Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1438 Departure from Dragon City

Chapter 1438 Departure from Dragon City
"It's kind of interesting, this Nihaman seems to be so ambitious that he even dares to provoke me!"

The corner of Ying Shou's mouth was slightly raised, and a smile appeared, and he said: "Just then there was news that the Xiongnu army moved out and fled to Dragon City overnight, and here Nihaman joined Zhenmao. It seems that Tianmen is I really can't bear it!"

As he said that, Ying Shou looked at Yingyan and said, "Over there, Yue'er, is it still as usual these days?"

Hawkeye heard the words and hurriedly responded: "Reporting to Your Majesty, according to the news, there is still no change. Since Lie Yang sent the letter and exposed it, there was a dispute with the empress, and the two have not had any contact so far!"

Ying Shou nodded and sighed: "This silly woman is really a boring gourd. It seems that I have really taken a trip!"

While speaking, Ying Shou couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Since that letter came, he didn't seem to do anything, he didn't seem to care.In fact, he always pays attention to the news of Yinyue.

Whenever Yinyue makes a request, he can rush there at any time.

Unfortunately, Yinyue has always been a deep-minded woman.

The thought here is deep, not to say how bad her heart is.It's just that everything is hidden deep in my heart.Self-aware of suffering, never reveal it.

Similarly, her feelings are also hidden by her, and she doesn't know how to express them at all.

At this point, Yinyue and the queen seemed to be two extremes.

Nanyan dares to love and hate, on the contrary, Yinyue has low self-esteem, she blindly improves her abilities and functions, but never dares to express her love and hatred.

At first, Ying Shou thought that it was enough to give her some time to think about it, but now it seems that it would be useless to give her any more time.

Some window paper, no matter whether the other party is willing or not, I am afraid that they have to pierce it by themselves.

"What, Your Majesty is going to Dragon City?"

When Ying Shou said this, both Nan Yan and Hawk Eye were taken aback.

You know, Donghu has just won here now.Although it is not necessary for the emperor to sit in the town, but the emperor's body is full of gold, there is no need to go to a dangerous place!
"That's right, I'm going to go to Dragon City. There are some things that should come to an end after all!"

Ying Shou sighed, looked into the distance, and asked Hawkeye, "If the calculation is correct, even if our army chases and blocks, the Huns will be able to rush back to Dragon City in a few days, right?"

Although Hawkeye was surprised by the emperor's sudden decision, he would not say any rebuttal words, and cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the Huns are now desperately fleeing, and our army is chasing and blocking. Three or four days, at most six or seven days, we will definitely be able to rush back to Dragon City!"

Ying Shou hummed, and said, "That's right, Eagle Eye, you go down and prepare yourself, bring Chilong and Wanliyun here, and you accompany me, let's go immediately!"

Hawkeye agreed, and walked away without talking nonsense.

"Your Majesty, are you going to Dragon City?"

"Right now, Dragon City is in dire straits, and the army will fight all the time. Going at this moment will inevitably be dangerous, so think twice about your majesty!"

As soon as Hawk Eye left, Nan Yan immediately looked at Ying Shou with a worried expression on her face.

"Hehe, even Yue'er is not afraid, so why should I be afraid? This farce has been fought for long enough, and it should be put down. Since Tianmen has already made frequent attacks, it's time for me to step down for him! "

Ying Shou sneered, he was not afraid of the so-called danger.

He guards wherever he goes, no one can stop him if he wants to come, and no one can stop him if he wants to leave.Unless he seeks death by himself, he must exhaust all his strength.

Otherwise, in this world, he can move freely and horizontally, no one can stop him, no one can fight against him.

"Your Majesty is for Sister Yinyue?"

Suddenly, Nan Yan asked.

Ying Shou was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile, "Why, is the queen jealous?"

Nan Yan shook her head and sighed: "No, how could it be? If it's for Sister Yinyue, Your Majesty can go. There are some things that I hope Your Majesty can remember."

"Actually, Elder Sister Yinyue has always been a poor person. If it is possible, there is no need for His Majesty to hang on to Elder Sister Yinyue all the time. The general who should be broken, breaking it as soon as possible will do no harm to anyone!"

Said, Nan Yan slowly got up, turned and left.

Her back looked a little lonely, her man left for another woman, it was impossible to say that she didn't feel bad at all.

Even in this era when three wives and six concubines are completely acceptable, especially when the emperor can have three palaces and six courtyards, there is still no woman who can not care about it.

But Nanyan has always been a reasonable person. Her EQ is not comparable to Yinyue at all, just like Yinyue's resourcefulness is not comparable to her Nanyan at all.

Regarding the emperor's feelings for Yinyue, Yinyue's feelings for the emperor.Outsiders don't know it, and people in the game can't see through it, but she has seen it clearly for a long time.

It's just that she has been unwilling to pierce it, and she has no choice but to break it.Now being able to deliver these words to Ying Shou is the greatest tolerance in my heart.

Ying Shou watched her leave, seemed to understand something, couldn't help shaking his head, sighed again, and got up to go in.

Now, the officials from the Central Plains have just arrived, and logically, Ying Shou should continue to sit in charge for a while longer.

But now, he is too lazy to take care of it.

He has already arranged enough on Donghu's side. If the loyal officials still can't take it down, it can only be said that they are incompetent, and it is useless to keep them.

After separating from the queen, Ying Shou ordered Lin Yuan, Li Yuanba and others to come, and after some explanations, he finally left the Donghu royal court who had stayed here for half a year or nearly a year.

As for the regime on Donghu's side, the full power has been handed over to Hu Shuhai, Su Quan, and Zhao Fengting.With three people as the main body, and the major families as the assistants, they govern together.

In addition, the power of the military department was completely handed over to Dao Linyuan, with Lin Yuan as the main force, and also the major aristocratic families.

It seems that both the military and the government, and the major families can get started, but in fact, the status of the major families can be described as embarrassing.

Under the right and left, but there is no real power at all.

Ying Shou and Yingyan rode away from the royal court, rushed out of the royal city, and headed straight for the Xiongnu.

On the road, the wind was blowing and the snow was blowing. Standing alone on the spot, there was a feeling of wind and snow swords slicing across the body.

Under the galloping horse, the gust of wind was even worse, almost tearing the clothes of the two of them.

Rao is a person like Ying Shou who is not afraid of cold and heat, his face is flushed from the cold, and he is almost stiff.

Several times, because the corners of the mouth were slightly stained with water, the lips were frozen together.

As for Hawkeye, it was even worse.Even though the black robe covered his body, there were still big cracks on his face.

The blood on the two lips was frozen and frozen, it was really miserable.

This happened on the first day of the journey, and there was no other way, but the speed of the Dragon Blood Horse and Wanliyun was really too fast.

Even on weekdays, when the wind is calm and the sea is calm, the wind pressure brought by that speed is difficult for ordinary people to bear when running.

Not to mention in this windy and snowy weather, it would be fatal.If it were an ordinary person, he would have been frozen to death long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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