Chapter 1295
In the main hall, everyone retreated and came outside the main hall, listening to the shouts that soared into the sky outside Bihaiyuan, everyone trembled, fearing that the Donghu Imperial Army would enter Bihaiyuan.

At that time, there will be dead bodies all over Bihaiyuan, and no one can escape from everyone present.

The hall was empty, except for the first place where Ying Shou, the Empress and Concubine Lan sat quietly.

The eyes of the queen and Concubine Lan were fixed on Ying Shou, and they seemed to have many questions, but they didn't know how to ask them.

They don't know, well, why the Donghu Imperial Army made a move as soon as they said they would.

Also, what happened to the mobilization of the Great Qin Imperial Army before?

Could it be that the emperor deliberately caused this war?
The two women couldn't figure it out. Under their gaze, Ying Shou was still playing with the wine bar in his hand, lost in thought, and looked a little absent-minded, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing Ying Shou like this, the two women didn't dare to disturb him casually, they just sat quietly watching and waiting.

The shouts of killing outside continued unabated, and the smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger, making people feel as if they were in a sea of ​​blood.The smell of blood is disgusting.

Time is passing by, the autumn wind is rustling, the autumn rain is continuous, and I don't know how long it has passed, but the sky has gradually darkened, and the fighting has lasted almost a whole day, and the shouting outside still does not stop.

This is the case in Wangting Bihaiyuan, and it is the same in Wangcheng.

Wherever Sima Xun's army passed by, there was blood and corpses everywhere. I don't know how many Donghu princes and nobles had their homes ransacked and their clans wiped out.

The Great Qin Imperial Army was dealing with the princes and nobles of Donghu's court, while the Imperial Army of Donghu was fighting outside Bihaiyuan, aiming at Emperor Qin's defense.

The bloody battle between the two sides started on this day, and the sound of fighting continued.

This day is destined to be unforgettable for many people.

For example, those people in the Donghu King City may never forget the bloodthirsty massacre of the Qin army today for the rest of their lives.

For example, the maids and servants in the Donghu Royal Court will never forget the blood-red scene outside Bihaiyuan that night in their entire lives.

Another example is the Khan King Minshan who is still unconscious in the Qiufeng Pavilion, and a kind of Qin palace maids beside the Emperor Qin in the Bihai Garden.

This day will be a day they will never forget.

In the main hall, it was pitch black except for the brazier, which was still glowing with fire, and a little light could be seen, and the rest could not see clearly.

The queen and Concubine Lan were still watching the emperor, but there was darkness in front of them. They could no longer see the person in front of them clearly, and could only feel his presence.


Suddenly, a long sigh sounded, startling the two girls.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

Two voices sounded in succession, and the two women whispered at the same time.

"Hmm...why is it so dark and no one is holding a lamp?"

Ying Shou was in a daze all day, and finally came back to his senses. He could only hear the still unheard shouts of killing outside, and smell the bloody smell, but it was pitch black in front of him.

However, his eyes were like lightning, and his eyesight was far superior to that of ordinary people. For a while, he was not used to this dark night. He couldn't see anything clearly, so he said coldly, "Come on, why don't you hold the lamp?"

At this moment, the shouts of killing outside were still the same. Although it was much weaker than before, it was still shocking and deafening.

Ying Shou's voice could not be heard by the maids standing outside the palace gate.

In other words, even if they could hear it, they were actively ignored.

Everyone, until now, is still silent in fear.

In their ears, they could only hear the sound of fighting outside, and what they thought about in their hearts was also the scene of fighting outside.Other than that, everyone was so ecstatic that almost no sound could be heard.

Ying Shou's voice came out, but no one responded for a long time.

In the dark night, Ying Shou couldn't help frowning, and was about to speak out again, but at this moment, Lan Fei's voice sounded from the side.

"Your Majesty, the people below are still afraid, don't embarrass them, let the concubines come!"

Lan Fei's voice also trembled slightly. Obviously, although she seemed calm, in fact, she couldn't really calm down amidst the endless shouts of killing and the disgusting smell of blood.

As soon as the words fell, Lan Fei took out a fire pocket from nowhere, blew lightly, and the flames lit up immediately.

With a soft sound, she first lit the two lamps on the table and bank in front of her under the light of the fire, and the surroundings suddenly brightened.

Immediately afterwards, Concubine Lan grabbed a lamp, stood up slowly, and lit the four lamps on the left and the four lamps on the right one after another on the high platform of the main hall.

Immediately, on the high platform of the main hall, there was light, and there was no more darkness.

However, no matter how bright the light was, it could only catch the high platform and could not illuminate the entire empty hall.

Concubine Lan held up the lamps and began to light up dozens of other lamps in the hall one by one.

When all the lights were turned on, the entire hall finally dispelled the darkness, revealing a golden and brilliant light.

Under the light of countless candlelights, Concubine Lan swayed and walked back to the high platform step by step with slender steps. Standing in front of Ying Shou, she gently placed the candle in her hand on the table in front of Ying Shou.

Ying Shou frowned slightly, looking at Concubine Lan who was like a court lady who did everything by herself, couldn't help shaking her head slightly.

Concubine Lan, how noble was that?

Although Loulan is only a small country, as a Loulan saint, in Loulan, she is someone that even the king respects.

When following Ying Shou, Ying Shou clearly knew that she could do nothing but sacrifice, and she was not a caring material at all.

But after coming to Bihaiyuan, she treated people kindly, communicated with and learned from those maids in everything.

In the end, as a concubine, she was supposed to be aloof, but she seemed to be the leader of a group of court ladies.

She is almost in charge of the entire Bihaiyuan now.

On the contrary, the empress, the lord of the harem, should be in charge of everything in the harem, but now she is like 50 people, doing nothing and being very bored.

It is only occasionally that I pick up embroidery to kill time.

Ying Shou knew what Concubine Lan was thinking. She just took what she did, including her own existence, as a price, a price in exchange for Loulan's safety.

Among them, it doesn't mean that Concubine Lan likes to serve people so much.

But a woman can pay so much for him and a man, like a servant taking care of her master, meticulous, what else is there to say?
Don't they do enough?

No, enough has been done.So at this moment, Ying Shou frowned.

He wanted to say something, but the words came to his lips, but he didn't say a word in the end.

"For this kind of thing, let the people below do it in the future!"

Unable to say anything, Ying Shou could only sigh in a softer voice than ever before.

(End of this chapter)

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