Chapter 1300 Mirror

Ying Shou walked behind the throne, untied the rope for Min Shan himself, and sighed.

The rope was loosened, and Min Shan stood up immediately, but because of the long-term sleepiness, his blood was blocked, and when he got up, his whole body suddenly crackled.

An unprecedented numbness surged up, his whole body trembled, and he fell to the ground straight.


Min Shan snorted, his face showing pain.

He struggled to get up, but the feeling of numbness and weakness made him unable to even get up.

After exhausting all his strength and resisting all the numbness, he could only climb step by step, heading towards the stairs.


He exchanged in a low voice in the innermost part, shouted, climbed a step, and finally climbed to the stairs step by step, but fell down weakly, and fell beside Bai Shu who had crashed to death on the stairs.

Tears streaming down my face, distraught.

Min Shan couldn't cry, couldn't even utter a cry, he could only open his mouth, weeping and drooling.

Ying Shou shook his head slightly, and slowly sat down on the throne.

The same is the king, but it is a different life and a different result.

He has enough power, so he is brilliant.

In the eyes of others, as the Emperor of Great Qin, the King of Great Qin, he is aloof, and he regards the common people in the world like ants. Everyone envies his status.

But who would have thought that Wang is actually the loneliest and most vulnerable person in the world?

The mighty king is the king!
But what about a king who doesn't have enough strength?
Min Shan is like a mirror to Ying Shou.

In other words, all the kings in this world are a mirror to Ying Shou.

The so-called winner is the king and the loser is Kou. Isn't Kou sitting opposite the king?

Looking at the front of the mirror is a king, but looking at the back, isn't it a thief?
The so-called Tai Chi produces two instruments, the two instruments yin and yang reciprocate, there is yang in yin, and yin in yang.The opposite of yin and yang is actually mentioned.

Just like Ying Shou today, and Min Shan.

The two have the same existence, but they have different fates, one yin and one yang, one brilliant and one sad.Life is so real sometimes.

Ying Shou looked up at the sky, but what he saw was only the beams, he couldn't help but sigh.

Who knows, one day, will he be reduced to today's Minshan?


"Go... take all of you..."

In Wangcheng, I don't know how many people can't sleep all night.

During this day, the family was ransacked and exterminated continuously.

Wherever the three thousand white horses passed, there were only mountains of corpses and seas of blood left.

I don't know how many glorious mansions were washed with blood, how many princes and nobles died under spears, and how many princes and nobles washed their faces with blood and tears in despair.

With a loud shout, Sima Xun and Xu Chu led three thousand white horse followers, a rope was pulled away, and hundreds of people were behind them.

These people are all courtiers and generals of Donghu, but now they are reduced to prisoners, wandering on the dark street as if they were being walked with dogs.

Hundreds of mansions were cleaned, hundreds of officials were captured, tied with ropes, hung behind, and dragged towards the palace gate.

At this time, the palace was hardly empty, but except for the maids and servants, all the soldiers of the Imperial Army had already died in battle, and none of them were victorious.

The palace seemed much empty, and along the way, no one could be seen.

"Hey, Sima Xun, are you going to report back to His Majesty next?"

Beside Sima Xun, Xu Chu's injured sword was still bleeding, and he turned to Sima Xun and asked.

"Your Majesty has an order to send these Donghu traitors to Qiufeng Pavilion. Donghu is still Donghu and will not belong to Daqin. The ministers of Donghu will not be dealt with by Daqin. Let's go and send them to Qiufeng Pavilion!"

Sima Xun shook his head and said solemnly.

Although he knew that Donghu would belong to Daqin sooner or later.

But the emperor's rules have never been the same as others.

Others talk about rules, which are general rules, but the emperor's rules have always been different rules.

This Donghu, he wants to decide.But before it is won, Donghu is still Donghu and does not belong to Daqin.King Khan of Donghu is also a king and does not belong to Qin Chen.

Therefore, Ying Shou will not refute King Khan's face.

This is a rule between kings, or a kind of respect.

If it were someone else, between the king and the king, if the strength was detected to a certain extent, they would bully in every possible way.

But this kind of thing won't happen to Ying Shou, unless Ying Shou has made a decision to let the other party surrender.

The persecution at this time, in the final analysis, is to give the other party a chance to choose.

Either choose to subjugate the country and exterminate the species, and be a king of subjugation.Either surrender the whole country and be a living minister.

Now, after all, Daqin hasn't done anything to Donghu, so there is no need to go to this step.

The army marched in the direction of Qiufeng Pavilion. The autumn rain continued and the cold wind blew, making people feel cold all over.

Not long after, the army came to Qiufeng Pavilion, looking at the bright lights in the main hall of Qiufeng Pavilion from a distance, but there was no one outside the door, which seemed very strange.

"All the troops later, General Ben and General Tu Shi will step forward and have a look!"

Sima Xun raised his hand, gave an order, exchanged glances with Xu Chu, and greeted them, the two got off their horses and walked towards the hall.

When I came to the main hall, I saw the emperor Yingshou sitting on the high platform from a distance, and the Donghu Khan Wang Minshan who was crying in grief on the steps.

The two of them also saw that beside Min Shan, there was another corpse, a corpse with no clothes on.

There is a cloak covering his body, which is the black dragon cloak of His Majesty the Emperor.

Seeing the emperor's cloak draped on a woman, the two of them didn't dare to look too directly, they knelt down on one knee from a distance, and shouted loudly: "The last general kowtows to His Majesty, Long live, Long live, Long live Your Majesty!"

Ying Shou focused his eyes on the two of them, and said in a flat voice, "What, the matter is settled?"

Sima Xun cupped his hands and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the eight courtiers of 360, without exception, ransacked their homes and wiped out their families. At this moment, the eight people of 360 are standing outside the door, waiting for King Khan's orders at any time!"

On the steps, Min Shan, who was still crying, trembled suddenly, slowly raised his head, and looked at Ying Shou with a questioning look in his eyes.

Ying Shou and him looked at each other, understood his question mark, but did not answer, but said: "Xu Chu, go back to Bihaiyuan, and order ten maids to come and deal with it!"

Xu Chu raised his head, somewhat puzzled, but still cupped his hands, and replied, "No!"

Then, get up and walk away.

"General Sima, wait outside the door first, don't come in without my order!"

Ying Shou looked at Sima Xun again, and ordered.


Sima Xun bowed his hands in agreement, got up and left.


A hoarse voice came, and Min Shan looked at Ying Shou with a gleam of thanks in his scattered eyes.

He was thanking Ying Shou, Ying Shou for his respect, and Ying Shou's kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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