Chapter 1414
It is said that each family cleans the snow in front of the door. Dongfang Minshan, as the Khan King, has three thousand guards around him. Basically, the three thousand guards will take care of things like sweeping snow. No one dares to bother Eastern Minshan.

But now, Dongfang Minshan and the three thousand white horse Yicong have long been used to staying together.

Each of these people would give him due respect, and gradually, he also regarded everyone as his own.

During the period of living here, Dongfang Minshan unknowingly got into a ball with everyone.Although it is different from ordinary people and soldiers, they play and joke with each other.These guards will also be respectful and polite in front of him.

However, it is one thing to be respectful and polite, another to accept his existence, and another to be able to integrate him into the circle.After all, these people are just soldiers, but Dongfang Minshan is the king. It is just wishful thinking for him to fully integrate into the circle of these people.

At this time, Dongfang Minshan who was sweeping the snow was very serious, as if he was doing something very remarkable.

He was serious, and of course the guards who were sweeping the snow together couldn't be sloppy.

Originally, everyone had made an appointment and was going to have a snowball fight, but now, in front of this King Khan, they could only restrain themselves.

There is no way, although Dongfang Minshan is trying his best to integrate into the circle, but with his identity, how dare these people mess around in front of him?
"Ahem, King Khan, it's good to leave the matter of sweeping the snow to the people below. You are here, making everyone feel a little uncomfortable!"

At this moment, Sima Xun, the commander of the imperial army, came from behind, looked at Dongfang Minshan who was bending over to sweep the snow, and said with a smile.

Dongfang Minshan raised his head, stuck his shovel into the snow in front of him, straightened his waist, and said, "Anyway, there is nothing to do, so find something to pass the time, and it would be good to help everyone by the way!"

Sima Xun shook his head and said with a smile: "King Khan is here, making the brothers below a little uncomfortable!"

Dongfang Minshan was taken aback, and said in confusion: "I didn't restrain everyone, why are you uncomfortable?"

As he said that, Dongfang Minshan looked around, and saw a group of soldiers, all of them looked towards him vaguely, their eyes seemed a little flickering.

In an instant, Dongfang Minshan seemed to understand something.

Seeing his sudden realization, Sima Xun smiled bitterly and said, "King Khan, do you understand now?"

Dongfang Minshan sighed. In fact, he had noticed the flickering eyes of everyone more than once or twice.But before that, he never cared.

Now, Sima Xun came to the front and mentioned it in person, but it was hard for Dongfang Minshan not to care.

Before, he only thought that he let go of his identity, treated people sincerely, and could always blend into everyone's circle, regardless of each other.

But now it seems that everything is in vain and wishful thinking after all.

Putting down the shovel, Dongfang Minshan came to the side corridor and walked towards the courtyard hall.

Sima Xun followed behind. After the two arrived at the courtyard, they soon heard chatter and laughter outside.

Three thousand white horse righteous congregations, guarding the palace on weekdays, most of the time, the first one is by the emperor's side.Therefore, people feel that they are basically solemn.

In fact, they are all flesh-and-blood people, who hasn't had any joyful things to do?
On weekdays, in private, everyone will fight together, but they will not let the people above know.

Just now, Dongfang Minshan was here, and everyone would restrain themselves.At this moment, as soon as Dongfang Minshan left, there was an uproar outside.

Gradually, an agreed snowball fight came together, and everyone saw that the guy was merciless.

After a while, someone was directly driven into the snowdrift and completely buried.

Dongfang Minshan returned to the hall, turned around and came to the door, looking at the situation in the courtyard outside, he couldn't help feeling bitter.

Is it really so difficult for me to integrate into the circle of these people?

Humans have always been social animals.Within each class, within a certain range, there will be its own circle.

There is only one kind of person who can never have his own circle, and that is the king.

The so-called high places are overwhelmingly cold, which refers to a kind of loneliness, a kind of loneliness, and this kind of loneliness and loneliness will always belong to the king.

Dongfang Minshan is a person in an awkward position. He has the status of a king, so he never belongs to his own circle. He bears the loneliness of the king for nothing, but he does not get the rights of the king.

The so-called fish and bear's paw cannot have both.Putting this sentence on Dongfang Minshan, it can be said that it is a fish and a bear's paw, and nothing can be obtained.

He wanted to blend into other people's circle, but because of his identity, it was futile after all.

He wants to enforce his rights, but his identity is just a decoration, so he is doomed to accept his fate.

Think about yourself alone, without independent rights, and pretending to be a king is nothing more than that.He couldn't get involved in the hustle and bustle outside, what else could Dongfang Minshan do except feel bitter in his heart?
"Does the Khan envy them?"

At the side, Sima Xun followed, looked at Dongfang Minshan, and asked suddenly.

The corner of Dongfang Minshan's mouth slightly twitched, he laughed at himself, and said, "Everyone has their own friends. When I was young, my only friend was Nehaman, because she and my siblings take care of each other."

"But our mother is from the Central Plains, and is not loved in Donghu. The general maid guards avoid us, and the brothers of the same clan also disdain to play with us!"

"Later, Nehaman and his mother left, and there was no one to talk to, let alone friends!"

"Father Wang once said that I am a king, and I am destined to have no friends. Because no one in this world is qualified to be friends with a king. But in fact, I have never been a real king."

"Now, Wang has given up everything. When I look back, I see nothing but nothing around me!"

"Sometimes when I think about it, I really envy them. They all have their own circle, they can fight together, talk about women, drink heavily, and eat meat. Unfortunately, such a circle does not belong to me after all!"

While speaking, Dongfang Minshan couldn't help but let out a long sigh, feeling like he was the only one in the world.

When Sima Xun heard the words, he couldn't help showing sympathy.

During this period of time, he could clearly see how Dongfang Minshan tried his best to integrate into everyone's circle.

It's a pity, given his status, even Sima Xun didn't dare to act presumptuously in front of Dongfang Minshan, let alone the soldiers below.

In the final analysis, whether it is the difference in status or etiquette, we are not the same kind of people at all.

They can give Dongfang Minshan enough respect, but they can't give Dongfang Minshan the friendship he wants.

"Actually, King Khan has friends!"

After a moment of silence, Sima Xun suddenly said.

"Oh, what does the general mean?"

Dongfang Min Shan was taken aback, puzzled.

"Your Majesty has never treated King Khan badly. In fact, Your Majesty is the best friend of King Khan in this world!"

Sima Xun lowered his brows and raised Ying Shoudao.

(End of this chapter)

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