Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1296 Humble Feelings

Chapter 1296 Humble Feelings

"Your Majesty, it's okay for my concubine to do more!"

Under the light, Concubine Lan smiled lightly. At that moment, it seemed as if the light in the entire hall was covered by her.

Lan Fei is beautiful, really beautiful.Those azure blue eyes, that beautiful face, like the sea god's princess in the sea, make people obsessed.

Before Ying Shou knew it, he became a little crazy.

After realizing it, Ying Shou smiled wryly and shook his head slightly.

Once, when he accepted this woman, he only regarded it as a transaction, a political transaction.

This statement may be very embarrassing.

In later generations, in those folk romance novels, readers would grit their teeth with hatred every time they saw a political marriage, feeling that the ruler was cruel and ruthless.

Often, in such romance novels, one party of the political marriage will be very strong, while the other party will be very passive, and will eventually be beaten with a stick.

It is precisely because of this that such plots are often criticized.

Not to mention others, even Ying Shou used to feel disgusted by such a plot.

But in this life, his background is different, and his knowledge is completely different.

The so-called love in romance novels is nothing but a joke in the face of real reality.

In this world, there may be love between two people, but the unswerving until death in those storylines never exists.

Feelings, sometimes, can be traded in themselves.

It's just that sometimes, such a transaction will appear to be very unfair. One party is willing, and the other party is not willing, and in the end they are forced to buy and sell by force.

Especially in this era when marriage is a major event that requires the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers, it is even more impossible to have a love of choosing a partner.

All feelings will basically go through the consent of the parents first, the introduction of the matchmaker, and slowly cultivate after getting married.

Ying Shou has long been accustomed to this.

Even, in order to blend in, Ying Shou finally chose a political marriage, and the object of the marriage was Concubine Lan.

It's just that, in this transaction, although the two parties agree with each other, in the end, the two are still incompatible.

Even though Ying Shou didn't have any grudges against Concubine Lan, Concubine Lan seemed to never be able to integrate into this palace, unable to integrate into her own identity.

A majestic imperial concubine is doing what a maidservant should do.

It is more appropriate to say that she is talking about the Great Qin Imperial Concubine, rather than saying that she is serving as a slave for Yingshou.

Perhaps in her opinion, this transaction was unfair to Ying Shou.No matter how much she did, it was just to make up for Ying Shou's gains and losses.

But in fact, how could Ying Shou need this gain and loss?
In this transaction, Ying Shou won her and the whole of Loulan, isn't that enough?
"The brazier is about to go out, it's cold in late autumn, this concubine should replace my sister with coals!"

Under Ying Shou's smile, Concubine Lan looked aside. In front of Nanyan, the brazier was about to burn out. She stepped forward, produced ashes inside, and began to add charcoal.

"Sister, let the people below do this kind of thing!"

Nan Yan got up quickly. Although Concubine Lan had always worked hard in Bihaiyuan, Nan Yan would refuse whenever she took care of Nan Yan.

After all, she is the imperial concubine of the Great Qin, so it's nothing more than serving the emperor on weekdays. If she is also serving, how can she bear it?
"Sister, it's okay, they are all scared!"

Concubine Lan waved her hands, got up and pushed Nan Yan to sit down, and continued to add charcoal.

Soon, the charcoal was burning and the temperature returned.

This kind of charcoal is made by burning wood, which is different from coal, without any soot, and has no meaning, and is very warm.

Ying Shou sat quietly on the throne, looking at the busy Concubine Lan, as if he couldn't hear the sound of fighting outside.

After some busy work, Concubine Lan washed her jade hands and returned to Ying Shou again. Looking at the cooled meal on the table, she finally picked up an apple, peeled off the skin one by one with a dagger, and brought it to Ying Shou.

Ying Shou shook his head slightly and refused.

Concubine Lan got up, walked to Nan Yan, held the apple in both hands, and presented it to Nan Yan.

Nan Yan looked at Ying Shou and saw that Ying Shou nodded slightly to her. Finally, she couldn't say what she refused, and could only give birth to a pair of white and tender hands, and took the apple.

"Your Majesty, is there anything else you need?"

Concubine Lan returned to Ying Shou's side, she had done all she had to do, she had nothing to do, but she seemed a little restless, she couldn't help asking Ying Shou.


Ying Shou smiled lightly, patted the empty seat on the wide throne beside him, and said with a smile.

Concubine Lan lowered her head and sat down slowly, waiting for Ying Shou's orders all the time.

It seems that whatever Ying Shou needs, she will meet it immediately.

"A one-night couple with a hundred days of grace, Aifei actually doesn't need to do so much!"

Suddenly, Ying Shouyouyou opened his mouth and stared at Lan Fei.

Concubine Lan hurriedly got up and said: "Your Majesty, it is the duty of ministers and concubines to serve His Majesty. I don't understand why Your Majesty would say that!"

"Could it be that the concubine did not do well and His Majesty doesn't like it?"

Very humble tone, very humble gesture, people can not help feeling distressed.

Perhaps, she is unwilling to be just a plaything on the bed in this transaction, and wants to show more of her own value.

But this value seems too humble.

"Tomorrow, these two days, Concubine Ai, get ready and go back to Loulan!"

"After I arrange the escort, Aifei will set off immediately, let's go!"

Ying Shou didn't answer, but thought for a moment, made a decision, and said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, why is this? Could it be that the concubine did something wrong, and is your majesty going to punish the concubine?"

"Your Majesty, please take back the order. If the concubine does not do well, the concubine can change it. I beg your majesty, don't drive the concubine away."

"The concubine does not ask for His Majesty's favor, but only asks His Majesty to keep the concubine. The concubine is willing to serve His Majesty as a slave and handmaid for the rest of her life!"

Concubine Lan was taken aback, and suddenly fell to her knees, her face pale.

Before he finished speaking, tears were streaming down his face, with deep fear in his eyes.It seemed that he was afraid of being swept out of the house.

"What is your Majesty doing?"

"Sister Lan Fei has already done a good job, why does Your Majesty continue to do this?"

On the side, Nan Yan couldn't stand it any longer.

As a woman, she asked herself, Concubine Lan had done well enough and was humble enough.

Dare I ask, how many women in this world can sit in the position of Concubine Lan and not be domineering, even so humble?

not even one!

Even though Nan Yan is not a vicious woman, he still thinks that he can't treat others as gently as Concubine Lan, who works hard without complaint.

At the beginning, when the emperor accepted his concubine, she was still a little uncomfortable.

After all, no matter how arrogant she is, how can she feel good watching her husband accept a concubine and let the beaten woman share her husband?

But during these few months of getting along, she finally recognized Lan Fei, and felt intolerable and sympathetic towards Lan Fei's humbleness.

(End of this chapter)

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