Chapter 1441 Victims

"Kill all the Qin people and return my homeland!"

Sure enough, there were roars of anger, and the next moment, the [-] troops who were suffering from hunger, cold, and poverty all stood up one after another, screaming with all their might.

The so-called breath, sometimes, this breath is really important.

At this moment, under Dahlpa's mobilization, the army burst into anger, making everyone seem to be injected with new blood and new strength in an instant.

It was the power from hatred, which gave them more spirit, gnashing their teeth, and no matter what, they had to face what might happen next.

In the end, the hundreds of soldiers were all sent out by Darpa, scattered in all directions, forming a network of eyeliners, and began to detect the movement of the Qin army behind.

As for the other more people, they were gathered together by Darpa, hugging each other to keep warm.

In this way, everyone really warmed up a lot.

But just when the arrangement here was about the same, another fast horse galloped towards the other side.

Darpa looked from a distance, and saw the general Tu Lu who was sitting down with Mao Dun coming in person.

Today, the four generals among the Huns, the eighteen wolf generals, have almost died in battle.Only three of the eighteen wolf generals remained.

He Darpa and Tulu are two of them.

Now, the three of them are all taken seriously by Mao Dun. If Mao Dun can send Tulu here in person at this time, there must be something extremely important to convey.

The importance of this matter is probably impossible for ordinary messengers to convey.

Seeing this, Darpa hurried out and went up to him.

Tulu on the war horse galloped towards Darpa, and when he saw Darpa, he reined in the rein suddenly, stopped, then got off the horse, and walked to Darpa's side.

"Pulu, but Shanyu has an order to convey?"

Tulu and Darpa were among the few eighteen wolf generals who were most loyal to Maodun.

Therefore, they were taken care of by Maodun. Others died in battle, but they were the only ones who could continue to follow Maodun.

As for those who were not loyal to Maodun, but loyal to Tianmen, no one knows whether they really died in battle or were killed by Maodun.

"Darpa, Shan Yu has ordered you to fight to the death!"

Tu Lu stepped forward and said solemnly.

"What? A battle to the death?"

Darpa's expression suddenly changed when he heard that.

He understood the meaning of this sentence too well, and the moment he said this sentence, he knew that Mo Dun no longer expected to see him go back alive.

In other words, Mouton no longer wants to watch him go back.


There was anger flashing in Darpa's eyes, with unwillingness and grief at the same time.

He didn't understand why Modu suddenly made such a decision.

"Darpa, I know it's difficult for you. Shan Yu said, if possible, he hopes you can do it, but... the army needs too much time now. Shan Yu hopes that these 3 people can delay at least one day! "

"After one day, Shan Yu will definitely send [-] Qin troops down to accompany my [-] brothers!"

Tulu's eyes were also red. Now, the Xiongnu, who were the most powerful for a lifetime, have fallen to such a state. The soldiers and generals in the army are all sad.Given the chance, they all want to try to salvage everything.

"One day? How is it possible? It's impossible!"

Darpa shook his head, almost screaming.

His army stayed there just to prevent the Qin army from raiding.Originally, he planned to just resist casually, break through the Qin army's surprise attack, turn around and leave.

In this way, even if there are casualties, it will only be about a thousand people.

But if you fight hard, none of them will survive.

And even if the whole army of [-] soldiers presses up, he is not sure that he can hold the Qin army for five hours, let alone twelve hours a day.

"Remember, what Shan Yu said, you have to do it if you can, or you have to do it if you can't. Either block the Qin army for a day, and then let the Qin army go down to bury the soldiers."

"Or, you lead the army to retreat immediately, and when the Qin army comes to kill, my 50 army, the last hope of my Huns, will be completely shattered on this Gobi!"

Tulu shook his head, no matter how Darpa explained, how he shook his head.

However, some things are settled, and he can't change them, he can only implement them.

"Darpa, think about what to do. Shan Yu said, he won't blame you, just make a good choice. I still have military affairs, so I have to go and execute them immediately. Let's go!"

Tulu suddenly got on his horse, looked at Darpa, sighed, turned the horse's head, and left directly.

Seeing this, Darpa tremblingly stretched out his hand, wanting to keep him, but the words came to his lips, but he couldn't utter them.

The conversation between the two, because they were facing the wind, the Hun soldiers behind couldn't hear them, they just looked at this side one by one.

After a long time, Darpa turned around and returned to the team.

"General, but Chanyu has orders?"

"General, what did Shan Yu order?"

Below, someone couldn't help asking.

"Shan Yu has ordered that food has been found ahead. The army is preparing ahead, and it will take some time. I just need to pester Qin Jun, and when the time is up, we can have dinner!"

Darpa's eyes were red, he forced a smile on his face, raised his hands, and shouted loudly.

"Really? Is there something to eat?"

"Ah... great... great..."

"Finally, I don't have to starve to death, I finally have something to eat!"

"Hahaha, brothers, did you hear that, Shanyu is ready to eat and wait for us, after this battle, we can eat and drink enough, and go home!"

The soldiers below had already fainted from hunger, and when they suddenly heard that there was food, they felt as if they had been injected with chicken blood. The atmosphere of excitement soon enveloped the entire army.

The Huns have always had strict military discipline, or in other words, the Huns have never been good at lying.

On the grasslands of the Huns where everyone is a knight, the problems of the Huns have always been solved with fists.Liars are always contemptible.

Therefore, even when marching and fighting, the generals above rarely lie.

For example, in these days of marching, the people below are starving, but Mao Dun and others never deliberately draw big cakes.

In a word, go home, you must go home immediately.

Those who can persist until they return to the Huns will naturally have food and drink, and a life to live well.

But if you can’t hold on, then there’s nothing you can do.

Therefore, during the march these days, the soldiers below are almost relying on their own endurance to move forward.

At this moment, when I suddenly heard that the food was ready to eat, no one doubted it, and took it seriously.

But they don't know that Wang Mei quenches their thirst, they have become a group of victims on the roster.

"Now, cheer up your twelve points, wait for the arrival of the Qin army, defeat the Qin army, and I can have dinner later!"

Looking at the excited expressions of the soldiers below, Darpa wiped away tears in his heart, and his voice suddenly became hoarse.

(End of this chapter)

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