Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1436 Daqin's Rice

Chapter 1436 Daqin's Rice
Hu Shuhai's words were not out of politeness at all.

He himself was old and unable to do what he wanted.This Hudong land is so large that it is comparable to most of Qin before the unification of the southern border and the southwest.

With his own power, Hu Shuhai can't control it at all.

Only a young man like Zhao Fengting, who studied under the legalist school, is bloody and courageous, can afford it.

"Well, it looks like this, you have already discussed it!"

Seeing this, Ying Shou nodded slightly, and said, "If that's the case, that's good. Hu Shuhai, Su Quan, and Zhao Fengting stepped forward to accept the seal!"

Hu Shuhai, Su Quan, and Zhao Fengting hurriedly prostrated themselves on the ground, shouting, "The minister is here!"

Ying Shou stood up slowly, stretched his sleeves, and said, "Decree Hu Shuhai, the number one scholar of the founding emperor, is now ordered to reform the land of Hudong, and is specially appointed as the governor of Hudong's three counties, to take charge of Hudong's overall situation for me!"

"Decree Su Quan and Kaihuang No. [-] in the first article list, and now I am summoned to reform the land of Hudong, to promote the Daxing Water Conservancy Project, and to specially appoint Hudong Water Conservancy Supervisor to take full charge of the construction of water conservancy!"

"Order Zhao Fengting, the first emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty to explore the flowers. Today, he is summoned to reform in Hu Dong's land. He is a student of legalism. He is specially entrusted to Hu Dong to enforce the law and take full charge of Hu Dong's reform. Anyone who resists the law and violates the law will be severely punished. No loan!"

After the words fell, Hu Shuhai, Su Quan, and Zhao Fengting kowtowed one after another: "Thank you, my emperor, for your grace!"

Ying Shou waved his big hand and said, "Pingshen!"

The three thanked and stood up, looking at Ying Shou at the same time.

Just listen to Ying Shou said: "Three lovers, from today onwards, this Hu Dong's authentic reform will be fully entrusted to you three. As for the employment of other people, you three will decide according to their talents, and just report to the official department!"

After a pause, Ying Shou looked aside, the patriarchs of the great families watching this scene, and said: "In addition, from today onwards, you will also rely on the support of the great families in your actions."

"Therefore, I have decided that the three of you will be the leader, and the major families will be the assistants to cooperate fully. Reward those who make meritorious deeds, and punish those who have done wrong!"

"How about it, Dongguo Aiqing, all Aiqings, do you have any objections?"

For a moment, the major families still looked bitterly, looking at the three Hu Shuhai who were sealed in front of them.

With the entrustment of these three people, it also means that all the rights that the emperor took away from them have finally found the entrusted person, and they will have no relationship with them in the future.

They are suffering in their hearts, but they can't say it out.

As soon as the emperor's words came out at this moment, they were suddenly ecstatic.

The emperor made it clear that he wanted to give them and their children the opportunity to make contributions.

With this opportunity, why worry about no development path?

"The final general will thank His Majesty the Emperor for his grace!"

Faced with such an opportunity, who can resist?

At least, the major families couldn't resist, and the heads of the major families all kowtowed their thanks on the spot.

So far, the development path of Donghu Land has been settled.

After retiring from the court, Hu Shuhai, Su Quan, and Zhao Fengting began to entrust other scientific research talents below with important tasks, assigning official positions, work, etc. to each other.

The major families are not idle, and have recommended outstanding children in the family, and they have been reused and assigned to work in various places.

Some followed Hu Shuhai and were assigned to one party to take charge of local political work.

Some, like Zhao Fengting, were assigned to a place to take charge of the local Dharma work.

Others followed Su Quan and began to go to various places to inspect and start to open the road.

At the same time, the three parties joined forces and began to gather refugees from all over the world.

Now, with Donghu's war against Daqin, most of Donghu's continuation has been wiped out, and many people can't eat a full meal.

On the road, people were starving and dying everywhere, and I don’t know how many people were still suffering from the cold.

When Hu Shuhai and others arrived, the first batch of grain from the Central Plains also began to be transported from Yandi.

This time the people from all over the place were called together to prepare to start distributing food. No matter what, they had to get through the winter first.

If you don’t have enough to eat, let alone starve to death, at least freeze to death is a must.

Only by eating enough can the body have temperature and can withstand the difficulty of winter.

At the same time, at this moment, people from all over the world are gathering in various places, and they are also preparing to start dividing land and fields and presiding over the reform.

At the same time, they are also preparing to summon strong men to prepare for the opening of the canal.

All these things were put on the agenda immediately.

Of course, these things cannot happen in one day, and many of them happened in the next ten days or months.

While he was very busy here, on the other side, on the second day after retreating from the court, Ying Shou received another message from the Xiongnu Dragon City.

At this time, Ying Shou was having dinner with the queen.

I saw the queen holding a bowl of rough corn rice in her hand.

The corn meal was relatively rough, but the queen ate it with great enjoyment, and she didn't feel disgusted at all.

This era is not like the later generations. There are so many advanced machines that can beat cornmeal very finely, and the rice made is beautiful and eye-catching.

Under the promotion of Daqin, although many people have stone mills, the corn flour produced by this stone mill is really rough.

The most important thing is that in this era, coal has not been dug up and popularized, and no one even uses it at all.

Therefore, after the corn is harvested, it is autumn and winter, the weather is cold, the autumn rains are continuous, and it is difficult to see the sun.

It is obviously not feasible to use the sun to dry corn.Therefore, most of the corn of each family is dried with firewood.

This kind of firewood is full of smoke, and after being baked, the dried corn is dry, but it is also blackened, or even yellowed if it is bad.

When grinding noodles, it is impossible to wash all the corn cleanly. Therefore, the cornmeal that is touched and the rice made are not only rough, but also black and yellow, which is very unsightly.

But even so, the queen still ate with relish and was not picky.

Originally, it was impossible for the royal family to eat such a thing.Even if you eat corn rice, it must be clean and presentable.

But today's meals are all grain and grass shipped from the Central Plains.

Nan Yan wanted to experience it, so she sent it to the palace.

"Hehe, queen, you are really not picky at all!"

Ying Shou observed Nan Yan for a long time, and could tell that Nan Yan was not pretending to be interested, so he couldn't help laughing.

You know, people with a bit of status and status may not be used to eating such a showy meal.It's too rare for a queen with such a noble status to not be picky at all.

"Your Majesty doesn't choose either!"

Nan Yan looked at Ying Shou who had already eaten a big bowl of corn rice, and pursed her lips and said with a smile.

"My Daqin's food is in my mouth, of course I won't be picky!"

Ying Shou shrugged and smiled.

"That's right, it's all my Daqin's food, why bother to pick and choose? Besides, when ordinary people are hungry, it is already very good to be able to push the chaff and swallow vegetables. It is lucky to eat such a bowl of rice. Yes. Food, the most important thing, isn’t it just food?”

Nan Yan smiled happily, but she couldn't help but sigh with emotion while speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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