Chapter 1417
"A real king needs to have enough strength, enough reason, enough self-confidence, enough magnanimity, and tolerance like the sea!"

"I don't have any of the above. Perhaps, I used to have my own strength, but the above conditions are indispensable. Therefore, I am not worthy to be king, but Qin Huang can!"

Under the stunned gaze of Nehaman and Sima Xun, Dongfang Minshan put on his boots, stood up, walked to the courtyard, and looked at the gradually darkening sky outside.

He opened his arms, and with a majestic aura, he said: "Qin Huang has never been an irrational person. However, he dared to go to danger alone. This is his self-confidence and his strength."

"He dared to leave the whole country to be taken care of by others. This is his tolerance and a manifestation of his strength!"

"Dare to ask, what is a mere military power for a person who can let go of others?"

As he spoke, Dongfang Minshan turned his head abruptly and looked at Nehaman.

Nihaman was silent, Sima Xun was shocked.

That's right, His Majesty can let go of the country and let the courtiers below take care of it, with mere military power, what else can he worry about?

Now Daqin's military power is greater than Ren Xiao's?Is there anyone stronger than Wang Lin?
"That's all for now, whether to surrender or not, you should think about it!"

"It's still the same sentence, I will give you the opportunity, but you must seize it. Otherwise, I will immediately ask Your Majesty to lead the troops and take down your 50 troops."

"Don't doubt my determination. You have an army of 50, as long as I have 20 soldiers, you will definitely lose!"

While Nihaman was silent, Dongfang Minshan walked over step by step, bent over, lowered his head, and moved closer to Nehaman, saying every word with force.

Nihaman's body trembled slightly, she didn't understand where Dongfang Minshan's self-confidence came from.

However, she had a feeling that maybe this was the real Dongfang Minshan.Perhaps what Dongfang Minshan said was true.

But this kind of thing, whether it is true or not, can he verify it?

Unless she really decides that the siblings will turn against each other and kill each other, otherwise, it cannot be verified.

"Give me another two days, let me think about it!"

Nehman was loose, she couldn't fight her own brother.If you really want to go to the battlefield, it must be life and death.

"I'm waiting for your good news!"

Dongfang Minshan stopped talking nonsense, smiled suddenly, returned to his seat and sat down, and said, "Do you want a banquet?"

At this time, Nehman had already arrived for a long time, and Dongfang Minshan just asked if there was a banquet, which can be said to be very perfunctory, without any etiquette for hospitality.

This made Nihaman feel a little bit bitter in his heart. He felt sorry for his younger brother. He didn't plan to greet him if he didn't talk peace today.

"No need, you should rest earlier!"

Nehman stood up, waved his hands, and left directly.

Dongfang Minshan sat by the charcoal stove and watched Nehaman leave.

At the side, Sima Xun also watched Nehaman disappear from sight, then turned around, his eyes continued to stare at Dongfang Minshan, pondered for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "King Khan, will he surrender?"

Dongfang Min Shan murmured, "Don't worry, she will surrender!"

Dongfang Minshan said these words very firmly.

In this world, no one knows Nehman better than him.

Nehman has the heart to not give in, but in the final analysis, he is just unwilling to give in to reality.

In reality, Nehman was only a woman after all.She does not have any ambitions, nor does she have any desire for power.

Otherwise, if Nehaman really wanted the throne, the throne of Dongfang Minshan would have belonged to Nehaman long ago.

But all this time, Nehaman never thought of seizing the throne. All she did was to protect her younger brother sitting on the throne, and those people she cared about.

Now, the people she cares about have all invested in Daqin one after another, so what's the point of her insisting on it?
Therefore, Dongfang Minshan concluded that Nehman must surrender.


"At the end, I will see the Generalissimo!"

In Nehman's courtyard, Mudelkui came.

As soon as he left the earthen house, he was about to meet Nehaman, and just happened to meet Nehaman coming out of the courtyard of Dongfang Minshan and returning to his own yard. Mu Deerkui immediately went up to meet him.

"I heard that you have been very diligent during this period of time. You have already taken over the military affairs with all your strength, right?"

Nihaman waved his hand, returned to his courtyard, looked at Mudelkui who followed him, and said coldly.

Mu Deerkui's body trembled, and his face changed slightly.

Nehman's words sounded like nothing, but in fact, to Muderkui, it was like death's scythe around his neck.

What is full takeover?

Even a fool understands the meaning of this, and this is clearly taking away her rights to Nehman.

In this world, how many people dare to snatch things from Nehman's hands?

At least, he, Muderkui, has not yet reached the point of taking over Nehman in a fair manner.

"The Generalissimo misunderstood, the last general dare not!"

Mu Deerkui quickly knelt down on the ground and said solemnly.

Look at that appearance, almost directly swear to God.

"Really? Don't dare, it doesn't seem to mean that you don't want to!"

Nihaman sneered, she is not a fool, these days, although she seldom manages military affairs, how could she not notice that Mudelkui was jumping up and down in the army?
These days, Muderkui stretched his arms longer and longer. Anyone with a little brain can think of what he wants to do. It is nothing more than seizing power.

"Marshal, you are wronged! The last general is loyal to the marshal, how can he do something against the marshal?"

Mu Deerkui trembled and kowtowed again and again, but in fact, he couldn't help but look around, ready to run away at any time.

Now, because of his adjustments during this period of time, most of the power in the military has actually fallen into his hands.

Just avoid Nehman and not be taken down by Nehman on the spot.After leaving here, he is fully capable of competing with Nehman.

"Okay, since you have said so, I also hope that you have been wronged!"

"Muderkui, there is a saying that I hope you can keep in mind. I don't care which side you belong to, but I, Nehman, hate traitors the most in my life. If you dare to betray me, you will die!"

Nihaman did not intend to continue to persecute Mudelkui, so he snorted coldly and gave the most severe warning.

"I know, I know, thank you Generalissimo for your understanding, the general will be terrified of Generalissimo in the end, and follow him life and death!"

When Muderkui heard the words, he quickly kowtowed, flattering every word, and he didn't have any high spirits against Nehman in private.

"Let's talk, what's the matter when you come to visit me this time?"

Sitting in the courtyard hall, Nehman asked coldly while looking at Muderkui who was still kneeling below.

"Report to Generalissimo, just before that, there was another person from the Qin army in Longcheng. The man named Fu Tao went to the city in person and asked if our army decided to negotiate peace!"

Mu Deerkui cupped his hands and said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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