Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1437 What did you say

Chapter 1437 What did you say

"Hearing this, the queen is quite emotional!"

Ying Shou laughed.

"Who said no!"

"Before the upland rice and corn appeared, how many people in every household could have enough to eat? Now, with the emergence of upland rice, the food in my Daqin has increased several times, and my Daqin will have the prosperity it is today!"

"Nowadays, this large amount of grain is being transported to Hudong. What is it for? Isn't it used to save lives? This is not just as simple as grain, it is a life-saving medicine, enough to save thousands of people! "

"Although in the deep palace, I am used to the brocade clothes and the delicacies of the mountains and seas. However, every time I think back to the scenes I saw when I traveled to practice medicine, those scenes where the common people swallowed chaff and vegetables, and the porridge did not have a few grains of rice, I still feel uncomfortable!"

"Furthermore, I don't know how many bitter fruits I have eaten in these years. Compared with those things, this bowl of corn rice looks rough and ugly, but I don't know how much better it is!"

"This is my Daqin's treasure!"

Nan Yan shook her head, while she was talking, she made soup and rice herself, and ate it in two or three bites.

When having a banquet in front of outsiders, Nan Yan is still very reserved.But for a family, the young couple had a banquet, although it was impossible to gobble it up, but they didn't care about it.

Nan Yan's words made Ying Shou ponder.

"Yes, looking back on the past, the reason why my Great Qin was prosperous is not only because of Shang Yang's reform."

"More reasons, starting with the Dujiangyan Dahe opened by Li Bing, and the Zhengguo Canal opened by Zheng Guo. A Dujiangyan opened up the Bashu Tianfu granary, so that I have no worries in Daqin!"

"One Zhengguo canal irrigates tens of thousands of fertile fields, and brings countless grains to Daqin. But even so, it is impossible to save everyone in the world!"

"In the end, relying solely on rice, the paddy fields in our Daqin are no longer able to support them alone. Unless we develop dozens, hundreds of rivers like Dujiangyan and Zhengguo Canal, our Daqin is destined to stop here!"

Ying Shou nodded, sighed, and replied.

At the same time, he couldn't help recalling the development history of Yanhuang in the memory of his previous life.

In the history of his previous life, the strong man, prosperous Tang Dynasty, rich Song Dynasty, and Gangming Dynasty are the most famous eras.

These eras and dynasties seem to completely represent the prosperity of the entire Yanhuang.

But in fact, there was another Qing Dynasty, a powerful era that was capable of earth-shaking changes in Yanhuang, but was nailed to the shelf of shame by future generations.

The impression left by the Qing Dynasty is that it is basically closed to the outside world, peaceful and poor, and shameful.Every time there is a war, land must be ceded to pay compensation.

But in fact, the demise of every dynasty has this certain inevitability, and rashly placing it on the shelf of shame is an insult to an era.

In terms of compensation for land cession, the Song Dynasty is not necessarily worse than the Qing Dynasty.Whenever there is a war, they must be beaten and flee.From the Northern Song Dynasty to the Southern Song Dynasty.

In terms of chaos, the late Ming Dynasty was no better than the Qing Dynasty.At least, the Qing Dynasty was still guarded by everyone.In the Ming Dynasty, everyone shouted and beat them directly, and finally perished in their own hands.

I don’t mention these things, just talk about prosperity. Some people say that the Song Dynasty was the most prosperous era in the history of Yanhuang. This is undeniable. The Song Dynasty was indeed very prosperous.

On the contrary, later generations often say that the Qing Dynasty is completely different from the Song Dynasty.

During the Song Dynasty, the people had enough food and clothing, and there was no pain except the pain of war.

On the contrary, in the Qing Dynasty, people did not have enough to eat and did not have enough clothes to cover their bodies.

But in reality, that's not the case at all.No matter how rich the Song Dynasty was, it was not so rich as to change the world.

No matter how poor the Qing Dynasty was, it was not so poor that the country would perish.

On the contrary, no matter how rich the Song Dynasty was, it did not increase the population.On the contrary, it was during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, because of the inflow of various grain seeds from all over the world, such as corn, potatoes and other seeds.

It greatly increased the Qing Dynasty's grain income.So that in the end, the population increased crazily and skyrocketed crazily.

The reason for population explosion is usually inseparable from food.

In the past, Great Qin, the richest and most powerful country among the seven heroes of the Warring States Period, why did it have a population of only five or six million?The total population of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period is only 600 to 3000 million people?
This is because of food.

In this era, most of the food production can only rely on rice, so even the existing population can hardly eat enough, how can the population increase rapidly?
Therefore, in terms of food comparison, no matter how rich the Song Dynasty was, it was impossible to compare with the Qing Dynasty that followed.

This is like the Daqin before getting the upland rice, and the Daqin after getting the upland rice now.

In just two years, the growth rate of food has reached dozens of times.

If things go on like this, the population will increase tens of times, is this still a problem?

Thinking of this, Ying Shou shook his head, sighing inexplicably, food is really too important.

Food, this is a treasure that can change the times and everything.

Just as he was thinking, a figure came quickly from a distance, knelt down on one knee, and said, "The last general, Hawkeye, pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ying Shou was brought back to reality by Hawkeye's voice, he couldn't help frowning, looked at Hawkeye, and said indifferently: "I'm so eager to see you about the meal, what are you talking about?"

Ying Shou's voice seemed displeased, after all, no one likes to be bothered when eating.

But he also knew that there must be a reason for Hawkeye to come here at this time.

"Report to Your Majesty, there is news from the Xiongnu Dragon City!"

Hawkeye said respectfully.

"Is it strange? Isn't news coming from Dragon City every day?"

Ying Shou was speechless, was it a joke to disturb him just because of this question?
It's just a message, even if there is a problem, how big a problem can it be?It's nothing more than the fact that the two armies didn't agree, so they fought directly!
"Your Majesty, today's news is different. On the other side of Dragon City, Marshal Nehman of Donghu made a request during the peace talks with Daqin."

"Your Majesty snatched his wife. Now, if you want him to surrender to Daqin, your Majesty will give Yinyue... Your Majesty to him!"

Hawkeye hurriedly finished the following words, but at the end, he inevitably hesitated, wondering whether he should say it or not.

As soon as this remark came out, Nan Yan, who had just put down the bowl and chopsticks, was stunned for a moment, very shocked.

"What did you say, asking His Majesty to give Elder Sister Yinyue to Nehaman?"

"Isn't she, Nihaman, a woman? What's the matter with making a fuss about this matter?"

While speaking, Nan Yan was even more astonished, with a puzzled look on her face.

"What, Nehman is a woman?"

Regarding the news that Nihaman is a woman, whether it is Ying Shou or Lan Fei, it has been confirmed to Nan Yan.

But Hawkeye doesn't know about this.

Although he is in charge of the Black Ice Platform, it is impossible to know everyone's privacy.

Especially Nehman's privacy, unless the people around him reveal it.Otherwise, even if outsiders break through, they will basically be killed by her.

As a result, it is very difficult to place a second person by her side.So much so that even Hawkeye didn't know Nehman's true identity.

(End of this chapter)

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