Chapter 1298 Mystery


Eighteen voices sounded at the same time, and the eighteen Yanyun riders outside got up together and walked into the hall.


Along the way, blood dripped from the bodies of 18 people, staining the ground red.

Wherever their footsteps stepped, they left bright red footprints, full of blood.

At this moment, the 18 people were like Shura demons crawling out of the [-]th floor of hell. Not to mention others, even Nan Yan and Lan Fei couldn't help but hold their breath when they saw it, with deep shock in their eyes.

Is that human being?
18 people came to the main hall, but at the same time they knelt down and bowed their hands in salute: "Long live my emperor, long live long live!"

Ying Shou sat silently on the dragon seat, looking at the bruised Yanyun Shibaqi below, with satisfaction in his eyes.

The Eighteen Horsemen of Yanyun were indeed the ones who frightened Saibei in the legend. These 18 people were not human at all, they could be called demons.

They are real killing machines. In their will, there has always been only orders, and everything else is vain.


Ying Shou spoke, his voice was indifferent but slightly gentle, and said, "Is your injury serious?"

The 18 people lowered their heads indifferently, only listening to the person in front of him say in a low and deep voice: "Your Majesty, the injuries are all right!"

Ying Shou nodded, and said: "Okay, go down and cultivate for a few days, I will send someone to take care of it!"

The 18 people cupped their hands at the same time, kowtowed and got up, and left together.

After all 18 people had left, Queen Nan Yan and Concubine Lan finally let out a long breath.

In front of these 18 people, they felt a chill in their hearts, as if they were being held tightly, and their hearts might burst at any time.

That kind of feeling makes people feel scared, afraid, and can't even breathe smoothly.

"Your Majesty, they are..."

Nan Yan couldn't bear it, looked at Ying Shou and asked.

"Yanyun Eighteen Riders!"

Ying Shou said in a flat voice: "My personal bodyguard will protect me from all injuries!"

Nanyan and Concubine Lan looked at each other, and the two women's eyes flashed, and they muttered to themselves: "Eighteen Yanyun riders!"

Concubine Lan didn't know much about Ying Shou, or in other words, she didn't know much about the whole Qin Dynasty.

But Nanyan is different, she understands both Ying Shou and Da Qin.

But sometimes, the more you know, the more confused you will be.

She didn't understand, and couldn't figure out, why there were always so many strange people around His Majesty.

Back then, His Majesty was just a little king guarding the mausoleum, but if he didn't make a move, three thousand white horse righteous followers and one hundred thousand Great Wall guards rushed out one after another.

Even Wei Liaozi, who had been reclusive for a long time, fought for him.

Afterwards, Xu Chu, Li Yuanba, Di Renjie, etc. appeared before them, strange people who had never even heard of their names, but became famous in one blockbuster.

Each of these people has different abilities.For example, Li Yuanba can be called the God of War in the world, and Di Renjie can be called the wise man in the world.

So many people, who have never heard of their names before, suddenly appeared, but it was like a thunderbolt from the sky, and they became a blockbuster.

Now, there is another Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry, with only 18 people, who killed tens of thousands of Donghu Forbidden Army and none of them survived.

How bloody is this?How powerful is it?

Since when did eighteen demon-like existences appear beside His Majesty to escort him?

His Majesty seems unwilling to say that this can only become a mystery, a mystery that confuses countless people and only His Majesty knows.

Nan Yan didn't continue to ask about the origin of the Yanyun Eighteen Riders, she was a little tired, leaning on the soft chair, closing her eyes and resting her mind.

Some things, since His Majesty is unwilling to say, she will not ask more.If His Majesty thinks it is ok to say, there is no need to ask, His Majesty will tell her.

"Aifei, how about these 18 people go back with you?"

Ying Shou turned his gaze to Concubine Lan and asked softly.


Concubine Lan was taken aback, there was no doubt about the pressure the 18 people put on her.

Such [-] strong men are the bottom line for His Majesty's own safety, so they are willing to give them to her?
If you really get these 18 people, even if someone sends an army of [-] to deal with Loulan, so what?Afraid of not being able to protect?

You know, Loulan is just a small country, how small is it?Comparing Loulan with Daqin, the whole Loulan is not comparable to a relatively large city in Daqin, and can only be compared with ordinary small cities.

The total population of Loulan is in the tens of thousands, and it is only [-] to [-].

Even if others intend to target Loulan, they can dispatch tens of thousands of troops, or even [-] to [-] troops, which is already considered invincible.

And these 18 people can kill even the [-] to [-] elite Forbidden Army of Donghu. In front of them, [-] to [-] people are nothing.
But the question is, can she accept the emperor's kindness?
"Your Majesty, if they leave, what will happen to Your Majesty?"

Lan Fei wanted to refuse, but couldn't say no.I want to accept it, but I dare not accept it, so I can only look around and talk about other things.

After all, she was afraid and wanted these 18 people, but she didn't dare to take them away.

After all, in the final analysis, this is His Majesty's person, and His Majesty also said that these 18 people are specially responsible for protecting him.

"Don't worry, even without these 18 people, no one in this world can do anything to win me. Their existence is just to solve some small troubles for me, so that I don't have to do anything myself!"

"When they recover from their injuries, Concubine Ai will take them with her and go back to Loulan first. After the crisis in Loulan is resolved, when they think about it and want to return to Zhen, they will naturally escort Concubine Lan back."

"With 18 of them here, there will be very few people in this world who can threaten my concubine!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, but he wasn't being polite to Lan Fei either.

Since he decided to let Concubine Lan go back just now, he is equivalent to giving Concubine Lan the Yanyun Eighteen Riders.

Today's battle is to let Yanyun Shibaqi settle a war for Ying Shou, and at the same time Yingshou also deliberately let Yanyun Shibaqi show his hand.

This show made him very satisfied, and he was relieved to hand over these 18 people to Concubine Lan.

After all, how could the people around him not have the slightest protection?
"The concubine thanked His Majesty!"

Concubine Lan could also see that His Majesty was serious, not joking.Immediately without any further hesitation, he quickly got up, knelt down on the ground, and kowtowed again and again.

"My concubine, get up. The queen must be tired, you go down and rest first. The crisis has been resolved, so don't go out tonight. Wait until tomorrow to clean up, and it's not too late for you to go out again!"

Ying Shou waved his hands, pulled Concubine Lan up, and said softly.

Concubine Lan nodded, stepped forward to greet Nan Yan, and personally supported Nan Yan, and the two women left slowly.

When they came outside the main hall, the ladies in the palace just came to their senses and hurried away to serve the two masters.

(End of this chapter)

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