Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1440 Anger and Hate

Chapter 1440 Anger and Hate
"It's's okay, just bear with it, bear with it!"

Darpa hugged the soldier tightly, comforting him softly.

However, it's okay if he doesn't comfort him, once comforted, the tens of thousands of soldiers around all showed mournful expressions, strong tiredness hit, hunger and cold, it can be said that they are sleepy, tired and hungry.

All of a sudden, everyone got off their horses and sat on the ground.

They are really tired, tired, just want to go to the ground, never get up again.

"Whatever you do, get up quickly, don't lie down, don't fall asleep, don't sleep!"

Darpa heard the movement, looked back, and roared loudly.

However, the moment his voice fell, he only felt the body of the person in his arms sink.

He suddenly looked down, and suddenly found that the person in his arms had already fallen into a deep sleep.

It was the kind of deep sleep from which he could never wake up again, without even breathing.

"No...get up, don't sleep, don't sleep!"

Darpa twisted the corpse in his arms and shook it crazily. However, there was no life, let alone any response.

"Get up, get up, get up, get up!"

Darpa's eyes were red, he hissed and roared at the people around him.

"Give me all the energy, gather around to keep warm, don't sleep, otherwise I won't be able to wake up again!"

While roaring, two lines of tears suddenly fell from Darpa's face.

However, when the tears just fell on his cheeks, they had already frozen into two ice particles, sticking to his face.

The skin on his face has no temperature, not even ice particles can melt.

One can imagine how cold the weather is.

Amid Darpa's roar, the surrounding soldiers trembled and forcibly summoned up all their energy.

They are all people who live in the desert, and they all know what it means to fall asleep in this situation.

It's just that under the conditions of hunger, cold, and hunger, everyone's minds are confused and they can't think of anything.

Each eyelid seems to weigh a thousand catties, so heavy that they have to work hard to keep it open.

Some people even have to be careful when blinking, for fear that once they blink, they will never be able to open them again.

It was really sleepy and really hungry.

Falling asleep at this time, in the cold wind, there is only one way to die.

"If you still have the energy, stand up and be a scout in front. The rest of you, gather around me and keep warm!"

The soldiers under the room forced themselves to be energetic, and Darpa slowly put down the corpse in his arms, his voice softened a bit, and he cried out with pleading.

That's right, begging.

Now, everyone is tired and sleepy.As long as there is still a little bit of strength, I don't want to waste it.All he could do was beg, otherwise, it would be impossible for someone to be a scout.

However, even though he was begging, none of the soldiers below responded.

At this time, leaving alone would be tantamount to courting death.

If you don't meet Qin Jun, you will basically not be able to come back. Once you meet Qin Jun, you will die.

"I beg you, for the sake of everyone, everyone with a little strength will stand up!"

Seeing that there was no answer, Darpa's knees softened, and he fell to his knees suddenly.

If possible, he would rather go to the rear immediately to investigate the news of the Qin army and act as a scout.

But now he is the general, the general who leads this army.

Without his restraint, people's hearts would be in turmoil, and everyone would have to die here without waiting for the Qin army to arrive.

Generals, sometimes not only play the role of commanding operations, but more often, they play the role of the soul of the army.

A team without a general is like a walking dead without a soul.

Under normal circumstances, it may still be maintained.But on the verge of death, no army can stand the test.

For example, at this moment, once he enters Darpa, if the army relaxes a little, how many people will freeze to death on the spot.

Facing Darpa's entreaties, the soldiers below couldn't help crying.

No one is willing to die, but at this time, if you don't go, then everyone will die together.

At this moment, many soldiers couldn't help but recall the once glorious empire.

Thinking back to the past, even when the first emperor was alive, although Qin was powerful, he had no choice but to build the Great Wall to stop the Huns.

At that time, the Central Plains was a treasure land and a cornucopia in the eyes of the Huns.

If you have nothing to do, if you come to play the autumn wind, you will definitely make a lot of money.

When there is a food crisis or an economic crisis in the empire, if you go to the Central Plains to wander around, you can spend another year without worrying about food and clothing.

It can be said that in the eyes of the Huns, the Central Plains seems to be forever labeled as being plundered.

But what happened now?The Central Plains is no longer their blessed land, but has become their burial place.

With so many forces connected, it was originally they who attacked the Central Plains. In the end, it didn't matter if they didn't get the slightest benefit. The brothers who were killed and injured had already counted in millions.

What's more, his homeland was raided by the Qin army from behind. What is this?
In the past, when we fought in the Central Plains, we could eat and rob wherever we went.That's eating too much fat and growing fat all over.

Looking at today, I haven't got a grain of food, and I don't eat or drink for days and nights.

In the cold wind, walking day and night, without sleep, even a hard-nosed person, he can't stand it.

Thinking of this, someone in the army started to sob and cry in a low voice.

A cry sounded, and soon it was like an infection, spreading to tens of thousands of troops, crying with grief.

"General, I'll go!"

"General, I'll go!"

Suddenly, voices sounded one after another, and hundreds of people stood up in succession.


Darpa stood up slowly, looked at these people, and shouted: "You are all doing well, remember, the fate of the empire rests on your shoulders."

"Now, the Qin people invaded our grassland, robbed our women, moved our cattle and sheep, and killed our children. No matter what, we must work together to tide over the difficulties, drive away the Qin people, and return my home! "

A heart-piercing roar came out of Darpa's mouth, giving people a feeling of nondescriptness.

If people from the Central Plains heard this, they would laugh and shout that they deserved it.

After all, in the past, these words were shouted by people from the Central Plains.

And the people in the Central Plains shouted, the Huns are thieves, they invaded my homeland, killed my people, humiliated my wife and daughter, how can we condone my sons and daughters?Kill all the barbarians and restore my peace.

Now, these words belonged to the Central Plains people, but they were shouted from Darpa's mouth. How could the Central Plains people be unhappy when they heard it?

But these words were heard in the ears of the Huns, but no one could be happy.

Compare your heart with your heart and think in another way.

In this world, there has never been any reason at all, strength is the greatest reason.Those who have no strength can only be bullied.

In the past, the Central Plains was bullied, of course it was sad and indignant.Now that the Xiongnu have been suppressed all the way, how can they not be distraught and filled with anger and hatred?

(End of this chapter)

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