Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1420 Schadenfreude

Chapter 1420 Schadenfreude
"General, you should understand now, right? How can a woman insult my Majesty the Great Qin Emperor?"

Dongfang Minshan looked at Sima Xun and said earnestly.

When Sima Xun heard the words, he couldn't help but smile wryly, if that's true, then it's really a joke, not an insult at all.

"Since that's the case, this matter can be put aside for the time being. Then, I'll immediately send a letter of divorce to Dragon City!"

Sima Xun nodded, the matter has come to this point, he can let it go, but he doesn't know the situation yet.He must tell the situation again, and I believe that the other side can understand.


On this side, when everyone is anxious about this matter, on the other side, Lie Yang is happy.

These few days, Lie Yang's mood is not very good, there is no way, Yinyue is still angry with him.

There was never any estrangement between brother and sister, but because of a letter, the quarrel finally became stiff, and Lie Yang became more and more angry.In the end, he put all the blame on Ying Shou.

I don't know how many times he secretly scolded Ying Shou in private, wishing to tear Ying Shou to pieces to relieve his hatred.

Thinking about how infatuated my sister was with Ying Shou, but in exchange for such a result, the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and the more I thought about it, the more I hated him.

Hearing the report from below suddenly, Lie Yang was also very angry at first.

This East Huni Haman, what does he think of his sister, do you have any opinions on goods?Can you trade casually?

But Lie Yang's brain circuit is also different from ordinary people, on second thought, if this matter spreads, it would be good to use it to anger Ying Shou.

He even wanted to observe Nani Harman. If he could, maybe marrying his sister to her would be no big deal.

Thinking of this, Lie Yang suddenly became hot.

"Come on, ask Zhang He to come and see me!"

With a loud shout, the order was conveyed, and soon, Zhang He came over.

"Zhang He pays homage to the general!"

Zhang He came to the main hall, with a busy look, bowed his hands and bowed.

I have to say that Zhang He is really busy with this matter.

He is not like Lie Yang brothers and sisters, who are angry in their own way and don't care about anything.

The two brothers and sisters actually acted as hands-off shopkeepers, but he couldn't do it.

He worked hard on the affairs of the army when he had to, so that the two of them had time to get angry slowly.

At this time, when the rumors came out, the army below was shocked. The two brothers and sisters still had nothing to do with themselves, but he was busy, constantly suppressing the anger of the army below.

In the middle of the night, it's fine if you can't rest, but you are still busy, and you were summoned by the general again.

Zhang He was also suffering in his heart, but no one told him.

"Zhang He, take my order immediately, go to see Dong Hooni Haman, tell him that he wants to marry my sister, and come to propose marriage by himself. What is it like to send someone to spread the word?"

Lie Yang's words were not astonishing, and the moment he opened his mouth, the words directly made Zhang Hewai Jiaolinnen.

"General, what do you mean?"

Zhang He was dumbfounded, looked at Lie Yang in disbelief, and suspected that he had heard wrong.

"Why, don't you understand? I want you to tell Nani Haman to propose marriage yourself!"

Lie Yang glared at Zhang He with some dissatisfaction, and said coldly.

"Ahem, I said the great general, but that is my imperial concubine, the emperor's wife. If your words reach His Majesty's ears, it will be a crime of courting death!"

Zhang He trembled all over, secretly swallowed his saliva, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, what is wrong with this general, he can even say such words.

Isn't this purely a mess of mandarin ducks?

"So what if I offend him, Ying Shou? If he has the ability, let him kill me. I don't believe it, there is no man in this world except Ying Shou!"

When Lie Yang spoke, it was because he was trying to close the door. Once these words came out, it seemed that a decision had been made.

Whether it's really about marrying a sister, or just being angry, it's imperative.

Zhang He is in a hurry, this general is not polite at all, if this kind of thing is really done, it will be tantamount to treason.

At that time, will Da Qin still have a place to stand?
Just when Zhang He was thinking about how to persuade this person.

Suddenly, a soldier came quickly outside and shouted: "Report, a message from Donghu Daying Camp!"


Lie Yang and Zhang He looked at the soldier at the same time.


Lie Yang waved his hand and ordered.

He wanted to see what news came from Nehman.

After all, it was the news from Donghu Camp, coupled with what happened just now, when Lie Yang heard the news from Donghu Camp, he immediately thought of Nehaman.

Hearing this, the armored soldier opened the letter and read: "On Mount Min in the East, I am admonishing the imperial concubine, the empress, and Bing Lie Yang, the general. This place is far away, and Min Shan already knows it. Please don't be angry, the empress, and don't be anxious, the general."

"Nihaman, originally the daughter of the former king, her name is Dou Lanxin. However, the daughter is unable to command the army, so she wears a mask all day long to show others that she is a man. These words are purely angry words. I hope that the empress and the general will not let go In my heart!"

"It won't be long before Min Shan will order Dou Lanxin to send an army of 50 troops to return to my Great Qin!"

After reading the letter, Lie Yang trembled all over, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"What, Nihaman's name is Dou Lanxin, and she is a woman?"

Lie Yang is angry, what is this all about?Isn't it purely teasing yourself?

"Hehe, General, I'm afraid this marriage will be difficult!"

Lie Yang was angry, but Zhang He was happy, and couldn't help laughing.

"Go, go, Zhang He, I can see it, you just do everything right with me, right? Now you are very happy, right?"

When Lie Yang saw Zhang He's smiling face, he immediately became furious, wishing to go up and give him two big feet.

But Zhang He is a literati, how can he hold the soles of Lie Yang's feet?

If I really want to do it, I'm afraid the body will have to be collected.

"Ahem, the general misunderstood, Zhang He dare not have any intention of gloating!"

Zhang He looked serious, knowing that the general should be unhappy again, so he quickly cupped his hands.

"Hey, forget it, forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you. Get out, go and deal with your own affairs!"

With a gloomy face, Lie Yang first waved the soldier back, and then drove Zhang He away like a fly.

Zhang He didn't stay here to be an eyesore. Now, once the letter arrives, even if Lie Yang has all kinds of ideas, it's useless to fetch water from the bamboo basket.

In this way, Zhang He felt relieved.At least you can not offend the court.Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

"This Nihaman is not a simple person, how could he be a woman?"

"Hey, great opportunity, missed it for nothing!"

When Zhang He left, Lie Yang gritted his teeth angrily, feeling that he was being teased.At the same time, I can't help but feel sorry for this matter.

It's all right now, let alone the matter of getting married, even Ying Shou, who is angry with each other, has become wishful thinking!

(End of this chapter)

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