Chapter 1442 Gobi
"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

High-spirited, the voice of the [-] army resounded in this endless desert, and was carried to another distant place by the cold wind blowing from a distance.


The desert is dry, but there are oases.

In the desert, the place suitable for human survival is the oasis.

The word oasis may have a relatively small scope.In many people's minds, an oasis is a basin in the desert.

Perhaps it was because the influx of underground rivers brought vitality to a certain basin, so an oasis appeared.

Or maybe it was because of some other reasons that oases appeared one after another.

But no matter how the oasis appeared, in the eyes of many people, it seems to be a piece of heaven and earth the size of a palm, and it is already considered remarkable to be able to form a city.

Generally speaking, an oasis can barely survive tens of thousands of people.An oasis that can accommodate more than 10 people, or even tens of thousands of people, can be called a super-large oasis.

Actually, not at all.

If you really want to compare an oasis to a place in the desert that is suitable for human survival, then the Xiongnu grassland is the largest oasis in the desert.

The formation of the Xiongnu grassland is related to both groundwater and natural water.

The rivers in the grasslands come from groundwater, as well as fine water and streams left by the melting ice and snow in the Kunlun Mountains.

Because of the existence of these inexhaustible natural water, the grassland has become an oasis that never falls in the desert.

In the desert, however, an oasis is much more than a savannah.

There are more oases than savannahs.

It's just that some are bigger and some are smaller.Some oases have become part of the desert in the long history of time.

However, the oasis was preserved in the end, either becoming a paradise or a human territory.

Among them, many Gobi deserts were once an oasis.

In front, the Xiongnu army went to such a Gobi.

This piece of Gobi was once a relatively large oasis.The oasis was once very prosperous and full of people. Therefore, there are many traces of human existence in the Gobi Zhonghai.

For example, dilapidated buildings, dilapidated houses and so on.

These houses have become decayed after a long period of weathering.

But some wood buried in the soil can still be used, such as burning fire.

Mao Dun led the army, stopped on this Gobi, and immediately sent people to look for wood, and soon, he gathered a mountain of wood.

Piles of huge bonfires were lit, and soon, the tired and cold soldiers gathered around the fire to keep warm.

The feeling of going from cold to extreme, to slowly feeling warm, can be said to be unstoppable.

It's not that it's so comfortable that you can't stop it, but it's so uncomfortable that you can't stop it.

When people are cold, they long for warmth.But it was extremely cold, and it was difficult to adapt to the sudden touch of warmth.

The feeling like an electric current passing through the whole body made people tremble, and fell into a state of complete weakness, wishing to convulse all over.

Looking at the soldiers surrounded by piles of bonfires, enjoying the warmth brought by the firelight, Mo Dun stood on the Gobi hills, watching this scene with a solemn expression, unable to see any expressions clearly.

He didn't bother these soldiers to keep warm, but waited. After about a quarter of an hour, he finally spoke, and told Gu Huan, another general who had just returned from busy work, who was also one of the eighteen wolf generals behind him. : "Send down the order to cut up all the fallen war horses and roast them!"

When Gu Huan heard the words, he responded and turned inside.

Soon, the thousands of horses that fell along the way were split up on the spot, divided into pieces, and handed over to each soldier before they were grilled on the bonfire.

The BBQ was bland, not even salt.

However, for those who are already hungry, it is the most delicious delicacy in the world.

Many people eat clean meat before it is cooked.

Of course, Mo Dun had nothing to do with this, and after the corpses of the horses were eaten up, he ordered the killing of two thousand more horses one after another.

This time, the meat is basically too much to eat.

Even if there are hundreds of thousands of troops, they are not worthless.

If the meat of these thousands of war horses is not enough to eat, it will be unreasonable.

After the people below had eaten and drank enough, Maodun issued an order again, leaving 3000 people standing guard, and the rest immediately took orders and rested on the spot.

Although it was still broad daylight and noon, these soldiers were already exhausted.

Now that he is full of food and drink, he is suddenly ordered to rest, how can he bear it?

Basically everyone fell asleep at the end of the day.

Not long after, there were muffled sounds one after another on the Gobi, and the countless snoring sounds gathered together, really like thunder.

Relying on the Gobi hills, avoiding the cold wind, and relying on the campfire to keep warm, these soldiers slept contentedly.

After this sleep, time passed quickly, and before I knew it, the sky had already darkened.

Finally, following Mao Dun's order, hundreds of thousands of troops were awakened from their dreams one after another.

"Well, what happened?"

"Are you going to march?"

Hundreds of thousands of troops looked stunned, and they slept comfortably, but they didn't get enough sleep yet.

"With orders from Shan Yu, everyone can act and ambush the Qin army!"

Just when everyone was wondering, a war horse came galloping, and saw one of the eighteen wolf generals.

Now Tulu, one of the three generals, came here on horseback, galloping all the way through the army, shouting constantly, conveying Shanyu Modun's orders.

Hearing this, these Hun soldiers were taken aback, and then they realized that they all started to act immediately.

Under the deployment of Mao Dun and the generals below, preparations before an ambush began.


"I said, Old General Gan Hong, you have fought so many games before this, and it's my turn next, right?"

On the other side of the desert, it is more than 100 miles away from the Gobi where the Xiongnu army is located.

I saw here, a hundred thousand troops gathered.

The clothes of these soldiers are completely different from those of the Huns.

These are real armored soldiers, and the armor on their bodies, dressed in the Central Plains style, is obviously the Great Qin Heijia.

But they communicate with each other, not using the official language of Qin State, but a kind of official language that was popular in various countries in the Southwest.

These people are all Daqin Heijia, but they belong to the Southwest Army.

Today, the life of the Southwest Army is not comparable to that of the fugitives of the Huns.

The Huns, enduring hunger every day, fled in front.

But among the [-] troops chasing after them, among them, Gan Hong led [-], and Duan Hu led [-].

In order to protect people from the cold, everyone in the team prepared chili and spirits in their hands.

In addition, there are boiled meat, dry food and so on.

And he wore thick clothes, and he ate and drank well along the way, his body was full of fire, and he was not afraid of the cold wind outside.

(End of this chapter)

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