Chapter 1425
"Well, counting the time, those people should indeed be here!"

Ying Shou nodded. He had been waiting for the arrival of the sages selected by Xianyang City for the past few days.

Now that he got the exact time, Ying Shou waved Lv Bu back, and immediately ordered, "Come here, order Dongguo Benlei to clean up all the posthouses and inns in the city immediately."

"Personally take someone out of the city to welcome my Daqin Qunxians. Please treat me nicely. If there is any problem, I will ask him!"

Outside, a centurion on duty who was in charge of obeying Ying Shou's dispatch trotted over. Hearing this, he took the order and left quickly.

Soon, the decree was conveyed to Dongguo Mansion.

These days, each of the 35 noble families in Donghu has become honest.

Some time ago, in order to get some benefits, these people attacked each other, and they restrained themselves strongly.

In the end, everyone suddenly discovered that the attack came and went, everyone restrained, there was nowhere to start, and gradually, they calmed down.

Now it's deep winter, Ying Shou lives in the royal court, but doesn't go to court much.

After being deprived of all their privileges by Ying Shou, the great families no longer have their own fiefs, let alone their responsibilities.

It can be said that these days, the entire Donghu has been paralyzed
Ying Shou didn't intervene, and the big families had no rights and were too lazy to intervene.

Therefore, no matter whether this Donghu is in dire straits or not, each of these people in the upper class is watching their eyes, their noses, their noses, and their hearts, and are leisurely and at ease.

Like Dongguo Benlei, these days, he basically stays at home.

There is nothing to do, restrain the children of the family, other than that, there is nothing major to do.

Gradually, it seemed that the whole person was going to be moldy.

Hearing the emperor's order suddenly, the sages from the Central Plains arrived, and Dong Guo Benlei was immediately bewildered.

What does it mean?What Central Plains Qunxian?Come at this time, what are you doing?
He was puzzled, but Dongguo Benlei did not dare to disobey the holy order. After accepting the order, Dongguo Benlei left immediately, mobilized hundreds of soldiers and horses in the city, and began to carry out the task.

Dongguo Benlei can be the patriarch of such a large family, and his ability to handle affairs is not bad, it can be said to be vigorous and resolute.

Under the emperor's order, he forcefully cleaned up all the post houses and inns in the city, and it took less than two hours to wait until they were cleaned up.

Afterwards, without stopping, he brought people to the outside of the city in person, waiting for the arrival of the so-called Central Plains sages.

Don't look at him doing things neatly, but until the team drove out of the city, he still looked confused and didn't figure out at all who these so-called Central Plains sages were.

I don't know how many people will come this time, and they want to clean up all the inns and post houses in the whole city.

You must know that Donghu King City is also a place where most of the businessmen pass by on weekdays, so there are many post houses and inns.

A little crowded, with tens of thousands of people living there, is hardly a problem.

Even if it is a little looser, it is easy to accommodate thousands of people.

Could it be that there are as many as a thousand people who came this time?

"Everyone stand still, Your Majesty has an order to welcome the court's sages, whoever dares to act recklessly will be killed without mercy!"

Outside the city, Dongguo Benlei gave an order.

Although it is not clear what the so-called Central Plains group of sages want to do, and how many people will come.But one thing, he understands.

In the Central Plains, those who can be called sages are all talented people.

Perhaps ordinary talents are far from worthy of the title of sage, but the people who came this time are definitely not trivial.

Since the emperor gave him an order, of course he had to be careful.

The soldiers and horses he brought this time were all the defenders who stayed behind to garrison the royal city after Ying Shou gathered up the private soldiers of various families.

These people are all private soldiers of Donghu's major families. Although most of them are not the private soldiers that his Dongguo family used to support, they are quite easy to command.

Following Dongguo Benlei's order, all the troops agreed one after another.

After all, you have entered the Great Qin, and all the rules must follow the rules of the Great Qin.

Hundreds of sergeants are standing in battle, waiting for the so-called Central Plains sages.

At the same time, above and below the walls, the principals of the major families also arrived one after another.

The Murong family, the Tuoba family and other patriarchs also came here in admiration.

This Dongguo Benlei has been quite peaceful recently.He didn't even take a chance when the families stepped on each other.

Now he jumped out suddenly, took the defenders with him, cleaned up the post house and inn, and went out of the city to wait.

This movement is not insignificant, and it makes the big families feel a little restless.

Speaking of it, it is also impossible.The major families were basically scared by Dongguo Benlei.

For the first time, Dongguo Benlei made a big move, directly breaking the covenant with the major families, mobilizing private soldiers, and sweeping the major families, so that the major families could not find the north.

The second time was even more ruthless, and all the last cards of the big families were cheated.

If there is any movement now, it will be difficult for the great families to stay.

Who knows if this Dongguo Benlei has teamed up with that person to cheat people?

If you don’t observe first, you won’t know if you’ve been scammed, and you’ll be confused. What’s more, you’ll have to count money for others if you’re scammed.

"You said, what does Dongguo Benlei mean by making such a big move today?"

People from major families came to the city to meet each other.

The first person was the head of the Murong family, who couldn't help asking with a headache.

"How many other meanings can it mean? It must be that person's meaning!"

The Patriarch of the Tuoba Family had a displeased expression on his face, and he couldn't help being vigilant while speaking.

"Joke, everyone knows it must be the meaning of that person, what is the key point of that person? You won't do anything unexpected this time, right?"

"I waited for the big families, but I lost all my wealth. If I don't let it go, I won't be able to survive!"

The Patriarch of the Taishu Family sighed, maybe it was the shadow in his heart, now that he saw the Dongguo Family's actions, he couldn't help but feel frightened, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Hey, who's to say no, I can't live anymore. It's a pity that the lives of the whole family are in their hands now. What else can I do besides obediently waiting for the fate to be judged?"

The Patriarch of the Gongsun family smiled wryly, thinking about the family's glory in the past, and thinking about the scene of being slaughtered by others, it is really sad.

Everyone sighed at each other and couldn't help bowing their heads.

Who is not in the same situation?
In the next moment, everyone's eyes turned to the majestic Dongguo Benlei riding a tall horse under the city again.

An inexplicable resentment grew deep in everyone's hearts.

It doesn't matter whether you envy Dongguo Benlei or hate Dongguo Benlei, now, in the eyes of these people, Dongguo Benlei has been completely kicked out of the circle.

Everyone's life is not as easy as this Dongguo Benlei.At least, they are the ones who act. If there is any problem, they will always be the first to know.

(End of this chapter)

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