Chapter 1443 Dispute
"No, you are too radical. This command, you and I cooperate with each other, just entangle the main force of the enemy army, and don't force it. Otherwise, if the enemy has hundreds of thousands of troops, if we really fight, you and I will not take advantage of it!"

The cold wind blows and the yellow sand rolls.Gan Hong looked at Duan Hu who was walking beside him in battle armor, and unceremoniously rejected Duan Hu's proposal.

"Hey, I said you, Old General Gan, but what you said is wrong. It is of course important to restrain the main force of the enemy army and slow down their journey."

"But if there is an opportunity to severely damage the enemy's troops, why not do it? The scouts came to report, the [-] Hun cavalry in front are none other than me today, you can't rob me!"

Duan Hu looked unhappy.

Originally, he was the chief general in this operation to contain the main force of the Huns.As a result, Gan Hong came later and almost snatched all the battles that belonged to him.

In the past three days, he played more than ten games in a row, but Duan Hu's chance to make a move was only two or three times.

Duan Hu himself is a fighting maniac, and he was angry before, so it's fine if he doesn't fight for Qin.

Now that he has made a move, how can he stand the battle of others repeatedly robbing him?
Each of these battles is a credit.

Although Duan Hu doesn't care about the so-called credit, Duan Yanshan needs it.

And he, Duan Hu, needs war to reflect himself, how can he allow an old man with half a foot in the coffin to snatch his own battlefield over and over again?

"General Duan, it's not that I'm robbing you of the [-] troops, but you and me. We shouldn't be entangled with the [-] troops. We've almost rested, so we should bypass the [-] blocking troops and go straight to the enemy. The main force!"

"It's still the same sentence. Our target is only the main force of the Huns, not the remnant soldiers. My southwest horse is characterized by long-term raids."

"As long as you bypass the [-] troops, you will be able to catch up with the main force of the Xiongnu, and make the main force of the Huns nowhere to escape. As soon as the marshal's rear army arrives, you will be able to take down the hundreds of thousands of Huns!"

Gan Hong narrowed his eyes slightly, looked into the distance, and said solemnly.

He Gan Hong is different from Duan Hu, Duan Hu is a fighting maniac, but he Gan Hong is already quite old.

Fighting for Daqin now is to make unworldly feats for his master.

He doesn't need any vigorous battles, he just needs to be on the battlefield, complete his mission, and sit upright with his identity.

The so-called performing their own duties, on the battlefield, everything needs to be coordinated, and it is not possible to win with the courage of everyone.

If you break out at this moment, you will die with the [-] cavalry left behind by the Xiongnu Shanyu.

Not to mention whether it will cause heavy casualties to one's own side in the end, even if there are not many casualties, they can be held back by the opponent. Once the main force of the Huns is allowed to escape.Even if this battle is completely defeated.

At that time, the Xiongnu army will return to their homeland and join the Donghu army of 50, which will be an army of one million.

At that time, even if Wang Lin led the rear army and felt that the troops would join together, and even the heavy army would join in, it would only be 50 million.

It is impossible to agree to a head-on encounter on the Xiongnu prairie.

You know, Wang Lin now has an army of 50, and he, Gan Hong, and Duan Hu each lead [-] Qingqi forward.Later, Wang Lin alone mobilized [-] supply troops.

This is the last 50 cavalry in the [-] army, just to transport food and supplies to supply the [-] army in front of them.

As for the rear army led by Wang Ling, 30 soldiers were all infantry.

Infantry on the grassland is a living target for the cavalry, without any combat effectiveness at all.

Therefore, no matter what, if you want to win this battle, you can give up all battles, and you only need to bite the enemy's main force.

"Old General Gan, I understand the truth of what you said, but have you ever thought about it, if I bypass the [-] army and go straight to the enemy's main force!"

"Once the war starts, what will happen if the [-] troops surround us from behind? At that time, we will be locked up!"

"The enemy army is several times larger than mine. Once blocked, it will instantly turn into an encirclement circle and surround us in it. At that time, we will be trapped in the mud, and there is no way to escape!"

Duan Hu shook his head, rejecting Gan Hong's statement.

Although he is a combat madman, he also has a lot of experience on the battlefield, and he can also think of many things.

Not as people say, well-developed limbs, simple mind.

"What I'm waiting for is a surprise attack. How can I give the [-] army a chance to react? How can I give the Xiongnu army a chance to react?"

Gan Hong also shook his head, Duan Hu said, of course he also thought about it.

However, he never thought about going head-to-head with the enemy. How could he let the enemy directly encircle him when he said they were encircling?
"I said Old General Gan, are you joking? The main force of the enemy army knows that we are stalking them, and they may attack at any time. How could they be unprepared?"

"The current enemy army is a frightened bird. The slightest disturbance will make them go all out. You tell me not to give them a chance to react, do you think it is possible?"

Duan Hu retorted without being polite.

Hearing this, Gan Hong couldn't help but fell silent.

That's right, today's enemy army is a frightened bird.A little wind and grass can make them jump up.

A [-]-strong army raided, leaving them no chance of responding?

If you say this, even a fool will not believe it.

It's like a person in a tiger's den, knowing that there is a big tiger in front of him, but still being defenseless, until the tiger pounces on him, there is no reaction, this is simply unrealistic.

"How about it, Old General Gan, can we start the battle now? No matter what, if you want to entangle the main force of the enemy army, you have to fight layer by layer!"

"On the way, the Huns have sent several waves of ambushes to stop them, isn't it just to get rid of us?"

"According to me, since he likes to send troops to block, let him send it. He sends one, we fight one, he sends [-], we fight [-]. Fight all the way, even if he can escape Grassland, by then, how many people will be left in the main force of the enemy army?"

"After all his men have finished fighting, even if we let him go back to the grassland, there won't be any threat, right?"

Seeing that Gan Hong didn't speak, Duan Hu spoke again and said in a deep voice.

After all, this time when Duan Hu took action, Wang Lin could still send Gan Hong. Everyone knows what it means.

In the final analysis, he just didn't want Duan Hu to go his own way, and there was only one person to discuss it.

In case of any war, he, Duan Hu, will act arbitrarily and will not discuss with Gan Hong.First of all, Wang Lin couldn't explain it.

If it wasn't for these reasons, Duan Hu wouldn't be bothered to talk nonsense with Gan Hong here.

Anyway, each leads the army, how to fight the army led by him is not his own business?
(End of this chapter)

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