Chapter 1435

"Lord Hu's great opinion, I respect you!"

After contemplating for a long time, Dongguo Benlei cupped his hands and bowed to Hu Shuhai, saying: "If it is true as Master Hu said, I will do my best to help Master Hu achieve a great reform and revitalize my Hudong land!"

As soon as this remark came out, the heads of the major families immediately froze.

Good guy, this Dongguo Benlei team is too fast.

Although what Hu Shuhai said has indeed improved Hu Dong's land, and it has a great effect, but you don't need to team up so fast, do you?

After all, to reform the law and change the law is to change the old law.This is losing the interests of the major families and ushering in a new era.

But thinking about it, everyone couldn't help but feel helpless.

Today's major aristocratic families, what benefits can there be?

As Daqin completely took over Hudong's land, all the fiefdoms of the major families have been taken away.There is no territory to speak of, and their interests have nothing to do with them.

At this time, sticking to the rules will not only do them no good, but will make everyone worse.

On the contrary, like Dongguo Benlei, if he fully supports the reform, he may still get something.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help muttering in their hearts, this Dongguo Benlei is really an old fox, and his reaction is so fast.

"That's right, Mr. Hu, we also fully support the reform!"

The people who reacted nodded their heads one after another, then looked at the emperor on the throne, Ying Shou, and said, "Your Majesty, the last general thinks what Lord Hu said is reasonable, and they all agree with the reform, and are willing to support it with all their strength!"

After the words fell, everyone knelt down on one knee.

Only on the side, many talents from the Central Plains watched this scene silently.

Seeing this, Hu Shuhai smiled.

The most feared thing about reform is encountering obstacles.

If the natives of these Hudong lands insist on sticking to the rules and are unwilling to change, then even if he has monstrous abilities, he can't change anything.

Now, even these former nobles have agreed, and most of the difficulties in the reform in this land of Hudong have been swept away.

But he didn't know that today's major aristocratic families have been governed by the emperor long ago. Who would dare to refute Hu Shuhai's reasoning?
Jumping out to refute at this time, isn't it courting death?

Not only courting death, but also implicating other people, it will be really bleak at that time.

Ying Shou sat on the throne, watching the patriarchs of the great families below prostrate, nodded slightly, very pleased.

"Since you love ministers agree with the reform, I'm also relieved, but there are some things that should be clarified face to face and drum to drum!"

Ying Shou smiled suddenly, and said, "Hu Shuhai, since you are admonishing the Daxing Water Conservancy Project, don't you know how to proceed?"

When Hu Shuhai heard this, he turned his head and bowed to Ying Shou, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, this matter is under the sole control of the second-best Master Su!"

Hearing this, Ying Shou looked at Su Quan and said, "Oh, Su Quan?"

Su Quan took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "Report to Your Majesty, is it the servant?"

"The minister once came to the land of Hudong, wandered around, and found that the land of Hudong is densely covered with water networks, but they cannot be completely penetrated and connected!"

"This time, I have already made preparations for the Daxing Water Conservancy. For example, where to start, where to penetrate, criss-crossing, etc., I already have a rough blueprint."

"It only needs to start construction, and it will take as long as five years or as little as three years, and the water conservancy in various places will definitely be connected, creating more than [-] fertile fields!"

Ying Shou's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that Su Quan was well prepared.

Below, the Patriarchs of the major aristocratic families also had expressions on their faces, wanting to see how Su Quan plans to arrange the water net.

As if understanding what the Patriarchs of the great families were thinking, Ying Shou waved his hand and said, "If there is a map, please show it up immediately, so that I can have a look with all my dear friends!"

Su Quan cupped his hands and said, "No!"

After saying that, Su Quan waved his hand and shouted: "Come on, show me the map!"

As soon as Su Quan finished speaking, two soldiers came outside, carrying a huge map.

The map is more than two feet wide, rolled together like a scroll.

Two soldiers came to the high platform, put the map on the ground, and slowly opened it, it was as long as four.

This is the map of the entire land of Hudong, and the territory of Hudong's land is completely depicted on it.

I saw the sleeping map opened, strokes modified one after another, appearing on the map continuously, occupying various places.

Anyone with a discerning eye will know at a glance that the lines drawn by this brush are water nets.

I saw this water network spread all over Hudong, as if a large net had fallen from the sky, almost allowing most of Hudong to enjoy the benefits of water conservancy.

As soon as he saw this map, Su Quan didn't even need to explain anything. The heads of all the major families in Donghu were already in admiration.

If the water conservancy can be run through all parts of Hudong, as shown on the map, the situation of Donghu will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

And the most important point is that although the water network looks densely packed, in fact, it is not very complicated when you look closely!

The projects that need to be spent are not very big, but the main thing is to dig canals to disperse and pull the rivers and rivers in various places.

Among them, it seems to connect some scattered things together,
The project is not very huge, the main thing is trouble.Get through the key points, and everything will come naturally!

Dong Guo Benlei stretched out his thumb and said to Su Quan with a look of admiration on his face.

As soon as this statement came out, the heads of the major families also looked at Su Quan with admiration.

They really had nothing to say about Su Quan's preparations.

"Hahaha, okay, it seems that in this land of Hu Dong, the great families don't have any opinions on the matter proposed by my two great talents, Da Qin. It's so good, with mutual cooperation and concerted efforts, we will surely be able to build a new Hu Dong era!"

Seeing this, Ying Shou laughed loudly, waved his hand, and said, "Take the map!"

The two soldiers made a promise, stepped forward to put away the map, and retreated together.

Immediately afterwards, Ying Shou looked at the last person among the top three in the scientific examination, and said, "Zhao Fengting, this Hu Shuhai proposes reforms, and Su Quan advocates the great revitalization of water conservancy. What about you? What are you going to do?"

Seeing that the emperor finally mentioned himself, Zhao Fengting took a step forward, smiled softly, cupped his hands and said, "I would like to report to your Majesty, the so-called making the best use of things and making the best use of people's talents. What I practiced is the study of Legalism. This time I came to the land of Hu Dong , I beg you to preside over the reform!"

Ying Shou heard the words, looked at Hu Shuhai, and said with a smile, "Oh, Hu Aiqing, could it be that you proposed reforms but didn't preside over them?"

Hu Shuhai shook his head with a wry smile, cupped his hands and said, "My Majesty the Emperor, I am an old man, already over sixty years old, physically weak, and mentally exhausted. This reform is time-consuming and labor-intensive. With my own strength, I can support the air disaster come down."

"On the contrary, Zhao Tanhua has the ability to enforce the law. I beg Your Majesty to give you the power to enforce the law!"

(End of this chapter)

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