Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1297 Let's Go

Chapter 1297 go back

"My concubine, get up!"

Ying Shou waved his hands, looked at Concubine Lan who was kneeling on the ground in front of him with tears streaming down his face, and said softly.

"No, please Your Majesty, don't drive away the concubine, otherwise...the concubine will never get up!"

Concubine Lan shook her head, bit her lips lightly, her eyes were flushed, and tears welled up uncontrollably.

At this moment, Concubine Lan, how can she still have the slightest arrogance that a saint should have?

She is simply an ordinary woman who is sad and troubled by love.

It's just that she doesn't know whether her fear is really because of this feeling, or because she doesn't want to tear up the transaction agreement.

"Your Majesty, I implore Your Majesty, don't drive Concubine Lan away!"

On the side, seeing that Ying Shou refused to let go, Nan Yan also got up and came to Ying Shou's side, persuading him softly.

"Hey, sit down, queen, I don't mean to drive Concubine Lan away!"

Ying Shou shook his head and sighed.

Nan Yan couldn't help being taken aback when she heard the words, didn't she intend to drive people away?
Concubine Lan, who was kneeling on the ground with tears all over her face, also quickly wiped the tears off her face, looking at Ying Shou in puzzlement.

"His Majesty……"

There was a little timidity in her voice, and she shouted hoarsely.

"Get up, I just want you to go back and take a look. Now that I'm stuck with trivial matters, I won't be able to go to Loulan with you!"

"The overall situation in the world is about to be determined, and some shocks are inevitable, which may affect Loulan. This time you go back, I will send guards to protect you."

"You take these guards back, first, you can go home and see the people at home. Second, with these guards, it is enough to ensure Loulan's safety!"

Ying Shou shook his head and stretched out his big hand towards Concubine Lan.

Concubine Lan realized that she had misunderstood the meaning of the emperor when she heard the words, and she couldn't help being moved.

In the small hand, put it in Ying Shou's hand, and under Ying Shou's pull, he stood up.

"Your Majesty is saying that Loulan will be in danger?"

There was worry in Lan Fei's voice.

Why did you decide to marry Ying Shou in the first place?Isn't it for Loulan's survival?

If Lou Lan really wants to get rid of some major event, how can she sit idly by?
At this moment, Lan Fei's heart had already flown to Loulan.


Ying Shou nodded slightly, and said, "Anyone with a discerning eye knows what happened between you and me!"

"Once upon a time, I promised you that with me here, not to mention the Eastern Hu Xiongnu, even Tianmen would not dare to move Loulan half a point!"

"But this time is not that time. At that time, Tianmen was afraid of me, and did not dare to act recklessly, for fear of arousing my anger."

"However, now that I have started a war with Tianmen, Tianmen will do whatever it takes to do anything, and maybe attack Loulan. Go back, see the people, and protect Loulan!"

"If one day, the crisis in Loulan is resolved, and you have no worries in your heart and are willing to come back, I will personally send someone to meet you!"

The last sentence seems to have a little meaning.

Nan Yan heard it, and Lan Fei also heard it.

It's just that Nan Yan didn't understand what it meant, but Lan Fei, as the person involved, seemed to understand something.

"The concubine understands. Thank you for your majesty's fulfillment. When the crisis in Loulan is eliminated, the concubine will return to your majesty's side and serve him as a slave for the rest of her life!"

Lan Fei's eyes flickered, and her tone was reckless.

"By my side, there is never a shortage of slaves and handmaids!"

Ying Shou shook his head, and when he said a word, Lan Fei was speechless.

Concubine Lan had nothing to say, and Empress Nanyan didn't know what to say, so she could only sit back slowly.

The killing sound outside was still the same, but it was getting smaller and smaller, more than a hundred times smaller than at the beginning.

On the battlefield outside Bihaiyuan, the [-]-odd Donghu Forbidden Army finally fell under the frenzied fighting of Yanyun's eighteen cavalry.

From more than 8000 people, to more than 6000 people, and finally 3000, 1000, [-], and [-] people.

The day and night of the battle, until the early hours of the morning, the battle finally came to an end.

From the beginning to the end of a great battle, none of the more than [-] soldiers escaped.

Donghu's most elite army, the Forbidden Army, died bravely, and no one violated military discipline.

What is a real elite?This is the real elite.

The real elite, first of all, the most indispensable thing is courage, the courage to die.

The [-] forbidden troops in Donghu did it, and the whole army was overthrown.

At the scene, blood flowed like rivers, and corpses were like mountains.

Yan Yun's eighteen horses were already on the ground tired. On the scene, in the autumn rain, there were only eighteen figures, panting and crumbling.

That's tiring, a day and night of fighting is enough for anyone to consume all their strength.

Even Yanyun's Eighteen Cavalry, the existence of eighteen top warriors, could not sustain such consumption.

Killing more than [-] people in a row without a single person dying in battle, this record is unprecedented.

However, although none of the 18 people fell down, they eventually went up a lot.

It is said that top fighters are not suitable for everyone.

But it is one thing to be wronged by ten thousand husbands, and another thing to massacre ten thousand people.

A top warrior, charging in a real army of [-] people, is indeed unstoppable, but wanting to massacre [-] people is pure nonsense.

I am afraid that if you kill thousands of people, you will be exhausted to death.

There is no one who can truly slaughter ten thousand people who is not a monster.

Like Ying Shou, like Li Yuanba.

Yanyun's [-] riders, [-] men, slaughtered more than [-] people, the record is not bad.

The 18 people staggered a little. After a day's consumption, everyone's body was covered with wounds, and everyone's face looked very pale and bloodless.

They came together staggeringly, and every step they took, the thick water on the ground was thick.

It was the thick mixture of rainwater and fresh blood, and it was blood red. It could be called a real mountain of corpses in a sea of ​​blood.

The 18 people came together, looked at each other, nodded slightly, and finally heard a voice: "Go back and report!"

After the words fell, 18 people walked towards Bihaiyuan at the same time.

In Bihaiyuan, the maids and servants are still waiting outside.

Hearing that the shouts of killing outside stopped, the fear deep in these people's hearts finally decreased a lot.

But when they saw eighteen figures dressed in black approaching with blood dripping down, they couldn't help screaming in horror.

For a moment, everyone avoided them like they were hiding from demons.

Eighteen Yanyun riders looked at each other, shook their heads, and walked towards the main hall without any extra nonsense.

But in the end, they all stopped outside the main hall, knelt down and paid homage: "My Majesty, the enemy has been completely killed, and no one is spared!"

In the main hall, Ying Shou and the two women all looked outside the gate.

From their position, they could only roughly see clearly that a group of people kneeling outside were none other than Yanyun Shibaqi.

"Come in, all!"

Ying Shou nodded and called out in a deep voice.

The 18 people outside are aware of their condition at this moment, they all know that they are covered in blood, and they are not allowed to collide with the holy driver, so they dare not enter the main hall immediately, but pay homage outside the main hall to report the battle situation.

(End of this chapter)

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