Chapter 1430
"Oh, the others are also here?"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows, looked at Lin Yuan, and said with a half-smile.

At this time, the sky has gradually darkened, and the surrounding lights are lit.

Lin Yuan knelt under the dark firelight and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, everything is here!"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth raised slightly, as expected, these people are now a group of frightened existences, and they no longer have the high-spirited spirit of nobles.

This is exactly the result he wants. If he can't even manage these people well, how can he rule the world?
"Pass down the order and tell Dongguo Benlei that it is enough to arrange the matter. I know, let him go back immediately. In the early morning of tomorrow, he will bring all the big families and me from Zhongyuan to the court together!"

Thinking, Ying Shou gave an order.

"Your Majesty, look at the appearance of the Patriarchs of the major families. If you don't see Your Majesty today, I'm afraid you won't let Dongguo Benlei go easily!"

Lin Yuan's heart moved, and he couldn't help but speak.

Lin Yuan is a fierce general, but also a wise general.

He is a person who is very good at doing things. After his injury improved, he immediately started to understand the current situation of Donghu.

After learning about the emperor's series of methods for the following, he already understood the truth.

The emperor is obviously preparing to let the major families fight among themselves in order to balance the power of the major families, so that the major families will not unite and rebel against the imperial court.

In this way, Daqin's rule over Donghu will be more handy.

This is a kind of imperial mind, a method.

It's a pity that Dongguo Benlei and the Dongguo family, which were pushed out by the emperor, seem to be in the limelight for a while, but in fact, they are on the cusp of the storm and are being targeted.

Today, why are the major families unable to sit still?Isn't it to guard against Dongguo Benlei?
Today, if the major aristocratic families do not get an explanation, I am afraid that Dongguo Benlei will not be easily let go.

Thinking of this, it was Lin Yuan who felt inexplicably sympathetic to Dongguo Benlei for a moment. The days of Dongguo Benlei and the Dongguo family were becoming more and more sad.

"Will Dongguo Benlei be spared? Could it be that they can still kill Dongguo Benlei?"

"Don't worry, Dongguo Benlei is an official of the imperial court anyway, so he can't die. With some means, it's not difficult to get out. If you don't even have this ability, you can die!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, he didn't mean to sympathize with Dong Guo Benlei at all.

The imperial court needs the strong, not the trash.He promotes Dongguo Benlei in this way, if Dongguo Benlei and you can't handle this little trouble, you won't use it with him.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan knew that the emperor did not leave any room for it.

Immediately, without talking nonsense, he cupped his hands and said, "No, wait a moment, Your Majesty, the final general will send the order!"

After the words fell, Lin Yuan got up and left quickly.


In the main hall of the royal court, the former 35 nobles of Donghu, and now the heads of the major aristocratic families are all standing in the hall, anxiously waiting for the arrival of the emperor.

As Lin Yuan guessed, if these people don't understand a Zichou Yinmao today, they are really not at ease in their hearts.

Seeing Lin Yuan's arrival, everyone stood up immediately, thinking that the emperor was coming soon.

But at this moment, Lin Yuan stepped forward to the crowd, cupped his hands and said: "My emperor has ordered, the matter is over, Dongguo Benlei shared my worries and did a good job."

"Let Dongguo Benlei and everyone go back immediately, and inform the great talents of the Central Plains tomorrow to come to court in the early morning!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was taken aback.

"What, Your Majesty is not coming out today?"

Everyone's faces were a bit ugly, especially Dongguo Benlei.

Dong Guo Benlei couldn't help but looked around, seeing everyone's eyes couldn't help but look at him, he felt a groan in his heart.

His Majesty the Emperor, can you still do some personnel work?
It's fine if you let yourself do things in a daze, now these life-threatening guys surround you, it doesn't matter if you don't see yourself, but do you need to praise yourself in front of so many people?
Is this a compliment, or a flattery?

Today's Dongguo Benlei can be said to have betrayed relatives, and the noble friends of the past are almost turning against each other now.

The emperor praised people for cheating people many times before, but now that the emperor is praising them here, is he planning to cheat these people again?

At this moment, these people might wish to kill themselves.

After Lin Yuan conveyed the imperial order, he turned around and walked outside regardless of whether the people accepted it or not.

As soon as Lin Yuan left, everyone immediately surrounded Dongguo Benlei.

Those eyes were full of threats, like a pack of wolves besieging their prey.

"Hey, what do you want to do?"

Dongguo Benlei's heart trembled, and he couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Hehe, Dongguo Benlei, what do you think we will do?"

Murong Shanhai sneered.

"Quickly tell me, what kind of bad intentions are you holding back? I'll tell you Dongguo Benlei, if you dare to deal with my big family, be careful that we will die with you!"

Shangguan Hong gritted his teeth and looked at Dong Guo Benlei with a warning face.

"Hurry up and explain, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait any longer!"

Tuoba Yunxiao was gearing up for it, as if he was going to do it directly.

The danger was imminent, and Dong Guo Benlei was frightened.

He glanced around and saw many court soldiers guarding outside, and suddenly thought of something.

"Why, are you threatening me?"

Suddenly, Dongguo Benlei snorted coldly, took a step forward, and said, "Don't forget, I am an official of the imperial court and I am working for the emperor. Before you decide to coerce and lure, I advise you to think about the consequences first!"

When everyone heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and for a while, they looked at each other, and most of the anger in their hearts subsided.

That's right, it's not just Dongguo Benlei who is going to cheat them, the real mastermind is that one.

But that one is the master now, so what can they do?Of course, he can only find trouble with Dong Guo Benlei. In the final analysis, he is bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

However, then again, they didn't dare to go to that person, but Dongguo Benlei was also his person anyway, if they really wanted to offend Dongguo Benlei, or do something to Dongguo Benlei, wouldn't that be to provoke him on purpose?

I'm afraid it will be a million times more uncomfortable in the end, right?

Thinking of the people here, how dare they mess around at this moment?

"It's still the same sentence, I don't know what you want to know. Your Majesty has sent an order that everyone will come together at the court meeting tomorrow. It's clear at a glance whether it's right or wrong!"

"If you guys still plan to continue entanglement, don't blame me, Dongguo Benlei, for turning my face and denying anyone. If you let go, then Dongguo Benlei will leave first!"

Dongguo Benlei's voice sounded again, and while speaking, he bowed his hands to the crowd, stretched out his hand and pushed away the people surrounded in front of him, and walked straight to the outside of the hall.

For a time, with so many people present, no one dared to stop him.

It wasn't until Dongguo Benlei left completely that everyone reacted, and all of them left with ashen faces.

(End of this chapter)

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