Chapter 1421 Retreat
Outside Yanmen Pass, the Xiongnu army has been confronting the Qin army for more than two months.

This confrontation, with the Huns' rear area being occupied, for a long time, food and grass have been cut off.

Even though they plundered everywhere, they still couldn't supply the needs of hundreds of thousands of troops.

In desperation, the Xiongnu army had no choice but to kill horses to satisfy their hunger. Unknowingly, they resisted for more than half a month.

On this day, thousands of horses were slaughtered in the Xiongnu army.

Hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu soldiers looked at the meat in the pot and couldn't bear to eat it, but they couldn't bear the hunger in their stomachs. When they ate it, they felt distressed when they thought that this was a good horse in the army.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Mao Dun was holding a fist-sized piece of horse meat in his hand, with despair and grief in his eyes, he tore off the horse meat piece by piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

Recently, the rhetoric in the military has become more and more serious.

Hundreds of thousands of troops gathered here, unable to fight and leave.

At the beginning, Mao Dun could still evacuate at this moment, and he would be chased and killed by the Qin army as an excuse to prevaricate.

But the soldiers below are not fools either.

When the two armies are fighting, is there any reason why they cannot retreat?
Even if Qin Jun chased him down, how far could he chase him down?

Furthermore, this is a withdrawal of troops, not an escape. How can the Qin army be allowed to hunt and kill if they say that they can be chased and killed?
The most important point is that the army of the Huns is almost all Qiqi, coming and going like wind and electricity, how fast?Want to hunt down, easier said than done?
However, now that the family and the country are in danger, the army is still stationed here, and the soldiers below are more and more angry.

However, who can understand the grief and indignation in Mao Dun's heart at this moment?
That's right, even if the Qin army was in the battle with the Huns, because they had wiped out hundreds of thousands of Huns before, and got countless horses, the army of 60 to [-], plus Zeng Jin's cavalry, are now almost all armed as cavalry.

But if the Xiongnu army wants to escape, it is by no means that the Qin army can catch up with them.

The so-called fear of chasing and killing is just an excuse after all.

But can this be his fault?
He also wants to go back, but he can't go back.

Now, by his side, there are ten top masters guarding him all the time. If he dared to have the slightest intention to defy the will of Tianmen, he would not be able to survive at all.

The so-called "involuntary" is used to describe the current Mao Dun, which is perfectly normal.

Thinking about how powerful the Xiongnu used to be, now they have suffered such a miserable defeat. Mao Dun was both angry and helpless.

This great war, from beginning to end, was planned by Tianmen behind the scenes. In name, he was the king of a country, while the Xiongnu Shanyu commanded millions of troops. In fact, he didn't even have the slightest right to call the shots.

How many times, he discovered that there was a problem with Tianmen's decision-making, but no one paid attention to it at all, and he was not even given a chance to object.

It's nothing more than once or twice, but in the end one after another, the great advantage was wasted. Up to now, the army has been defeated like a mountain.

On the other hand, Daqin was originally at a disadvantage, but because of Tianmen's continuous mistakes in decision-making, it finally gained the upper hand. Now it can be said that it is bullying the Xiongnu, Donghu and Donghu.

What is this all about!
It was freezing cold outside and snowing heavily.

I don't know how many soldiers were shivering in the cold wind, and some were even frozen to death and starved to death.

In this cold weather, there is food in the belly, so that it can resist a little cold, otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to survive due to hunger and cold.

"Shan Yu Ri Ri has such a stiff face, it seems that he is in a bad mood, and even eating meat has become a perfunctory!"

At this moment, outside the big tent, a man wearing a mask of a demon god walked in. It was none other than the Heavenly Gate Envoy.

Beside the Heavenly Gate Envoy, there were two men in black robes.

Similarly, behind Mao Dun, there were also two men in black robes standing.

These four men in black robes were the top ten top experts who followed the Tianmen envoys to Xianyang to send orders to fight.

After the defeat in the battle of Xianyang that day, Shi Potian and Tu Sui died together, the Tianmen Envoy left.

It just so happened that at this time, Maodun's army was defeated like a mountain, and he had already escaped, and was chased and killed by the Qin army for thousands of miles.

After the collision, the Tianmen envoy immediately ordered the top ten masters to kill the thousands of chasing soldiers and save Maodun.

Back then, the thousands of soldiers under Wang Lin fell into the hands of those ten top experts.

That time, although he saved Maodun's life, he also held Maodun firmly in his hands.

So far, Mao Dun has lost even the last bit of autonomy.As long as there is even the slightest intention to resist Tianmen's will, the top ten masters will kill him in an instant.

Even thousands of troops cannot stop it.

Therefore, at this moment, Mao Dun is not so much a marshal of soldiers and horses, but in fact, it is better to say that he is a puppet, a prisoner.

The puppet of Tianmen, the prisoner imprisoned in this position.

"Why, the army has been defeated like a mountain. Now, the battle plan formulated by Tianmen has failed again and again. Now the Donghu Khanate has perished, the rear of our Hun Empire has been occupied, countless courtiers have been massacred, and Dragon City has been occupied. I now have a home You can’t go back, you can’t go back if you have a country, and you can only wait to die with hundreds of thousands of troops, do you think I should be very happy?”

Mao Dun put the last piece of meat in his mouth to chew, and said coldly.

I have to say that the taste of this horse meat is really not very good.

I was not willing to eat horse meat at first, and because of the taste, it really gave people a tasteless feeling.

However, under the freezing weather, it is not too late, is it waiting to die of hunger and cold?
"Why, are you still complaining about Tianmen?"

That day the door messenger's tone was cold, and the eyes under the mask stared at Maodun with a dangerous light.

"How dare you!"

Mouton snorted coldly.

"Don't dare to be the best, you two deacons of the Xiongnu, and the deacon of Donghu have already made a decision, agreeing to let your class teacher return to the country, and then plan to counterattack Qin!"

The Tianmen envoy also snorted coldly, and after the words fell, he walked to the side and sat down.

"What, did they agree?"

Hearing this, Mao Dun's eyes lit up, and all the anger disappeared in an instant.

Mouton is not a reckless person, he is a person with real ambitions, he understands that anger is never the solution to problems.

The reason why he was angry before was because Tianmen refused to agree to any method.

He and the hundreds of thousands of troops, either directly fight the Qin army, or wait for death slowly.Helpless, apart from anger, I can only sulking secretly.

But now, his proposal has been agreed, what does this mean?With an army of hundreds of thousands under him, he can finally stop sitting here waiting to die.

"That's right, they've already agreed. You should get ready and get out of camp as soon as possible. It's best not to let the Qin army behind you bite, or there will be endless troubles!"

The Tianmen envoy nodded and said in Mu Ran.

"Don't worry, as long as Tianmen agrees, I will make sure that the Qin army can't even see the back of my army!"

The corners of Mao Dun's mouth slightly popped, looking confident.

(End of this chapter)

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