Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1419 is a woman

Chapter 1419 is a woman

That night, Yinyue's order had already reached Donghu Daying, Dongfang Minshan and Sima Xun's ears.

"What, this Nehman is really deceiving people too much, too much!"

When Sima Xun learned of the order and the rumors, he was also furious.

Although it is the best policy to subjugate the enemy without fighting, it is simply unreasonable for Nihaman to dare to say such words.

The so-called emperor humiliated his ministers to death, how could the emperor of Daqin tolerate a foreign marshal insulting him as soon as he said it?

Since you don't want to surrender, let's fight.

"King Khan, Nanihaman simply doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth. Since he is determined to go to war, let's use force to solve the problem!"

Sima Xun came to Dongfang Minshan's room, and when he spoke, his face burst into anger.

At this moment, Dongfang Minshan was also a little dumbfounded.

What's wrong with my own sister, why do you have to do this?
But others don't understand Nehman, but Dongfang Minshan does.

You know, there are not many people who can make Nehaman care about these days. Dongfang Minshan is one, and Loulan Saintess is one.

In the end, Nehaman tried his best to protect them, but in the end, the emperor of Qin took them all away.

The most important thing is that the Saintess of Loulan, no matter what, is also Nehaman's nominal wife.

This is a human being, who doesn't want to save face?

The so-called hatred of killing one's father and taking one's wife away.Although Nehman herself is a woman, in the eyes of others, she is a man.This kind of embarrassing thing, no matter men or women, can't bear it after all.

Dongfang Minshan believed that Nehman's words were just a moment of anger.

But it's useless for him to believe it, and others have to believe it!

"General Sima, don't act recklessly in this matter. There must be a misunderstanding. I hope the general will calm down and persuade the imperial concubine."

"Otherwise, big things can be expected now, and it's not good if the whole thing is overturned because of this little thing!"

After pondering for a moment, Dongfang Min Shan couldn't help persuading Sima Xun.

In the final analysis, the 50 army is after all his former people's army.Nani Haman is his only relative in Dongfang Minshan.If the matter can be resolved peacefully, he is absolutely unwilling to resort to violence.

"What is the meaning of King Khan's words? Could it be that King Khan feels regretful and wants to betray my emperor and Daqin for the sake of Donghu?"

Sima Xun narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Dongfang Minshan, and said coldly.

Dongfang Min Shan's heart skipped a beat, he could feel that Sima Xun was really angry at this moment, and any explanation seemed futile.

Without waiting for him to say anything, Sima Xun said again: "That's right, King Khan is the king of Donghu after all. He defected to my Great Qin before, but now he chooses to go back for his own world. There is nothing wrong with that."

"Since this is the case, the general will never force it. The general will lead the army back immediately, please trouble King Khan to tell Nani Haman, get ready to go to war!"

After finishing speaking, Sima Xun turned around abruptly and was about to leave, without any intention of embarrassing Dongfang Minshan.

After all, Dongfang Minshan was the source of resources back then. As a soldier of the Great Qin Dynasty, as the leader of the three thousand white horse followers, Sima Xun still had some pride.

Even if he really wanted to punish Dongfang Minshan, he would capture him on the battlefield and deal with him at will.Instead of slowly disposing of it after others have taken refuge and delivered it to their door.This is not the way a soldier should behave, the arrogance of a general.

"Hey, I said General, why are you so eager?"

Seeing this, Dongfang Minshan looked helpless, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold Sima Xun, and said bitterly.

"Why, does King Khan feel that, as a subject, I, Sima Xun, should swallow my anger?"

Sima looked back, his eyes were cold.

For a subject, he can tolerate anything, but the most unbearable thing is when others bully his country and his king.

The so-called hatred of killing one's father, hatred of taking one's wife, and even more anger of humiliating the king.These three are the forbidden areas of every courtier.

You know, Nani Haman's words have already insulted the emperor, and insulting the emperor means insulting the entire Great Qin.If you can endure this, how can you be a subject of Great Qin again?

"That was not what I meant!"

Dongfang Minshan smiled wryly. There were some things that he didn't intend to make public without Nehman's consent.

But look at the moment, this matter caused Nehman to make a fuss.If I can't give an explanation that is enough to calm the anger of others today, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with this matter.

"Oh, since that's the case, may I ask what King Khan really means?"

Sima Xun snorted and asked coldly.

"Hey, Nihaman is a woman, how can she insult me, the Great Qin Emperor?"

Being cornered, Dongfang Minshan tugged Sima Xun's sleeve suddenly, and said in an embarrassed tone.

"What about women, women can..."

Sima Xun was still angry, but he stopped abruptly in the middle of speaking.

"What do you mean, Nehman is a woman?"

Sima Xun looked at Dongfang Minshan with a look of surprise on his face, and said in disbelief.

"That's right, she is a woman. The name Nihaman has never been her real name. Her real name is Dou Lanxin!"

Dongfang Minshan sighed, and when he mentioned this matter, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed by mentioning Dou Lanxin.

You say that you are a woman, you don't do what a woman should do, you have to be a general.

It's all right if you are a general, and you can still get a reputation of being a heroine.But you marry a daughter-in-law with great fanfare, what's the matter?

It's okay when others don't know the situation, but when others know, what should you think?
"Are you sure she's really a woman?"

Sima Xun still couldn't believe it and couldn't help asking.

"General, do you think I need to lie?"

Dongfang Minshan rolled his eyes. Could such a thing be fake?
Sima Xun also noticed that he seemed to be asking nonsense.

Is it not clear whether the one-milk compatriots are male or female?

"No, since she is a woman, how can she marry a wife?"

Thinking of something, Sima Xun couldn't help doubting again.

"Don't you understand, the general, that Loulan Saintess and my sister are friends who have played together since childhood?"

"Loulan fell into the hands of Tianmen. With the stunning beauty of Loulan's saint, I don't know how many people coveted her. My sister Wang disguised herself as a man, and I needed to prove my identity!"

"The two bear the name of getting married and kill two birds with one stone. First, they can use this name to protect the Holy Maiden of Loulan, and second, they can hide their identities!"

"Who would have thought that the moment the emperor arrived, he would directly destroy this relationship. Sister Wang has always been a stubborn woman, and it is normal for her to be unable to bear this tone. Now the nonsense is just to vent. Wait This tone is almost vented, and the overall situation is settled!"

Dongfang Minshan looked distressed, and explained the reasons in detail.

Hearing this, Sima Xun suddenly realized that it was because of this reason.

(End of this chapter)

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