Chapter 1422
Early the next morning, the Xiongnu army caught fire at the third watch, got ready at the fourth watch, and set off at the fifth watch.

In winter, the sky is already brighter than late.When the sky was bright, the scouts of the Qin army found out the news, and when they learned that the Huns' army had all left, even the shadow of the Donghu army could not be found.

At this time, in Yanmen Pass, Wang Lin had just received the order from Yingshou, and was dispatching troops, preparing to launch a decisive battle in these two days.

Early in the morning, Wang Lin had already summoned all the generals to line up in front of the disaster relief map, preparing to take down the hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu troops in one blow.

Suddenly, the scouts broke in, knelt down on one knee, cupped their hands and said, "Report to Generalissimo, the Hun army in front disappeared without a trace overnight!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the hall was in an uproar.

"What, the army of the Huns disappeared without a trace overnight? What's going on, isn't the camp of the army of the Huns still there?"

Wang Lin's face changed slightly, and he was just about to start to do it. He never thought that the Huns' army would be stationed for more than two months again, and they would leave as soon as they said they would.

Is this a coincidence?
"Report to Grand Marshal, the Huns camp is still there, but there are no people in the camp!"

The scout looked anxious. Because of the imminent decisive battle, a large number of scouts were scattered on Wang Lin's side.

Everyone can see that Lie Yang attaches great importance to this battle.

But no one thought that the Xiongnu army would leave as soon as they said it, and so many scouts didn't even notice it, which is really unreasonable.

If this matter is blamed, none of them scouts can get away with it.

"Huh, it's really strange. Under the pressure of Tianmen, this Hun army has been stationed here and has not moved for several months. Even if they know they are invincible, they dare not make any rash moves."

"It's unexpected that they can leave now. But do they really think that they can run away like this?"

Wang Lin felt a little frustrated.

Originally, he could have taken down the Huns army long ago, but in order to reduce losses and casualties, he still decided to trap the Huns army by entrapment, and slowly consume the hundreds of thousands of troops.

After all, where the national power of Daqin lies, even if the hundreds of thousands of troops are here, eating and drinking for free for a year or two, they will not be able to drag Daqin down.

But the Huns can't do it. Let alone the chaos in the rear, they can't even supply food and grass.

If things go on like this, even if the Xiongnu army kills horses to satisfy their hunger, they will always face death when they sit and eat.

The most important thing is that the Xiongnu cavalry, without their horses, is like a toothless tiger to Daqin, vulnerable to a single blow.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Wang Lin had no intention of fighting directly.

After all, the war on the Eastern Hu side has ended, and the southern border is also under control. He has plenty of time to continue. On the other hand, the situation with the Xiongnu army is getting more and more urgent, and there is no right to get better.

Perhaps everyone is used to the involuntary behavior of the Xiongnu army, so everyone regards the Xiongnu army as fish on the chopping board.

But I didn't expect that the fish on the chopping board and the cooked duck would fly away.

Therefore, everyone was careless, which gave the Huns the opportunity today.

At this moment, Wang Lin was very angry, but getting angry would not help.

The emperor has ordered a decisive battle with all his strength.In any case, he could not let the hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu troops return to the territory of the Xiongnu Empire and destroy the occupation of the Qin and Donghu armies.

"Generalissimo, give me an order. Give me fifty thousand troops from Dian County. The horses of my Dian County are always suitable for long-distance raids, which are far beyond what the Xiongnu horses can match."

"With 5 people, I will be able to catch up with the Huns army and entangle them. At that time, the Generalissimo will lead the army from the rear, and then rush to it, and naturally the hundreds of thousands of Huns army will be left behind!"

On the side, Duan Hu could also see that the situation was urgent, so he asked for his life first.

"Are you sure?"

Although Duan Hu's combat power is clearly there, Wang Lin is still a little worried!
Beyond the Yanmen Pass, across the Great Wall, is the territory of the Huns.

Now that the Xiongnu army has escaped from the Great Wall, it is like letting a tiger go back to the mountain, and it is by no means an easy solution.

"Don't worry, Generalissimo. When I was in Dian Kingdom, what I was best at was never battles, but field battles."

"In a field battle with the Huns, our army in the southwest will never be inferior to the Huns' army!"

Duan Hu cupped his hands and said solemnly.

"Okay, since that's the case, Duan Hu listens to the order, and I will give you [-] troops from Dian County. You immediately lead the [-] troops to attack day and night, and entangle the Huns. Remember, your task is to entangle and drag their Steps, wait for my army to catch up!"

Wang Lin nodded, the matter has come to this point, he can only kill the Huns army.


After coming to the army for a long time, finally ready to fight, Duan Hu's blood boiled, he accepted the command and left directly.

"Gan Hong listens to the order!"

Looking at the back of Duan Hu leaving, Wang Lin was still a little worried, and gave orders to Gan Hong who was beside him.

"The last general takes orders!"

Gan Hong took a step forward and cupped his hands.

"Gan Hong, this commander will receive your [-] Southwest Army immediately, and you will chase after him as the Chinese army, and you will support General Duan Hu at any time."

"Later, this commander will rashly follow hundreds of thousands of troops. Remember, your task is to support General Duan Hu and cooperate with each other, not to fight to the death with the Xiongnu army!"

Wang Lin's eyes were solemn, and he ordered solemnly.

"No, the last general takes orders!"

After hearing the words, Gan Hong didn't hesitate, and took the order to leave.

Soon, Duan Hu mobilized an army of [-] from Dian County, went straight to the outside of Yanmen Pass, and chased outside the Great Wall.

This Dian County army itself was the former Dian Army, and Duan Hu mobilized it as easily as he could with his fingers.Under the general's message, the army began to attack day and night, regardless of the cold, wind and snow, rushed out of Yanmen Pass, rushed out of the Great Wall, and followed them all the way.

Not long after Duan Hu's army left, another southwestern army came rushing under the mobilization of Gan Hong.

Among the southwestern countries, Dian was the best at raising horses, and most of Dian's combat effectiveness came from war horses.

The war horses of the Dian Kingdom are now almost all used in the army, although it is impossible for all the Qin army and the southwest army to be equipped with this kind of war horse.

But the [-] troops led by Duan Hu and Gan Hong are all Yunnan horses.

The characteristic of this Yunnan horse is that although the starting speed is not fast, it runs more and more vigorously, and its endurance is far from what the Xiongnu horses can match.

After sending two large armies to pursue the Xiongnu army, Wang Lin was not idle. He ordered the people below to prepare seven days' rations and set off without any luggage. He followed closely.

A protracted war that had been suspended for several months, finally on this day, a single trigger affected the whole body and began to erupt in full force.

The armies of both sides rushed out of the Great Wall, galloping endlessly on the desert grassland and in the heavy snow, chasing after each other, and soon competed together.

(End of this chapter)

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