Chapter 1439 Darpa

Desert yellow sand, cold wind blowing.

The grasslands of Mobei are connected with each other, there is me in you, and you in me.

However, because the desert is located in arid place, although it snows occasionally, the number of days when it snows in the desert is only a handful.

Most of the snow falls on grasslands with normal rainfall.

However, there is less snow in the desert, but it does not mean that the temperature will be high.

There are deserts in winter, and in the scorching summer, the desert is extremely hot.

The cold wind hits, although there is a scorching sun, it can't melt the icy cold wind.

More than 40 troops marched day and night, running wildly on the Gobi desert.

Behind him is the disabled hospital that keeps falling behind, falling down in the desert.

Along the way, the blood was full.

Although the 50 Huns army ran in time, the characteristics of the Dian horse and the Huns horse were there, so that the Huns army fell into the passive with the only clue.

The team composed of hundreds of thousands of troops, continuous ups and downs, two people a row, still covers an area of ​​more than [-] miles, looking around, it looks like a river flowing.

Suddenly, in this continuous team, there was a commotion everywhere.

The positive team was soon dismembered.It was like a boa constrictor being chopped into sections by a knife.

"what happened?"

In front of the Xiongnu army, Mao Dun had a tall yellow horse under his crotch, and suddenly heard the wailing and screaming from behind.

Looking back, he saw that the neat team was in disarray. He frowned and shouted coldly.

For this matter, Mao Dun was dressed in fox fur, and even his hat was made of fox fur, covering his whole body tightly.

Even so, under the cold wind, his limbs were still trembling, and his lips were trembling.On the face and on the lips, there were cracks and cracks.

"Qi Shan Yu, the army marched for three days and three nights, and defeated the Qin army more than ten times. It really couldn't hold on. The horses of the soldiers below have fallen down one after another, and they can't move!"

In the distance, a war horse galloped towards Mao Dun, crossed his hands, slapped his chest, and said with a sad face.

"What? Even the horse can't hold it?"

Hearing it suddenly, he raised his eyebrows, and his eyes were full of majesty.

However, under that majesty, there is a deep sense of powerlessness hidden.

"Qi Shanyu, many horses are already exhausted. There was a commotion in the back, and thousands of horses fell down in a row!"

The general who came to report was so sad that he almost slandered him.

After fleeing for three consecutive days and three nights, the Qin army chased after him fiercely. It was merciless, and they would attack when they saw the opportunity.

This style of play almost made the Huns go crazy.

Qin Jun came up to take a bite when he found an opportunity, and when he finished taking a bite, he turned around and left.Leaving behind the Huns army with casualties and pain, there is nothing they can do about them.

It is also thanks to the fact that although Mao Dun is king, he is also naturally handsome and able to command properly. With hundreds of thousands of troops in his hands, he is still in danger in the face of repeated attacks by the Qin army.

If it were someone else, it would be like the scene when the 80 Huns rushed to Yanmen Pass before, only to be hanged and beaten by the 20 Qin army, and they could only hug their heads.So that in the end, successive losses.

More than 80 troops ran to the end and were beaten to only about 50.

But in the final analysis, no matter how strong Mouton is, facing the situation where the right time, place and people are not on his side, there is still a feeling of being alone.

After fleeing for three consecutive days, he can still keep the formation in order, which is already considered remarkable.

"Hey, forget it, pass the order, there is a Gobi in front, and the army is resting in the Gobi in front. Everyone, take action for me, those who are injured ride horses, those who are not injured give up their horses, and try to take all the people away! "

Mao Dun sighed and fled for three consecutive days and three nights. Even he was so tired that he almost fell to the ground, let alone the soldiers below.

After all, human endurance is limited. Just like a war horse, breaking through the limit does not mean that there will be rebirth, but death.

If this continues, I am afraid that this army will be exhausted to death if it is not exhausted by the Qin army.


The general should raise his hand, so he is going to deliver the order.

"Believe it, after the order is passed, you will lead an army of [-] to the rear, and when the Qin army comes, stop me at all costs!"

Before the general left, Mao Dun raised his hand and spoke again.


The general responded, he was basically used to this blocking method in the past few days.

In the past few days of fleeing, in order to deal with the Qin army who was chasing after him, Maodun deliberately selected three people to lead troops to fight against the Qin army in turn.

In such a collision, although the casualties were not small, it still blocked the Qing army's entanglement attacks again and again.

It is precisely because of this that although the Qin army came up to take a bite at every turn, their fangs were often protected from the outside, and they did not cause much damage to the Huns' army.

As the order was conveyed, the soldiers who had already been exhausted below breathed a sigh of relief.

They have tried their best, but it is still difficult to persist in the long-distance escape.

You know, in order to escape back this time, they didn't bring any food with them in order to be faster.

The most important thing is that they don't have any food and supplies to take away.

It can be said that the hundreds of thousands of troops are basically fleeing hungry.

At this moment, the stomach is hungry, and the cold wind is blowing, making people sleepy both inside and outside. If I really answered that sentence, I am suffering from hunger and cold.

Under such circumstances, an unknown number of people's bodies have been frozen stiff, what's more, even the blood in their bodies seems to be frozen.

It is normal to touch it a little, fall directly, and sleep forever.

It was really cold to death and starved to death.

At this moment, they were ordered to rest in the Gobi in front of them, and the spirit of hundreds of thousands of troops was refreshed. No matter how tired they were, under the military order, they reorganized their troops, gritted their teeth, and marched desperately.

On the other side, the general of the Huns, named Darpa, counted his troops, counted out [-] military divisions who were still barely fighting, and stayed behind.

The team gradually drifted away, leaving only the boundless yellow sand and the footprints left behind by the team after they passed by.

The strong wind was blowing, and the icy cold was piercing. The Hun army on the horses trembled and their teeth chattered.

Darpa turned his head and looked around, only to see a man in the army who was on the verge of falling. Suddenly, he tilted his head and fell straight into the battle.

"what happened?"

Dahlpa's face changed, these people were all selected by him, and they still had a little fighting power.Why did something go wrong in such a short time?

Darpa got off his horse, rushed to the fallen sergeant, shouted loudly, then squatted down, and hugged him in his arms.

" sleeping!"

The soldier's face was black and blue from the cold, his lips were chapped, his whole body was shivering, and his eyes were covered with ice.

He looked at Darpa, and even when he spoke, the breath he exhaled was ice-cold.

(End of this chapter)

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