Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1426 Top 3 Armour

Chapter 1426 Top Three

While everyone was waiting, time passed little by little.

Dongguo Benlei was waiting, and so were the heads of the major families on the top of the city, and asked when exactly what happened.

Heavy snow covered the earth, wrapped in silver.

The cold wind is blowing, mixed with flying snow, like a wind knife and snow sword, stinging people's body.

I don't know how many people were shivering from the cold, making the waiting time long and boring.

Until noon, finally, black shadows began to appear in the snow-covered distance, and finally gathered into a long dragon, coming mightily.


Looking at the posture, Dong Guo Benlei looked serious.

Obviously, this should be the so-called Central Plains Qunxian.

After the huge crowd came in front of him, Dongguo Benlei finally understood why he wanted to clear out all the inns and posthouses in the entire Wangcheng.

There were not many people who came this time, if you look around, there are thousands of people, more than enough.

These people are all dressed in Central Plains costumes, and some are elderly, five or sixty years old.There are also three middle-aged people in their 60s, and even young people in their 40s.

The first three of them marched hand in hand, proud of themselves.

The one in the middle, with pale gray hair, seems to be over the age of sixty.

On the left of the old man is a middle-aged man holding a map.

The middle-aged man, while driving the horse forward, carefully observed the map in his hand, and at the same time raised his head, looking around the surrounding environment, as if he was familiar with everything around him.

Finally, the person on the right of the middle-aged man is a young man who is not more than thirty years old.

The man hangs a long sword at his waist, and the jade tree faces the wind, which gives people the feeling of a gentleman who is as gentle as jade.This appearance, in the crowd, belongs to the kind that can be picked at a glance.

The three of them drove their horses to Dongguo Benlei, and got off their horses one after another.

Afterwards, the three bowed together.

Then an old man, with an old and slightly hoarse voice, said: "Old man, Hu Shuhai, the first liberal arts champion since the founding of the Great Qin Dynasty, has met the general!"

The middle-aged man clasped his hands and said, "When the Great Qin Emperor came, the first liberal arts candidate, Su Quan, met the general!"

The last one was the young man, with a slight smile, his voice was full of magnetism, and he said with a smile: "I'm going to take the imperial examination of the Great Qin Dynasty, Zhao Fengting, I have met the general!"

These three people are none other than the top three selected from the Great Qin Imperial Examination.

When the three of them spoke, they were not arrogant, but they were not humble at all.

After all, when you are new here, the so-called name of a person, the shadow of a tree, sometimes, the more resounding the identity, the smoother things can be done.

Therefore, the three of them reported their identities at the first time, but they didn't mean to show off, they just declared their identities first.

You know, they came this time to manage the Donghu.If you can't frighten the scene at the first time, it will be troublesome when you start to do things later.

It's just that although the three of them reported their names first, Dong Guo Benlei's face was filled with black lines, his heart was full of doubts, and he was very puzzled.

It wasn't just Dongguo Benlei, the heads of the major families also heard the self-reported identities of the three on the top of the city, and they were also stunned.

What is the number one pick, what is the second place, what is the No. [-] pick?
What are these things, what do they mean?
I have only heard of a hundred schools of thought in the Central Plains, but I have never heard of a champion, second place, or Tanhua?

Could it be that these few people and the philosophers of the hundred schools of thought, Confucius, Mencius, Shenzi, Xunzi, etc.?

Dong Guo Benlei thought of the group of sages appointed by the emperor, and couldn't help comparing these three with the sages of various schools of thought.

This is also helpless, after all, they don't know what the number one scholar in the Daqin scientific examination, the second place, and Tanhua are.

"Ahem, you three are very polite. This general is waiting here by the order of His Majesty the Emperor. I heard that the sages are coming today, so I should be talking about you, right?"

Dong Guo Benlei coughed twice, and didn't know how to talk to a few people, so he could only smile awkwardly.

The three of them couldn't help but look at each other when they heard this.

"Hahaha, the general was joking. How can I be called a sage when I wait for a group of scholars? This time I came to Donghu, and I am nothing more than an official and a half-job, and I am also a layman!"

The old man laughed, he couldn't help laughing at himself because he was suddenly given the reputation of a sage.

Of course, to say that he came here for an official job is just casual talk.

He is quite old, and he originally pointed to Anxin to spread academics.

However, he used to be from the country of Yan.

This country of Yan is bordered by the land of Donghu, and even in the past, this king city of Donghu was still the territory of the country of Yan.

Back then, Yan Kingdom was defeated by Great Qin. Before the country was destroyed, King Xi of Yan fled to the land of Hu Dong with his remaining strength, which is now the Dong Hu King City.

It's a pity that he was hunted down by Daqin and perished later.

After the death of the First Emperor, Donghu followed suit and robbed all the land outside the Great Wall, which formed the land of Hudong today.

Including this Donghu King City, it has also changed from the last capital of Yan Kingdom to Donghu King City.

It is precisely because of this that most Yan people are actually familiar with the land of Donghu.

In particular, there are some educated people in the country of Yan, as well as businessmen in the country of Yan. Basically, many of them have traveled all over Donghu.

The old man, that is, the number one scholar of the Great Qin Dynasty, Hu Shuhai, was a scholar who had traveled all over the world and traveled all over the mountains and rivers of Donghu.Among the talents of various schools of thought, he can be said to know Donghu best.

Everyone knows what the purpose of this scientific examination and selection of talents is.So he was forcibly selected and participated in the scientific examination.

It's okay if you don't participate, but once you participate, it will be terrible.

With his innate advantages, coupled with his decades of accumulation of knowledge, it can be said that no one can compare, and the position of the number one scholar is basically firmly seated by him.

Therefore, it is false that he came here this time to serve as an official, to attract the attention of the public, to bear responsibility, and to govern Donghu is true.

"Mr. Hu is right, he is under the emperor's order, how dare he pretend to be a virtuous person?"

That middle-aged man, Su Quan shook his head, and followed Hu Shuhai with a smile.

"General, I won't say any compliments. You really don't have the face to bear the name of a sage. It's just that it's cold and freezing here. I don't know if His Majesty the Emperor can summon me and let me obey orders, or temporarily Let’s settle down first. Please arrange one or two with the general, I’m tired!”

In the end, that young man, Zhao Fengting, was very polite, and his manner and tone of speech made it impossible to find any faults.

At this moment, everyone's eyes seemed to be on the top three.

On the other hand, the thousands of people behind them are all talented and learned people, but they are ignored by others. They really obeyed that sentence, flowers are the most beautiful and people have the highest reputation.The top three often attract attention.Thereafter, it is ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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