Chapter 1431 Top Three

"Early to the council, hundreds of officials enter the palace!"

Early the next morning, a high-pitched voice sounded.

At this time, even Hu Dong's sky was still not bright.

However, under the heavy snow, the small square outside the palace of the royal court was already full of people.

More than a thousand people gathered outside the court hall. Among them, there were talents from the Central Plains who had passed the examination and were selected to be officials in Donghu, as well as the heads of the major families in Donghu.

These people had already set off at [-] o'clock in the morning, and they came to wait in front of the main hall one after another.

Everyone was wearing thick clothes, and they were so cold that they stomped their feet on the spot, and many people gasped.

As the high-pitched voice sounded, everyone was refreshed.

Among the crowd, Lin Yuan walked out first, greeted everyone with a loud shout, and walked into the hall.

Except for the patriarchs of the major families in Donghu, among the more than a thousand people, only a hundred people, including the top three, were able to enter the hall.

After all, the Chaoyi Hall is only that big, and it is impossible to accommodate a thousand people, so most of these people can only wait outside.

Among the more than a hundred people who entered the hall, except for Lin Yuan who was wearing armor and did not take off his boots, the rest of them took off their boots before entering the hall.

In the main hall, the lights were lit, but the emperor had not yet arrived.

Under Lin Yuan's arrangement, the heads of 35 aristocratic families stood on one side, and the other hundred or so people stood on one side, guarding the left and right.

When the formation was in order, everyone's eyes were on the empty throne above the main hall.

Among the hundred people, most of them waited eagerly.

What is the purpose of studying hard in the cold window and cultivating knowledge?
Maybe some people are just for Tao Yi's sentiment, but more people are still hoping that one day, they can show their strengths, increase their ranks, and even become marquises.

However, such opportunities have always been rare.

Even in the past, sages like Confucius didn't have the opportunity to show their strengths and be appointed as princes and ministers, let alone ordinary students?

Now, everyone has been selected, and they are all people who will be officials in the court.

He was about to meet the emperor, and was about to be conferred with titles and titles. Among the more than a hundred people present, there were quite a few people whose hearts were fiery.

While everyone was waiting with great anticipation, finally, a voice sounded.

"His Majesty the Emperor is here!"

After the words fell, everyone saw a figure in a black dragon robe and a crown walking out slowly from the back of the hall.

That figure is not very tall, but it gives people a sense of majesty and insurmountability.

It seems that he is a mountain, a Taishan, just standing there, he is the only one in this world.

"Kowtow to His Majesty, Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live!"

Seeing this figure, everyone knelt down at the same time, and the shouts of the mountain rang out inside and outside the hall in unison.

Ying Shou came to the throne, sat down slowly, waved his sleeves, and stared down.The rest is not too loud, but it gives people a feeling like the sound of heaven: "Everyone is flat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Everyone kowtowed and got up one after another.

Ying Shou looked at all the people below who were moving in the same order. He hadn't gone up to court for a long time, and this sudden courting brought a feeling of inexplicable majesty.

Ying Shou glanced at everyone below, and finally lingered on the three people on the left for a long time.

These three people are none other than the top three of Daqin's scientific research, Hu Shuhai, Su Quan and Zhao Fengting.

After watching for a long time, Ying Shou didn't speak, until finally, he turned his head to look at the heads of the major families on the other side, and his gaze stayed on Dong Guo Benlei again.

"Dong Guo Ben Lei!"

Ying Shou opened his mouth and called Dong Guo Benlei's name directly.

"The end is here!"

Dongguo Benlei came out with cupped hands, and said respectfully.

Today, the patriarchs of the major aristocratic families all have titles but no official titles in Daqin.But after all, he is also the person who commands the private soldiers, so basically in front of the emperor, he calls himself the last general.

"Dongguo Benlei, you were the one who greeted me in person yesterday. You should know that I am the top three in the Great Qin Dynasty, right?"

The corner of Ying Shou's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Dong Guo and said.

"Your Majesty, this... the last general really doesn't know, I hope His Majesty can give you some pointers!"

Dong Guo Benlei was taken aback for a moment, he had never heard of the top three.

On the side, the heads of the major families heard the emperor's question about the top three, and they were a little dissatisfied at first, thinking that Dongguo Benlei really had something to slow everyone down.

But when they heard this, they were immediately stunned.

So Dongguo Benlei didn't know what they didn't know?
They always thought that Dongguo Benlei had the bottom line.

On the other hand, Qunxian also looked astonished. This Dongguo Benlei went out to greet everyone yesterday. Could it be that he doesn't even know who everyone is?
The top three, that is the top three.Among the first emperors of the imperial examinations, there are three people who have attracted the most attention.

It's okay to say that other people Dongguo Benlei don't know, even these three Dongguo Benlei don't know, so he still goes to greet everyone?
"Hey, Guo Aiqing is really an honest person who only cares about work and doesn't care about problems!"

Ying Shou was also taken aback when he heard this.

He thought that Dongguo Benlei already knew about it, so he deliberately asked this question in order to make Dongguo Benlei's life more difficult.

As a result, Dongguo Benlei's answer was a little bit unexpected.

Of course, he didn't think that Dongguo Benlei dared to lie to him. After many repeated manipulations, the current Dongguo Benlei was only honest in front of him.

To put it bluntly, the current Dongguo Benlei, even if you let him jump, he can't jump a wave.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for being dull. Yesterday, when I greeted you, I only saw Hu Shuhai, the No. [-] scholar, and Zhao Fengting. As for who the top three are, I really didn't investigate carefully. I hope you will forgive me!"

Dong Guo Benlei had a bitter look on his face, he only thought that the emperor's honest behavior was mocking him.

At the same time, Dongguo Benlei and the patriarchs of the major families had the same idea. The top three should be individuals.

"Hahaha, Dongguo Aiqing, haven't you already mentioned the names of the top three? Do you think that the top three should be one person?"

Ying Shou couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and said speechlessly.

"What, did the last general mention it? Could it be that the top three are talking about three people?"

When Dongguo Benlei heard this, he was dumbfounded immediately, and then he came to his senses, slapped his forehead, and said: "Oh, Your Majesty, the last general is really stupid. The top three, the top three, mean the same thing, how did the last general forget? This should be There are three people right, but I don’t know who these three are the top three, and I hope Your Majesty will enlighten me!”

While speaking, Dongguo Benlei couldn't help looking at Hu Shuhai and the others.

He really didn't know what kind of top three these three people were, and they could call themselves the top three.

(End of this chapter)

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