Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1415 What to Want

Chapter 1415 What to Want

"His Majesty the Emperor?"

Dongfang Minshan smiled, shook his head and sighed: "How can Minshan be worthy, and how can he be your majesty's friend? To your majesty, Minshan can only look up at the mountains!"

Hearing this, Sima Xun was taken aback for a moment, looked at Dongfang Minshan's expression, and immediately understood what was going on.

He also had to sigh, Dongfang Minshan's position was indeed too embarrassing.

Dongfang Minshan's status can't be high or low.It is said that he is a king, but he does not have the rights that a king should have. The status level of the Great Qin Emperor is not 01:30 points different.

After all, there is such a disparity in strength, how easy is it to be friends?

Even if the Great Qin Emperor regarded him as a friend, he would not dare to accept it.

He felt short in front of the Great Qin Emperor, as if the soldiers below were in front of him in Dongfang Minshan.

Dongfang Minshan intends to integrate into the circle below, but the people below dare not accept it.The Great Qin Emperor wanted to integrate into his Dongfang Minshan circle, how could he Dongfang Minshan dare to accept it?

The disparity in status may not be great, but the disparity in strength is sometimes even more unbearable than the disparity in status.

"Forget it, maybe this is Min Shan's fate!"

With a wry smile, Dongfang Minshan turned his head, walked to the middle of the courtyard and sat down beside the charcoal stove. A gust of heat rushed towards his face, and most of the chill on his body was dispelled in an instant.

Sima Xun followed him up, and was about to sit down, but at this moment, a soldier came trotting outside the door, cupped his hands and said, "I want to report to the General, and I want to report to the King of Khan, General Donghu Nehaman, please see me outside the courtyard!"

Sima Xun turned his head to look at the soldier who reported the report, and then at Dongfang Minshan who was sitting in front of the fire, and said with a smile: "Twenty days have passed, and it seems that Nehaman can't sit still. I don't know if he is here for peace talks today. , or a break. King Khan decides, see or not!"

Dongfang Minshan stretched out his hand on the charcoal stove, baked it repeatedly, then raised his feet, and baked on the charcoal stove for a while, without raising his head, he said, "Let her in!"

When Sima Xun heard the words, he turned his head and said, "Please General Nehaman!"

Saying that, Sima Xun got up personally and came to greet him outside the door.

Soon, the soldier led Nehaman and walked into the courtyard.

At this moment, Nehman is still wearing a military uniform and a mask.

Walking into the courtyard, Nehman's gaze directly focused on Dongfang Minshan who was warming up by the charcoal stove.

Dongfang Minshan had already taken off his boots, which were already soaked due to snow plowing.As soon as it was roasted on the fire, a burst of white smoke suddenly appeared.

Dongfang Minshan roasted very seriously, as if he only had eyes on the boots and didn't notice her arrival at all.

This gesture made Nehman feel a little stuck.

What do these mean?Are you trying to show your face on purpose?
She walked over quickly and sat down in front of Dongfang Minshan. Dongfang Minshan still didn't lift his head, and continued to sit there baking boots.

Smelling the smell of boots that came with the white mist, Nehman waved his hand in front of his nose, and said, "I came here in person, and you're going to treat me like this?"

Min Shan still stared at the boots, and said: "What kind of attitude you use depends on your identity. I don't know what identity you use to meet today?"

When Nihaman heard this, she couldn't help but feel a black thread. She realized that her younger brother was getting farther and farther away from her now, and she was less and less like a family member.

Even if there was a little estrangement in the past, at least it will not be as strange as it is now.

Could it be that Min Shan, who gave up the throne, even gave up on his own sister?
"This time, what kind of identity do you want me to meet with?"

Nehman pondered for a moment, then said coldly.

"The identity of the peace envoy!"

Dongfang Minshan didn't beat around the bush, and went straight to the topic.


Nehaman couldn't help being anxious, and said: "You are the king of Donghu, and now you force your generals to negotiate peace with other countries, what is this?"

Although Nihaman was mentally prepared, it was still difficult to accept Dongfang Minshan's confession.

After all, even if you want to persuade the king to surrender, it is better for her as a subject to persuade the king to surrender than for the king to persuade her as a subject.

Just like what she said, Dongfang Minshan is the king of Donghu after all, but now he is an envoy on behalf of another country to persuade him, a subject, to surrender. What is this?
"I have already given up the throne. If you like it, you can take it at any time if you don't want to let it go. I am now a subject of Daqin, and my responsibility is to let you surrender."

"If you are willing to surrender, there is naturally room for further discussion. If you don't have the idea of ​​surrender, I can only represent Daqin and start a war with you!"

Dongfang Minshan finally raised his head, looked at Nehman, and said seriously.

"You really don't intend to revive the mountains and rivers?"

Nihaman was helpless, she had been hesitating for 20 days, and today was the time to make a decision.

Although Dongfang Minshan's decision seemed to have been made long ago, she still had some illusions.

If Dongfang Minshan decides to start all over again, kill Donghu and regain the country, she will definitely do her best to help him.

But if Dongfang Minshan resolutely gave up, so what if she tried her best?

"It's been more than half a month since we met before. I believe that you must be very complicated and suffering in your heart these days!"

"But you will never understand that before I make a decision, my heart is a million times more tormented than yours! The throne was passed on to me by the king's father. It is my throne and my right."

"If I give up it, it's equivalent to giving up the whole world and all the people. If I don't give up, what can I do?"

Dongfang Minshan put down the boot in his hand, picked up the other boot and continued to roast, saying: "During the time of suffering, I also told you, I once thought, am I really worthy to be the king?"

"In the end, I found out that the answer is no. I have never been a real king, let alone a qualified one. If so, why hold on to what should be given up?"

"Qin Huang is the king I have seen in my life. There has never been anyone before, and there will be no one to come after. In front of him, I dare not be king. Therefore, in this world, I am willing to surrender!"

"The so-called virtue is not worthy, since it is not worthy, why not settle for the second best? Perhaps, in front of the real king, there is a bigger stage!"

As he spoke, Dongfang Minshan raised his head, and his gaze began to focus on Nehaman.

This gaze was full of persecution, as if telling Nehaman that her answer was already there, and now it was time for her Nehaman to make a choice.

"Give up the throne and follow the Emperor Qin, but have you ever thought about what you really want?"

Nehman sighed and asked another question.

In other words, this is the question she wants to ask the most today.

As soon as this remark came out, Dongfang Minshan fell silent.

Yes, I gave up the throne and followed Qin Huang, but what can I get?What do you want?
Is there anything more attractive than the throne in this world?I don't even want the throne, what else do I want?
(End of this chapter)

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