Chapter 1301 Respect
Ying Shou's style of doing things made him respect and appreciate him.

Bai Shu is his wife, who should have been his queen.Even if she dies in humiliation now, she is still the queen of a country, and even more so, a woman.

Ying Shou didn't let Bai Shu after his death be insulted, he even drove away all the men, and even asked the maid to come to deal with the funeral.

This is the greatest respect for a woman, and also the greatest respect for a country.

And all the respect Ying Shou gave was respect for him, the downcast king.

The so-called respect is mutual, Ying Shou gave him the respect he deserved, how could he not be grateful and respectful?

"King Khan, the dead cannot be resurrected, let's mourn!"

"In my Central Plains, there is a saying called "Poverty and thinking about change. The so-called poverty leads to change, and change leads to success. As a human being, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome. Grief is inevitable today, but people can't aim at death when they are alive!" "

"Ants can barely survive, let alone a human? Let alone a king?"

"As a king, you should have to bear the loneliness and cold that ordinary people can't bear. Hold on!"

Ying Shou got up, walked down the stairs step by step, stood beside King Khan, looked at the darkness outside, sighed, and tried to persuade him.

Finally, he bent down, gently helped Min Shan up, stretched out his hand and patted Min Shan's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Later, after the maid attends the funeral, let them change into your suit for you. Stand still Alright, straighten up."

"King, you shouldn't lose your demeanor. I'm waiting for you outside, waiting for you to handle today's affairs with your own hands!"

As he spoke, Ying Shou smiled slightly, and walked out of the hall, leaving Min Shan standing on the steps of the hall foolishly.

"The demeanor of a king?"

Min Shan muttered to himself, seemingly lost in thought.

Ying Shou came outside the main hall and stood under the eaves, feeling the howling autumn wind and watching the continuous autumn rain outside.

He didn't leave, just avoided.

Bai Shu, a king's woman, how can she allow other men to watch her die now?

Ying Shou came out, and Min Shan was the only one left at the scene.

He is Bai Shu's husband, and the only one who can purify Bai Shu after death.

Soon, Gong'e came, entered the main hall, left with Bai Shu's body, washed her body, and changed into clean and bright clothes.

It was the clothes that Queen Donghu should have worn, a status symbol.

Min Shan has been waiting and serving by the side, a generation of kings, willing to do all these things.

After serving Bai Shu and laying him in the king's tent, Min Shan, under the service of Gong'e, burned incense and bathed, put on the king's new clothes, and walked to Ying Shou.

All this took time and effort, and when Min Shan came, the sky was already bright.

Outside the Qiufeng Pavilion, three thousand white horses Yicong were drenched in the autumn rain, enduring the cold wind, motionless, each one like a benchmark in the wind and rain.

The flag of the Forbidden Army fluttered, with the word Qin written on it.

Behind the army, the 360 ​​and eight Donghu courtiers were drenched all over, and I don't know how many of them were shivering from the cold, with tragic eyes, looking at the three thousand white horse Yicong in front of them.

"My lord, Min Shan, met Emperor Qin!"

Min Shan came to Ying Shou's side, and bowed his hands in Daqin's courtesy.

"King Khan is polite!"

Ying Shou looked back and found that Min Shan was much tidier, the injury on his lip was still there, and the crack at the corner of his eye was still there, but the whole person was dressed up, and he was much more energetic and graceful. He looked more like a king than before.

"Just now, General Sima said that there were 360 ​​and eight courtiers of Donghu, the king who confiscated his family and exterminated his family. These 360 ​​eight courtiers also brought here. I don't know what's the meaning of this matter?"

Min Shan put away the grief in his heart, looked at Ying Shou, and said word by word.

"King Khan, please forgive me for being powerless. Being a guest in Donghu, we shouldn't turn our back on the guest!"

"However, if you are also a king, how can you just sit back and watch such things as a monarch?"

"The so-called heart-to-heart comparison, today's incident happened to King Khan, but I felt like I experienced it personally, and it was unbearable. So I ordered that the rebellious officials and thieves be taken down, the family was ransacked, and the family was sent to King Khan, and handed over to King Khan for disposal!"

"If there is any offence, please forgive me, King Khan!"

Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back, saying that he was apologizing, but his voice seemed a little indifferent and flat.

It seemed that this matter, in his opinion, was not worth mentioning at all.

In fact, the same is true, although these people bullied King Khan, making him unable to see.But if you can't see it, if you kill it, you will kill it. What can King Khan do?

The so-called apology is just giving King Khan a little bit of a face.

After all, in the final analysis, this is someone else's territory, but what you do is someone else's courtier.

How to deal with other people's family affairs is other people's business.As an outsider, it is one thing to have the strength to intervene, but it is another thing to intervene or not.

I have the strength, but it does not mean that I am qualified.Now that everything has been done, shouldn't I say sorry?
Min Shan listened, if it was before, no matter how cowardly he was, he would be dissatisfied with Ying Shou's actions.

But now, he seems to agree.

After a moment of silence, Min Shan took a deep breath and said, "Bring him up!"

Ying Shou looked at Sima Xun who was standing not far away, and tapped his chin lightly. Sima Xun immediately bowed his hands and said loudly, "Come here, bring them all to me!"

After the words fell, 360 eight Donghu courtiers were tied up and pulled up one after another, still in front of the main hall.

As many soldiers kicked out, 360 eight Donghu courtiers fell to their knees in the cold autumn rainy night.

The accumulated water on the ground was splashed one after another.

"Kneel down, all kneel down for me!"

The heavy armored man shouted loudly, and those courtiers who used to be so high up that they didn't even look down on the king, and bullied as soon as they said they wanted to, immediately fell to their knees.

"To His Majesty, to King Khan, 360 eight courtiers, not one left, all here, waiting for His Majesty, King Khan!"

Sima Xun stepped forward quickly, cupped his hands and spoke eloquently.

"I really shouldn't meddle in Donghu's family affairs. I have done what I shouldn't do now, and leave this last step to King Khan. After all, he is a courtier of King Khan. How to deal with it is up to King Khan to decide!"

Ying Shou waved his hands, looked at King Khan Minshan, and smiled.

On the ground, the 360 ​​eight courtiers were trembling at the moment, their previous aloofness was gone, and what they got in exchange was timidity and fear.

Once upon a time, being aloof from the top, that was a fox pretending to be a tiger, and it was also self-sustaining and strong.

Because it is powerful, it is overbearing.But today, when they meet even more domineering people, they can no longer be domineering.

What they are most afraid of now is the handling of the Qin people. If the Qin people deal with it, their fate will definitely not be able to survive, or even die.

They were glad that Emperor Qin didn't deal with them, but handed them over to Min Shan.

Perhaps due to some reasons, Min Shan would be unwilling to do it, or dare not do it, so at least they still have a chance.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes focused on Min Shan.

(End of this chapter)

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