Chapter 1416 Change
"Hehe, can't you tell?"

Nehman smiled, shook his head and said, "You never know what you deserve and what you need."

"In the final analysis, you voted for Qin now, but it was only on impulse. In fact, you didn't even think about what to do!"

Dongfang Minshan frowned, shook his head, and said, "No, I'm not acting impulsively!"

Nehaman sneered, and said, "Since it's not impulsive, can you think about the future?"

Dongfang Minshan took a deep breath and said, "Of course!"

Nehaman was taken aback, and said: "What will happen in the future? What do you want? Or, what are you going to exchange for your throne from the hands of the Emperor Qin?"

After the words fell, Nehman's gaze under the mask was fixed on Dongfang Minshan, with an unprecedented oppression.

Under such eyes, I believe that few people in this world can lie.

Nehaman couldn't help looking at Dongfang Minshan, while Sima Xun was also looking at Dongfang Minshan.

Although he knew that from the moment Dongfang Minshan made the decision to give up the country, with the emperor around, Dongfang Minshan had lost the chance to reset.

However, he still wanted to know what Dongfang Minshan wanted to exchange for his throne.

Is it because of the emperor's sympathy for him before that he finally got this money-free country?

Even Sima Xun couldn't accept this reason, let alone Nehaman?

The two stared at Dongfang Minshan, waiting for Dongfang Minshan's answer.


Under the gaze of the two, Dongfang Minshan was silent for a long time, and suddenly said these two words.

"Change what?"

Nehman pressed on step by step and asked.

She is now persecuting, forcing Dongfang Minshan to see through the reality.Only when Dongfang Minshan repents, can she continue to support Dongfang Minshan.

"Change your destiny, change your life!"

Dongfang Minshan's gaze turned towards Nehaman forcefully, and the two gazed at each other in the air, as if bursts of flames were rubbed against each other.

"Hehe, ridiculous, how to change?"

Nehman sneered, seemingly disdainful.

"Some people are suitable to be kings, some are born generals, some are talented ministers, and some are treacherous businessmen. I am not a qualified king, but I have the heart to dominate the world. I only need military power, and I will be able to Be invincible for me, Great Qin, and sweep the world!"

Dongfang Minshan's words were sonorous, and the moment he said these words, he only felt that the pores all over his body seemed to have been opened.

An inexplicable hot blood rushed to my heart instantly, and my whole body seemed to be breathing.

That inexplicable sense of strength and power gave Dongfang Minshan a feeling of letting go of everything, relaxing and invincible.

Nehman narrowed his eyes slightly, and the familiar feeling came to his heart again.

Since Dongfang Minshan gave up the throne, when Nihaman saw Dongfang Minshan again, he could always feel an invisible aura in him.

This kind of aura was something she had never experienced when Dongfang Minshan was king.

But after Dongfang Minshan gave up the throne, every time she saw Dongfang Minshan, she seemed to feel this aura from Dongfang Minshan.

This feeling made Nehman very puzzled.The terrifying aura that no king has ever possessed, will it appear naturally after falling into the clouds?
This idea made Nihaman feel ridiculous.

Not only Nehaman, but Sima Xun who was on the side also found this feeling in Dongfang Minshan.

He was wondering why, but at this moment, Sima Xun seemed to understand.

It was a kind of letting go, but also a kind of momentum of picking up.

Let go of the heavy burden and pick up a new life.

The past responsibility, humiliation, heavy, completely abandoned.What you pick up will be a brilliant and arrogant life.

This is the power to change.

In the final analysis, as Dongfang Minshan himself said, if one's virtue is not worthy, one's fate is determined by nature, if one is not destined to be a king, if one is forced to sit on it, one will only end up in a state of being unworthy of virtue, without any aura to speak of.

Just like a beggar, even if he is a beggar king, if you really put him in a dragon robe, it will only make him frightened, nothing can be done.

On the contrary, if you put him in the group of beggars, he is the boss, and everyone has to act according to his face.

Dongfang Minshan does not have the destiny to be a king, but he has the luck and momentum to be a lord and general.

Now, he has fallen from the clouds, without the oppression of the throne, the aura is gradually growing naturally.

"Why do you think that Emperor Qin will give you the military power you want?"

Sima Xun figured it out, and Nihaman also wanted to understand it, but Nihaman was still not reconciled.

The so-called twisting is not sweet, but today, as long as there is a chance, she still intends to continue twisting.

"Don't worry, he will give it!"

Dongfang Minshan looked at Nehman and gave a very firm answer.

"Why are you so sure?"

Nehman asked coldly.

"Just because he is Emperor Qin, a person who can make me willingly serve the world!"

Dongfang Minshan replied affirmatively.

"Hehe, don't forget, you are also a king. Even if you surrender, your foundation is still there. But any reasonable person will not be able to give you military power. In my opinion, Qin Huang is not an irrational people!"

Nihaman shook his head and poured a basin of cold water on Dongfang Minshan.

Even Sima Xun could not refute these words.

Although Sima Xun is loyal to the emperor, everything will only be for the emperor, and it is impossible to think of the emperor as bad.

But one thing, he also had to admit that unless the emperor was confused, it was absolutely impossible to give Dongfang Minshan military power.

At least, if it were him, Sima Xun, it would be absolutely impossible to give Dongfang Minshan military power.To be able to guarantee the prosperity and wealth of Dongfang Minshan I, and to be an idle prince is already quite remarkable.

"You don't know Qin Huang too well. You are right. Qin Huang is not an irrational person. But there is one thing, have you ever thought about it?"

When Nihaman and Sima Xun both denied Dongfang Minshan's answer, Dongfang Minshan's mouth was slightly raised, and under his confidence, his exposed aura became even more unscrupulous.


Nehman was puzzled and asked.

Sima Xun was also puzzled, staring at Dongfang Minshan, waiting for his answer.

"Any reasonable person, as a king, cannot abandon his country and let others slaughter him. However, the current emperor, His Majesty, is in my Donghu court!"

Dongfang Minshan smiled suddenly, and said, he bent down and put on his boots lightly.

Nehaman's heart trembled, and Sima Xun's heart trembled in the same way.

At this moment, the two already understood the meaning of Dongfang Minshan's words.

Yeah, is this something a reasonable person can do?But Qin Huang did it, can you say he is irrational?

Sima Xun suddenly discovered that he didn't know the emperor at all.

(End of this chapter)

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