Chapter 1423 The Third

"The final general will see His Majesty the Emperor!"

In Hu Dong's land, Dong Hu King's Court, in the main hall, Lu Bu returned to his throne, changed into that black robe again, regained his identity as Hawkeye, came and went without a trace, knelt in front of Ying Shou, and paid homage in a low voice.

"Hehe, Hawkeye, you've done a really good job of carrying out missions this time!"

Ying Shou sat on the throne above, looking down at Hawkeye who was kneeling below, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he didn't know if he was mocking or teasing.

Under the black robe, Hawkeye blushed.

He has served as the commander of the Black Ice Platform by the emperor's side for a long time, and he has long been eager to try.After finally receiving a task, I thought I could show my skills.

But he didn't expect that this shot would end like this.

If you really complied with that sentence, you are not as good as God.This shot was really a shame.

"Your Majesty, the final general is not doing well, so please punish him!"

Lu Bu was speechless and could only plead guilty.

"Forget it, Yuanba itself is not something you can control. It's no wonder you caused a lot of time."

"Although this shot didn't have any effect, at least it can be regarded as my Great Qin Qing's power hidden in the territory of our Qin Kingdom by the Heavenly Gate. It can be regarded as making up for it!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, too lazy to argue with Lu Bu.

For one thing, no one could control Li Yuanba except himself.Therefore, it is no wonder that Lu Bu caused many troubles.

It can only be said that Li Yuanba is too worrying.

Furthermore, more than a hundred masters of Tianmen were lost this time. According to Yingshou, from his attack in the southern border to now, more than half of the masters in the entire Daqin territory have been beheaded.

No matter how powerful the Tianmen Gate is today, it can't control all the masters in Daqin, can it?You can't completely control all schools of thought, can you?

Therefore, from a high probability point of view, the strength of the Tianmen in the territory of Qin has been almost wiped out so far.

Even if there are remnants, they are still some small fish and shrimps, which cannot be put on the table.It only needs to quell the war between the Xiongnu and Donghu, and then take down the rebels in the southern border, and the internal and external troubles of Daqin will be completely resolved.

From this point of view, Lu Bu can be regarded as not guilty, but he can be regarded as meritorious.

Even if the work is not good, it is enough to offset the merits and demerits.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Lu Bu's heart moved, and he kowtowed in gratitude.

The emperor didn't blame him, which warmed his heart.But he also knew that from now on, he would never have anything to do with wars in the world.

The failure of this mission can only make him willing to be the leader of the Black Ice Platform forever.

Regardless of the identity of the leader of the Black Ice Terrace, in today's Daqin, it seems that everyone is under one person and above ten thousand, and everyone has to be careful.

But in fact, how can a powerful general be willing to be a news leader?
Lu Bu is not reconciled, but he has nothing to say now, who let himself mess things up?
"I heard that you and Yuanba brought one person this time, Ouyang Xun from Crying Mountain, right?"

Turning the subject, Ying Shou asked suddenly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there are many dangers in this operation, and the general will be in danger many times. Thanks to Master Ouyang's help, there is no danger!"

"This Master Ouyang, a unparalleled master, has been obsessed with difficult and miscellaneous diseases all his life. He felt that the young master Yuanba was suffering from an abnormality, and wanted to wait and see carefully, so he set off with the ministers and waited outside at the moment!"

When Lu Bu heard the words, he hurriedly replied.

No matter how you say it, Ouyang Xun can be regarded as Lu Bu's savior, and he will naturally help if he can help when he comes here this time.

"Oh, where is Yuanba?"

Ying Shou asked again after hearing the words.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Young Master Yuanba, after returning to the royal court, went to the courtyard where he lived to visit his wife and children. Do you want to summon him immediately?"

Lu Bu cupped his hands and reported again.

For Li Yuanba, Lu Bu was really helpless.

If anyone in this world is the most unscrupulous, in his opinion, it is Li Yuanba.

This time, he failed to perform the mission.

As a result, Li Yuanba didn't have the slightest idea of ​​self-criticism. After returning, he didn't even pay a visit to the emperor, but went to visit his wife and children.

For this kind of thing, ten lives would not be enough for someone else.But on Li Yuanba's body, no one dared to say anything.

"Well, it's good to go back. After leaving for so long, his little daughter-in-law is about to give birth. It's good to go back and have a look!"

Sure enough, Lu Bu looked at Ying Shou, and found that Ying Shou didn't mean to blame Li Yuanba at all after hearing this. Instead, he looked relieved and said with a smile: "This silly boy, now he knows how to love his wife, and he has made great progress!"

Hearing these words, Lu Bu's face was darkened, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart, sure enough, people are more angry than people.

If others do this, it is called not knowing etiquette, deceiving the emperor, and it is a capital offense.Coming to Li Yuanba, it became a kind of appreciation instead.

"Send Ouyang Xun, come and see me!"

Ignoring what Lu Bu was thinking, Ying Shou gave another order.

Lu Bu agreed, got up and left.

Soon, Ouyang Xun came quickly, but Lu Bu had disappeared.

"I'm Ouyang Xun, and I will greet His Majesty the Emperor. Long live Your Majesty!"

When Ouyang Xun came to the main hall, he was respectful and polite, bowed his hands and bowed on the spot.

Seeing this, Ying Shou couldn't help looking Ouyang Xun up and down, showing suspicion, and said with a smile, "You are Ouyang Xun?"

Ouyang Xun was puzzled, looked up and looked around, and said, "Your Majesty, besides Your Majesty, are there other people here? Or, does Your Majesty know other people named Ouyang Xun?"

Hearing his blunt question, Ying Shou was happy.

Waving his hand, Ying Shou smiled and said, "No, it's just that everyone says that Ouyang Xun is a weird person. I also heard a message from Eagle Eye that Ouyang Xun is a person who dares to fight against Tianmen Haotian."

"Now, when I come in front of me, I am as respectful and courteous as ordinary people. It makes me feel that I am not as famous as I am!"

"But now, I don't worry, this Master Ouyang is really the same as the rumors!"

Ouyang Xun couldn't help being speechless when he heard the words, and said with a wry smile: "Your Majesty, this statement is wrong. For one thing, Ouyang Xun is not a courtier of Daqin, even if he meets the king of another country, he doesn't need to present me on behalf of Daqin."

"Furthermore, Tiantianmen is nothing more than a wild way in the final analysis. If the name is not right, it is not right. Why should the old man give them any good looks?"

"Now, the world of Great Qin belongs to His Majesty. The so-called universal land is the king's land, and the soldiers who are handsome in the land are the king's ministers. Living in this land of Qin State, how can you not worship me when you see me, Emperor Qin?"

"Although I don't like those clichés, others think I'm weird, but I still understand the etiquette!"

Ying Shou nodded and smiled when he heard the words: "Well, it does seem to be the case. Apart from knowing a little bit of etiquette, it should be strange. In this world, anyone who dares to speak so arrogantly in front of me, You are the third!"

(End of this chapter)

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