Chapter 1299-Light

In the dark night, the cold wind is blowing, and the autumn rain is continuous.

On the eaves, water droplets are constantly falling, forming a crisp symphony.

In the dark and invisible hall, an extremely weak voice kept ringing: "Great...king...king...king..."

It was a feast calling for the king, weak and weak, and at the same time, there was a slight rustling sound, as if something was crawling.

Min Shan, who was in a daze, seemed to have heard a call from the outside world, and slowly woke up from the coma, opened his eyes, all he saw was darkness, and he couldn't see anything clearly.


The voice was still ringing, very faint, but it kept lingering in my ears.

"Shu'er...Shu' that you?"

Min Shan hurriedly stood up, but was tightly restrained by the rope, unable to stand up at all, and could only make a trembling sound.


The whirling voice finally changed, with a slightly excited emotion.

"Shu'er, how are you, how are you..."

There was a turmoil in Min Shan's heart, and he hurriedly shouted.

" well..."

The feeble voice didn't answer, but sobbed, crying feebly, pleading.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound from the ground, and the next moment, all sounds disappeared completely.

"Shu'er...what's the matter with you, Shu'er...Shu'er..."

Min Shan hurriedly called, but the voice that had been lingering in his ears had disappeared.

In the dark hall, the cold and silent loneliness completely returned.

An inexplicable cold air hit, not only the coldness of autumn, but also the chill from the bottom of the heart, completely covering Minshan.

"Don't... Shu Er..."

Min Shan was suffering, his heart was torn apart, and his whole body was shaking.

In the dark night, he couldn't see anything, he could only feel the tears falling from his face.

Born to be a king, the heights are unbearably cold. At this moment, the coldness of being in a high position completely enveloped him.

He truly realized what it means to be overwhelmed at a high place and what it means to be truly lonely.

The cold night is long, and no one cares about it.

A hairless phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, and a king without power is not as good as a beggar.

When a beggar lives in the city and the countryside, he may meet one or two kind-hearted people to give him some warmth.

However, there is no warmth in Min Shan at this moment.Beside him, there was endless darkness, and no one gave him even a tiny bit of light.

In the cold wind, in the dark night, even the closest people left, forever.

Who else can he rely on?Who else can we hug to keep warm?
No, not one.

The real loner has already been riddled with holes in his heart. Now, except for darkness and cold, there is only endless loneliness, loneliness and pain.

With tears streaming down his chest, in despair, Min Shan could only endure the pain that should not belong to him in the dark.

Who is he?
King of Donghu!

Is that what the king should do?
Suddenly, there seemed to be a ray of light outside the hall.

The light was very weak, so weak that it seemed that it would disappear at any moment.

With tears in his eyes, Du Minshan instinctively focused all his attention on the light.

It seems that at this moment, getting the light is the only thing he can grasp, or that light is the only hope.

Is this a hallucination?
Why is there light?

Countless thoughts floated in Min Shan's mind, and finally, he saw clearly.

It was not an illusion, it was real light, a candle.

The candle flame was flickering in the wind, very weak, as if it might be blown out by the wind at any time.

"do not want!"

Seeing the candlelight flickering and almost going out, Min Shan called out instinctively.

In that lonely and dark night, the desperate people see the light of hope, and the cry from the bottom of their hearts is enough to move people.

As if to protect the light in his heart, he saw a palm sticking out beside the candlelight.On the arms, the big sleeves hang down, blocking the cold wind and protecting the last flame.

Holding the candlelight in the person's hand, he walked into the hall step by step.

"Da da da……"

Footsteps sounded.

The candlelight was getting closer and closer, and when he came to the high platform of the main hall, Min Shan finally saw the person behind the candlelight through the candlelight.

The man was dressed in a black robe, with a hair crown on his head, he was high-spirited, with a majestic yet gentle face.

He seems to be the master of the sky, and also like the warm March moonlight in the world.

He has a majesty that makes people crawl and tremble, but also a gentleness that makes people feel warm.

"Qin...Emperor Qin..."

In Minshanzui Village, it was dry and painful. The wound from the previous bite scabbed and then tore again, and the blood was flowing continuously.

The slit in the corner of his eye was also bleeding, looking horrific.

Holding the candle, Ying Shou came to the high platform, lit the candles on the bank of the table, and lit the lamps in all directions.

One after another lights continued to light up, and finally, Ying Shou wandered around the hall and lit all the lamps.

Under countless lamps, the entire hall completely dispelled the darkness and restored the light as bright as day.

The dispelling of darkness seems to dispel the loneliness and coldness of life.

However, human suffering is hard to dispel.

Under the shining light, all the shocking pains are more conspicuous.

Min Shan's gaze finally saw the figure climbing up the steps of the high platform step by step from the bottom of the main hall, dragging bloodstains.

It was the figure of a red fruit, without a single strand.

At this moment, her head was tightly attached to the edge of the steps.

The collision sound heard before was obviously coming from the upper head hitting the steps.

She committed suicide, hitting the steps and dying.


There was a roar in Min Shan's throat, his eyes turned red instantly, and unprecedented pain swept through the depths of his heart.

Because of his incompetence, he can only see his beloved woman being ravaged by others in front of him.In the end, having nothing to love in life, he committed suicide and died.

When she was dying, her only wish was to live well.

When she died, the only thing she missed was herself.


Min Shan wept bitterly, he could understand Long Shu's feelings.

How can a woman, who has been so ruined, have the face to continue to survive?
Don't say that he doesn't care, even if he really doesn't care at all, can this woman still have no grudges in her heart?
Death seemed to be the only destination she could choose, but why was she left alone?

Pain, unprecedented pain.

Min Shan felt like his heart was about to burst.

He wanted to hold onto his chest tightly, but he couldn't move at all under the binding of the rope.

In the bright hall, Ying Shou also saw the corpse on the ground.

He turned his gaze elsewhere!
Ying Shou asked himself that he was not a gentleman, but he couldn't do such a thing that blasphemed the undead.

He stepped forward slowly, took off the cloak on his body, and covered it on the naked corpse. Then his eyes surveyed the scene, and finally focused on Min Shan.

(End of this chapter)

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