's whole body without leaving any gaps.


Huert was shocked. He had seen domineering, but he had never seen domineering before.

If others are domineering, they will strike at the slightest disagreement.

Looking at the 18 people in front of them again, how can they do it when they disagree?It was obvious that he did it without saying a word, and he and the tens of thousands of troops behind him were simply ignored.

At the moment when he shouted loudly, eighteen arrows had pierced through the space and charged straight at him, covering all his escape routes all over his body, forcing him to death.

The speed of the eighteen arrows is extremely fast, and the sense of power is even more creepy.

And at the moment when the eighteen arrows flew out, the eighteen Yanyun riders moved at the same time.

It was as if eighteen black dragons soared into the sky, and their war horses flew up, rushing out of Bihaiyuan in an instant, and heading straight for Huerte.

Facing the eighteen arrows oncoming, Huert brandished a scimitar with both hands, and tried his best to dodge and block them.

However, the power on each of these arrows is outrageously strong, and the speed is incredible.

After all, even if he tried his best, he still couldn't escape the fate of being hit by an arrow.

Three arrows pierced through his body instantly.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Hult staggered back, but was seriously injured.

But when he looked up, he saw that the eighteen black people had already killed him.

A flash of saber light flashed by, and Yan Yun's Eighteen Cavalry rushed past him at the same time.

The next moment, Huerte was bleeding all over his body, his head shot up into the sky, and he couldn't die anymore.

Just as Hult felt, each of these eighteen people can be called a top fighter, a top fighter at the national level.

He couldn't handle one shot, let alone 18 people shot one after another without leaving any gaps.

Under such a sale, Huerte can be said to be unavoidable, and he can't even stop it.

The knife in his hand was blown away, and his whole body was covered with scars left by Yanyun Shibaqi. It was just the last knife that completely took his head away.

"No, the general is dead!"

The so-called capturing the thief first captures the king. Once the commander-in-chief died, the people below suddenly became chaotic, and everyone uttered horrified cries.

The so-called group of dragons has no leader. When someone takes the lead, the group of dragons gathers and can be transformed into a rope, which is as powerful as a tiger with wings added.But when the leader is not around, it's a mess.

For a moment, more than 2 forbidden soldiers forgot to take action.

However, they forgot to make a move, but Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry would not wait for them to remember, and directly rushed into the rebellious army, like chopping melons and vegetables, and there was blood everywhere they passed.

When everyone reacted, Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry had already interspersed among the chaotic army, so that these forbidden soldiers had no chance to shoot arrows, and could only fight hand-to-hand.

And Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry, relying on their horsepower, moved back and forth even more, making it impossible for these forbidden troops to stop them.


In the end, there were shouts of killing everywhere, and the Donghu Forbidden Army who reacted finally showed the courage of a soldier and killed everyone in Yanyun's Eighteen Cavalry.

When you get here, you have to admire that the elite is the elite.

A country's forbidden army will always be the country's most elite sergeants.

If it were an ordinary unit of arms, when the general was dead, the army's morale was already in chaos, they were in a mess, trampled on each other, and killed each other.

But the imperial army of more than [-] people did not. After the initial panic, they realized that the first move was not to run around, but to kill the eighteen horses of Yanyun regardless of everything.

It's a pity that if you are facing ordinary people, [-] troops will besiege and fight, and it will consume energy to kill the opponent.

But the Eighteen Horsemen of Yanyun are different, each of them can be called a top warrior. With mutual cooperation, what can a group of soldiers actually stop?

Even if this unit is the elite forbidden army of a country, it will not work.

No matter how elite your troops are, facing the top generals, you can easily be torn apart, killing seven in and seven out.Unless there are evildoers like the Great Qin Yizi Army.

Outside Bihaiyuan, there were shouts of killing and the sound of knife hilts colliding.

The bloody smell began to permeate, and the autumn rain gathered into water, blending with countless blood, dyeing the earth red.

Countless soldiers of the Donghu Imperial Army were knocked to the ground like pieces of wooden stakes.

Wherever Yan Yun's Eighteen Riders passed by, the treasured sword was sharp, and the blood was flashing, leaving no life.

The deafening shouts of killing all around turned into endless sound waves, soaring into the sky.

In Bihaiyuan, in front of the main hall, everyone's eyes couldn't help but look in this direction.

Those maids, just hearing the shout of killing, their faces were pale with fright.

The sound of an army of more than 2 people shouting to kill is a kind of deterrence, enough to make anyone feel frightened and powerless to resist.

In the main hall, the dancing girls, the singing girls, and the musicians all turned pale at the same time.

Listening to the shouting to kill the god outside, the vibration brought by the sound wave gave people the feeling that the sky was falling and the earth was falling apart, making people unable to hold on.

For a while, the musicians played in disorder.The singing voice of the singer trembled, and the legs of the dancing girl began to weaken.

All the changes came too fast, making the live music harsh, the singing was no longer beautiful, and the dance was no longer graceful, making it impossible to continue enjoying it.

"Hey, let's all back down!"

Seeing this, Ying Shou couldn't help but secretly sighed, after all, not everyone has the ability to keep a mountain falling before them without changing their color.

Everyone is afraid. Although there is no scene of [-] troops fighting here, but just the movement and sound, ordinary men can be scared out of their wits, let alone a group of women.

Helpless, Ying Shou couldn't force these people to calm down, so he could only wave his hands and withdraw them all.

(End of this chapter)

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